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What business schools do to support academic entrepreneurship: a systematic literature review and future research agenda



  • *Denotes 49 papers forming the systematic review.
  • *Abreu, M., and V. Grinevich. 2017. “Gender Patterns in AE.” The Journal of Technology Transfer 42 (4): 763–94.
  • Anderseck, K. 2004. “Institutional and Academic Entrepreneurship: Implications for University Governance and Management.” Higher Education in Europe 29 (2): 193–200.
  • *Ankrah, S. N., T. F. Burgess, P. Grimshaw, and N. E. Shaw. 2013. “Asking Both University and Industry Actors about Their Engagement in Knowledge Transfer: What Single-Group Studies of Motives Omit.” Technovation 33 (2-3): 50–65.
  • *Arranz, N., F. Ubierna, M. F. Arroyabe, C. Perez, and J. C. Fdez. de Arroyabe. 2017. “The Effect of Curricular and Extracurricular Activities on University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention and Competences.” Studies in Higher Education 42 (11): 1979–2008.
  • *Belitski, M., A. Aginskaja, and R. Marozau. 2019. “Commercializing University Research in Transition Economies: Technology Transfer Offices or Direct Industrial Funding?” Research Policy 48 (3): 601–15.
  • Bennett, R., and S. Kane. 2011. “Internationalization of UK University Business Schools: A Survey of Current Practice.” Journal of Studies in International Education 15 (4): 351–73.
  • *Bolzani, D., E. Rasmussen, and R. Fini. 2020. “Spin-Offs’ Linkages to their Parent Universities Over Time: The Performance Implications of Equity, Geographical Proximity, and Technological Ties”.
  • Bradshaw, D. 2007. “Business School Rankings: The Love-Hate Relationship.” The Journal of Management Development 26 (1): 54–60.
  • Burgelman, R. A., S. W. Floyd, T. Laamanen, S. Mantere, E. Vaara, and R. Whittington. 2018. “Strategy Processes and Practices: Dialogues and Intersections.” Strategic Management Journal 39 (3): 531–58.
  • Cantner, U., J. A. Cunningham, E. E. Lehmann, and M. Menter. 2020. “Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Dynamic Lifecycle Model.” Small Business Economics, 1–17.
  • *Chatterji, A., S. Delecourt, S. Hasan, and R. Koning. 2019. “When Does Advice Impact Startup Performance?” Strategic Management Journal 40 (3): 331–56.
  • *Clarysse, B., V. Tartari, and A. Salter. 2011. “The Impact of Entrepreneurial Capacity, Experience and Organizational Support on AE.” Research Policy 40 (8): 1084–93.
  • Cornuel, E. 2007. “Challenges Facing Business Schools in the Future.” Journal of Management Development 26: 87–92.
  • Cunningham, J. A., and M. Menter. 2020. “Guest Editorial.” Journal of Management Development 39 (5): 581–598. doi:10.1108/JMD-04-2020-0129.
  • Cunningham, J. A., M. Menter, and C. O’Kane. 2018. “Value Creation in the Quadruple Helix: A Micro Level Conceptual Model of Principal Investigators as Value Creators.” R&D Management 48 (1): 136–47.
  • de Bruijn-Smolders, M., C. F. Timmers, J. C. Gawke, W. Schoonman, and M. P. Born. 2016. “Effective Self-Regulatory Processes in Higher Education: Research Findings and Future Directions.” A Systematic Review. Studies in Higher Education 41 (1): 139–58.
  • De Silva, M. 2016. “Academic Entrepreneurship and Traditional Academic Duties: Synergy or Rivalry?” Studies in Higher Education 41 (12): 2169–83.
  • Del Giudice, M., M. Nicotra, M. Romano, and C. E. Schillaci. 2017. “Entrepreneurial Performance of Principal Investigators and Country Culture: Relations and Influences.” The Journal of Technology Transfer 42 (2): 320–337.
  • Dostaler, I., and J. Tomberlin. 2013. “The Great Divide Between Business Schools Research and Business Practice.” Canadian Journal of Higher Education 43 (1): 115–28.
  • *Edelman, L. F., T. S. Manolova, and C. G. Brush. 2008. “Entrepreneurship Education: Correspondence Between Practices of Nascent Entrepreneurs and Textbook Prescriptions for Success.” Academy of Management Learning & Education 7 (1): 56–70.
  • *Etzkowitz, H., E. Germain-Alamartine, J. Keel, C. Kumar, K. N. Smith, and E. Albats. 2019. “Entrepreneurial University Dynamics: Structured Ambivalence, Relative Deprivation and Institution-Formation in the Stanford Innovation System.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 141 (C): 159–71.
