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Student support and tuition fee systems in comparative perspective



  • Agasisti, T., and S. Murtinu. 2016. “Grants in Italian University: A Look at the Heterogeneity of Their Impact on Students’ Performances.” Studies in Higher Education 41 (6): 1106–32. doi:10.1080/03075079.2014.966670.
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  • Brady, D., and A. Bostic. 2015. “Paradoxes of Social Policy Welfare Transfers, Relative Poverty, and Redistribution Preferences.” American Sociological Review 80 (2): 268–98. doi:10.1177/0003122415573049.
  • Callender, C., and J. Jackson. 2008. “Does the Fear of Debt Constrain Choice of University and Subject of Study?” Studies in Higher Education 33 (4): 405–29. doi:10.1080/03075070802211802.
  • Castleman, B. L., and B. T. Long. 2016. “Looking Beyond Enrollment: The Causal Effect of Need-Based Grants on College Access, Persistence, and Graduation.” Journal of Labor Economics 34 (4): 1023–73. doi: https://doi.org/10.1086/686643
  • Chevalier, T. 2016. “Varieties of Youth Welfare Citizenship: Towards a Two-Dimension Typology.” Journal of European Social Policy 26 (1): 3–19. doi:10.1177/0958928715621710.
  • Chevalier, T. 2018. “Social Citizenship of Young People in Europe: A Comparative Institutional Analysis.” Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 20 (3): 304–23. doi:10.1080/13876988.2017.1320160.
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  • Dynarski, S., and J. Scott-Clayton. 2013. “Financial Aid Policy: Lessons from Research.” The Future of Children 23 (1): 67–91. doi:10.3386/w18710 doi: https://doi.org/10.1353/foc.2013.0002
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  • Marcucci, P. 2013. “The Politics of Student Funding Policies from a Comparative Perspective.” In Student Financing of Higher Education. A Comparative Perspective, edited by D. E. Heller and C. Callender, 9–31. New York: Routledge.
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  • Morel, N., B. Palier, and J. Palme. 2012. Towards a Social Investment Welfare State? Ideas, Policies and Challenges. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
  • Nelson, K., and J. Fritzell. 2014. “Welfare States and Population Health: The Role of Minimum Income Benefits for Mortality.” Social Science and Medicine 112: 63–71. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.04.029
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  • Rubin, M., and Ch. L. Wright. 2017. “Time and Money Explain Social Class Differences in Students’ Social Integration at University.” Studies in Higher Education 42 (2): 315–30. doi:10.1080/03075079.2015.1045481.
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  • Van Oorschot, V. 2013. “Comparative Welfare State Analysis with Survey-Based Benefit: Recipiency Data: The ‘Dependent Variable Problem’ Revisited.” European Journal of Social Security 15 (3): 224–48. doi:10.1177/138826271301500301.
  • Willemse, N., and P. de Beer. 2012. “Three Worlds of Educational Welfare States? A Comparative Study of Higher Education Systems Across Welfare States.” Journal of European Social Policy 22 (2): 105–17. doi:10.1177/0958928711433656.
  • Ziderman, A. 2013. “Student Loan Schemes in Practice: A Global Perspective.” In Student Financing of Higher Education. A Comparative Perspective, edited by D. E. Heller and C. Callender, 32–60. New York: Routledge.