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Living standards and land – longitudinal village level perspectives from five African countries: broad based improvements amid rural differentiation


  • Alobo Loison, S. 2015. “Rural Livelihood Diversification in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Literature Review.” The Journal of Development Studies 51 (9): 1125–1138.
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  • Andersson Djurfeldt, A., G. Djurfeldt, and D. B. Sarpong. 2014. “Community, Cohesion and Context: Agrarian Development and Religion in Eastern Region, Ghana.” Geoforum 52: 78–89.
  • Andersson Djurfeldt, A., O. Hall, A. Isinika, E. Msuya, and G. Tambang Yengoh. 2020. “Sustainable Agricultural Intensification in Four Tanzanian Villages—A View from the Ground and the Sky.” Sustainability 12 (20): 8304.
  • Andersson Djurfeldt, A., and E. Hillbom. 2016. “Pro-poor Agricultural Growth–Inclusion or Differentiation? Village Level Perspectives from Zambia.” Geoforum 75: 220–233.
  • Andersson Djurfeldt, A., E. Hillbom, and E. E. Msuya. 2021. “Ricing Fortunes - Agricultural Growth, Farm Intensification and Paddy Specialization in Two Tanzanian Villages.” In Assets, Prosperity and Rural Livelihoods: Insights From Longitudinal Studies in Tanzania, edited by D. Brockington, and C. Noe, 237–257. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Andersson Djurfeldt, A., E. Hillbom, W. O. Mulwafu, P. Mvula, and G. Djurfeldt. 2018. “‘The Family Farms Together, the Decisions, However are Made by the Man’—Matrilineal Land Tenure Systems, Welfare and Decision Making in Rural Malawi.” Land Use Policy 70: 601–610.
  • Andersson Djurfeldt, A., A. Kalindi, K. Lindsjö, and M. Wamulume. 2019. “Yearning to Farm–Youth, Agricultural Intensification and Land in Mkushi, Zambia.” Journal of Rural Studies 71: 85–93.
  • Andersson Djurfeldt, A., and S. K. Wambugu. 2011. “In-kind Transfers of Maize, Commercialization and Household Consumption in Kenya.” Journal of Eastern African Studies 5 (3): 447–464.
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  • Headey, D. D., and T. Jayne. 2014. “Adaptation to Land Constraints: Is Africa Different?” Food Policy 48: 18–33.
  • Hebinck, P. 2018. “De-/re-agrarianisation: Global Perspectives.” Journal of Rural Studies 61: 227–235.
  • Hebinck, P., N. Mtati, and C. Shackleton. 2018. “More Than Just Fields: Reframing Deagrarianisation in Landscapes and Livelihoods.” Journal of Rural Studies 61: 323–334.
  • Jayne, T., J. Chamberlin, and R. Benfica. 2018. “Africa’s Unfolding Economic Transformation.” The Journal of Development Studies 54 (5): 777–787.
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  • Jayne, T. S., D. Mather, and E. Mghenyi. 2010. “Principal Challenges Confronting Smallholder Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa.” World Development 38 (10): 1384–1398.
  • Jirström, M., M. Archila Bustos, and S. Alobo Loison. 2018. “African Smallholder Farmers on the Move: Farm and Non-Farm Trends for Six Sub-Saharan African Countries.” In Agriculture, Diversification and Gender in Rural Africa, edited by A. Andersson Djurfeldt, F. M. Dzanku, and A. Isinika, 17–53. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Lindsjö, K., A. A. Andersson Djurfeldt, A. C. Isinika, and E. Msuya. 2020. “Youths' Participation in Agricultural Intesification in Tanzania.” AIMS Agriculture and Food 5 (4): 681–699.
  • Masters, W. A., A. Andersson Djurfeldt, C. De Haan, P. Hazell, T. Jayne, M. Jirström, and T. Reardon. 2013. “Urbanization and Farm Size in Asia and Africa: Implications for Food Security and Agricultural Research.” Global Food Security 2 (3): 156–165. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2013.07.002.
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  • Noe, C., and D. Brockington. 2021. “Telling the Stories of Asset Accumulation.” In Assets, Prosperity and Rural Livelihoods: Insights from Longitudinal Studies in Tanzania, edited by D. Brockington, and C. Noe, 363–382. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Olofsson, M. 2020. “Socio-Economic Differentiation from a Class-Analytic Perspective: The Case of Smallholder Tree-Crop Farmers in Limpopo, South Africa.” Journal of Agrarian Change 20 (1): 37–59.
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  • Ponte, S., and D. Brockington. 2020. “From Pyramid to Pointed egg? A 20-Year Perspective on Poverty, Prosperity, and Rural Transformation in Tanzania.” African Affairs 119 (475): 203–223.
  • Rosegrant, M., and P. Hazell. 2000. Transforming the Rural Asian Economy: The Unfinished Revolution. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.
  • Shackleton, S. E., and P. Hebinck. 2018. “Through the ‘Thick and Thin’ of Farming on the Wild Coast, South Africa.” Journal of Rural Studies 61: 277–289.
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  • Zamchiya, P. 2013. “The Role of Politics and State Practices in Shaping Rural Differentiation: A Study of Resettled Small-Scale Farmers in South-Eastern Zimbabwe.” Journal of Southern African Studies 39 (4): 937–953.