  • Fleming, P. 2020. “Dark Academia: Despair in the Neoliberal Business School.” Journal of Management Studies 57 (6): 1305–11.
  • *Gianiodis, P. T., and W. R. Meek. 2020. “Entrepreneurial Education for the Entrepreneurial University: A Stakeholder Perspective.” The Journal of Technology Transfer 45 (4): 1167–95.
  • *Gielnik, M. M., M. A. Uy, R. Funken, and K. M. Bischoff. 2017. “Boosting and Sustaining Passion: A Long-Term Perspective on the Effects of Entrepreneurship Training.” Journal of Business Venturing 32 (3): 334–53.
  • *Gilmore, A., A. McAuley, M. P. Miles, and H. Pattinson. 2020. “Four Questions of Entrepreneurial Marketing Education: Perspectives of University Educators.” Journal of Business Research 113: 189–97.
  • *Goethner, M., and M. Wyrwich. 2019. “Cross-faculty Proximity and AE: The Role of Business Schools.” The Journal of Technology Transfer 45: 1016–1062.
  • Grey, C. 2001. “Re-Imagining Relevance: A Response to Starkey and Madan.” British Journal of Management 12: S27–32.
  • Grey, C. 2002. “What are Business Schools for? On Silence and Voice in Management Education.” Journal of Management Education 26 (5): 496–511.
  • Grimaldi, R., M. Kenney, D. S. Siegel, and M. Wright. 2011. “30 years after Bayh–Dole: Reassessing academic entrepreneurship.” Research Policy 40 (8): 1045–1057.
  • *Guerrero, M., J. A. Cunningham, and D. Urbano. 2015. “Economic Impact of Entrepreneurial Universities’ Activities: An Exploratory Study of the United Kingdom.” Research Policy 44 (3): 748–64.
  • *Guerrero, M., and D. Urbano. 2014. “Academics’ Start-Up Intentions and Knowledge Filters: An Individual Perspective of the Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship.” Small Business Economics 43 (1): 57–74.
  • *Gümüsay, A. A., and T. M. Bohné. 2018. “Individual and Organizational Inhibitors to the Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies in Universities.” Research Policy 47 (2): 363–78.
  • *Gür, U., İS Oylumlu, and Ö Kunday. 2017. “Critical Assessment of Entrepreneurial and Innovative Universities Index of Turkey: Future Directions.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 123: 161–8.
  • *Hannon, P. D. 2018. “On Becoming and Being an Entrepreneurship Educator: A Personal Reflection.” Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 30 (7-8): 698–721.
  • Hayter, C. S., and D. R. Cahoy. 2018. “Toward a Strategic View of Higher Education Social Responsibilities: A Dynamic Capabilities Approach.” Strategic Organization 16 (1): 12–34.
  • *Hayter, C. S., R. Lubynsky, and S. Maroulis. 2017. “Who is the Academic Entrepreneur? The Role of Graduate Students in the Development of University Spinoffs.” The Journal of Technology Transfer 42 (6): 1237–54.
  • *Hayter, C. S., A. J. Nelson, S. Zayed, and A. C. O’Connor. 2018. “Conceptualizing AE Ecosystems: A Review, Analysis and Extension of the Literature.” The Journal of Technology Transfer 43 (4): 1039–82.
  • Hogan, O., M. A. Kortt, and M. B. Charles. 2021. “Mission Impossible? Are Australian Business Schools Creating Public Value?” International Journal of Public Administration 44 (4): 280–289. doi:10.1080/01900692.2020.1715425.
  • *Huang-Saad, A., J. Fay, and L. Sheridan. 2017. “Closing the Divide: Accelerating Technology Commercialization by Catalyzing the University Entrepreneurial Ecosystem with I-Corps™.” The Journal of Technology Transfer 42 (6): 1466–86.
  • Jack, A. 2020. “Academic Focus Limits Business Schools’ Contribution to Society.” Accessed January 29, 2021. https://www.ft.com/content/5953739c-3b94-11ea-b84f-a62c46f39bc2.
  • *Kim, W. 2015. “The Current Transition in Management of Technology Education: The Case of Korea.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 100: 5–20.
  • Leih, S., and D. Teece. 2016. “Campus Leadership and the Entrepreneurial University: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective.” Academy of Management Perspectives 30 (2): 182–210.
  • *Levie, J. 2014. “The University is the Classroom: Teaching and Learning Technology Commercialization at a Technological University.” The Journal of Technology Transfer 39 (5): 793–808.
  • *Lockett, N., F. Cave, R. Kerr, and S. Robinson. 2009. “The Influence of Co-Location in Higher Education Institutions on Small Firms’ Perspectives of Knowledge Transfer.” Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 21 (3): 265–83.
  • Macfarlane, B., J. Zhang, and A. Pun. 2014. “Academic Integrity: A Review of the Literature.” Studies in Higher Education 39 (2): 339–58.
  • Mars, M. M., and C. Rios-Aguilar. 2010. “Academic Entrepreneurship (re) Defined: Significance and Implications for the Scholarship of Higher Education.” Higher Education 59 (4): 441–60.
  • *Marzocchi, C., F. Kitagawa, and M. Sánchez-Barrioluengo. 2019. “Evolving Missions and University Entrepreneurship: Academic Spin-Offs and Graduate Start-Ups in the Entrepreneurial Society.” The Journal of Technology Transfer 44 (1): 167–88.
  • McAdam, M., K. Miller, and R. McAdam. 2016. “Situated Regional University Incubation: A Multi-Level Stakeholder Perspective.” Technovation 50: 69–78.
  • *McAdam, M., R. McAdam, B. Galbraith, and K. Miller. 2010. “An Exploratory Study of Principal Investigator Roles in UK University Proof-of-Concept Processes: An Absorptive Capacity Perspective.” R&D Management 40 (5): 455–73.
  • *Millan, J. M., E. Congregado, C. Roman, M. Van Praag, and A. Van Stel. 2014. “The Value of an Educated Population for an Individual’s Entrepreneurship Success.” Journal of Business Venturing 29 (5): 612–32.
  • Miller, K., A. Alexander, J. A. Cunningham, and E. Albats. 2018. “Entrepreneurial Academics and Academic Entrepreneurs: A Systematic Literature Review.” International Journal of Technology Management 77 (1-3): 9–37.
  • *Morris, M., M. Schindehutte, V. Edmonds, and C. Watters. 2011. “Inner City Engagement and the University: Mutuality, Emergence and Transformation.” Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 23 (5–6): 287–315.
  • *Munshaw, S., S. H. Lee, P. H. Phan, and K. A. Marr. 2019. “The Influence of Human Capital and Perceived University Support on Patent Applications of Biomedical Investigators.” The Journal of Technology Transfer 44 (4): 1216–35.
  • *Nabi, G., F. Liñán, A. Fayolle, N. Krueger, and A. Walmsley. 2017. “The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda.” Academy of Management Learning & Education 16 (2): 277–99.
  • Nelles, J., and T. Vorley. 2010. “Constructing an Entrepreneurial Architecture: An Emergent Framework for Studying the Contemporary University Beyond the Entrepreneurial Turn.” Innovative Higher Education 35 (3): 161–76.
  • Nikiforou, A., T. Zabara, B. Clarysse, and M. Gruber. 2018. “The Role of Teams in Academic Spin-Offs.” Academy of Management Perspectives 32 (1): 78–103.
  • Noorda, S. 2011. “Future Business Schools.” The Journal of Management Development 30 (5): 519–25.
  • *O’Connor, A. 2013. “A Conceptual Framework for Entrepreneurship Education Policy: Meeting Government and Economic Purposes.” Journal of Business Venturing 28 (4): 546–63.
  • O’Kane, C., J. A. Zhang, J. A. Cunningham, and L. Dooley. 2020. “Value Capture Mechanisms in Publicly Funded Research.” Industrial Marketing Management 90: 400–16.
  • Oliver, C. 1991. “Strategic Responses to Institutional Processes.” Academy of Management Review 16 (1): 145–79.
  • Parmar, B. 2005. “University Spin-Outs and Their Management Challenges.” Engineering Management 15 (6): 12–15.
  • Pfeffer, J., and C. T. Fong. 2002. “The End of Business Schools? Less Success Than Meets the eye.” Academy of Management Learning & Education 1 (1): 78–95.
  • Phan, P. H., and D. S. Siegel. 2006. “The Effectiveness of University Technology Transfer.” Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship 2 (2): 77–144.
  • Pittaway, L., and R. Thorpe. 2012. “A Framework for Entrepreneurial Learning: A Tribute to Jason Cope.” Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 24: 837–59. doi:10.1080/08985626.2012.694268.
  • *Politis, D., J. Winborg, and ÅL Dahlstrand. 2012. “Exploring the Resource Logic of Student Entrepreneurs.” International Small Business Journal 30 (6): 659–83.
  • *Pugh, R., W. Lamine, S. Jack, and E. Hamilton. 2018. “The Entrepreneurial University and the Region: What Role for Entrepreneurship Departments?” European Planning Studies 26 (9): 1835–55.
  • Puig, B., P. Blanco-Anaya, I. M. Bargiela, and B. Crujeiras-Pérez. 2019. “A Systematic Review on Critical Thinking Intervention Studies in Higher Education Across Professional Fields.” Studies in Higher Education 44 (5): 860–9.
  • *Rasmussen, E., S. Mosey, and M. Wright. 2014. “The Influence of University Departments on the Evolution of Entrepreneurial Competencies in Spin-Off Ventures.” Research Policy 43 (1): 92–106.
  • *Rasmussen, E., and M. Wright. 2015. “How Can Universities Facilitate Academic Spin-Offs? An Entrepreneurial Competency Perspective.” The Journal of Technology Transfer 40 (5): 782–99.
  • *Rauch, A., and W. Hulsink. 2015. “Putting Entrepreneurship Education Where the Intention to act Lies: An Investigation Into the Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Behavior.” Academy of Management Learning & Education 14 (2): 187–204.
  • Sadler-Smith, E., and I. Cojuharenco. 2020. “Business Schools and Hubris: Cause or Cure?” Academy of Management Learning & Education, (ja). https://journals.aom.org/doi/10.5465/amle.2019.0289.
  • Schmitz, A., D. Urbano, G. A. Dandolini, J. A. de Souza, and M. Guerrero. 2017. “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Academic Setting: A Systematic Literature Review.” International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 13 (2): 369–95.
  • Shane, S. A. 2004. Academic Entrepreneurship: University Spinoffs and Wealth Creation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • *Siegel, D. S., and M. Wright. 2015. “AE: Time for a Rethink?” British Journal of Management 26 (4): 582–95.
  • *Simeone, L., G. Secundo, and G. Schiuma. 2017. “Adopting a Design Approach to Translate Needs and Interests of Stakeholders in AE: The MIT Senseable City Lab Case.” Technovation 64: 58–67.
  • *Smith, H. L., and S. Bagchi-Sen. 2012. “The Research University, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: Research Propositions and Current Evidence.” Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 24 (5–6): 383–404.
  • *Snihur, Y., W. Lamine, and M. Wright. 2018. “Educating Engineers to Develop New Business Models: Exploiting Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Technology-Based Firms.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 164: 119518.
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  • Starkey, K., and S. Tempest. 2009. “The Winter of Our Discontent: The Design Challenge for Business Schools.” Academy of Management Learning & Education 8 (4): 576–86.
  • *Tartari, V., M. Perkmann, and A. Salter. 2014. “In Good Company: The Influence of Peers on Industry Engagement by Academic Scientists.” Research Policy 43 (7): 1189–203.
  • Ucbasaran, D., D. A. Shepherd, A. Lockett, and S. J. Lyon. 2013. “Life After Business Failure: The Process and Consequences of Business Failure for Entrepreneurs.” Journal of Management 39 (1): 163–202.
  • *Uslu, B., A. Calikoglu, F. N. Seggie, and S. H. Seggie. 2019. “The Entrepreneurial University and Academic Discourses: The Meta-Synthesis of Higher Education Articles.” Higher Education Quarterly 73 (3): 285–311.
  • *Villani, E., C. Linder, and R. Grimaldi. 2018. “Effectuation and Causation in Science-Based New Venture Creation: A Configurational Approach.” Journal of Business Research 83: 173–85.
  • *Villani, E., E. Rasmussen, and R. Grimaldi. 2017. “How Intermediary Organizations Facilitate University–Industry Technology Transfer: A Proximity Approach.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 114: 86–102.
  • Wadhwani, R. D., G. Galvez-Behar, J. Mercelis, and A. Guagnini. 2017. “AE and Institutional Change in Historical Perspective.” Management & Organizational History 12 (3): 175–98.
  • *Wakkee, I., P. van der Sijde, C. Vaupell, and K. Ghuman. 2019. “The University’s Role in Sustainable Development: Activating Entrepreneurial Scholars as Agents of Change.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 141: 195–205.
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  • *Wennberg, K., J. Wiklund, and M. Wright. 2011. “The Effectiveness of University Knowledge Spillovers: Performance Differences Between University Spinoffs and Corporate Spinoffs.” Research Policy 40 (8): 1128–43.
  • *Wright, M. 2014. “AE, Technology Transfer and Society: Where Next?” The Journal of Technology Transfer 39 (3): 322–34.
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