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Inclusive internationalisation: do different (social) groups of students need different internationalisation activities?



  • Ahmad, Akhlaq. 2020. “Ethnic Discrimination Against Second-generation Immigrants in Hiring: Empirical Evidence from a Correspondence Test.” European Societies, 1–23. doi:10.1080/14616696.2020.1822536.
  • Almeida, Joana, Sue Robson, Marilia Morosini, and Caroline Baranzeli. 2019. “Understanding Internationalization at Home: Perspectives from the Global North and South.” European Educational Research Journal 18 (2): 200–17. doi:10.1177/1474904118807537.
  • Armstrong, Elizabeth A., and Laura T. Hamilton. 2013. Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Bathmaker, Ann-Marie, Nicola Ingram, and Richard Waller. 2013. “Higher Education, Social Class and the Mobilisation of Capitals: Recognising and Playing the Game.” British Journal of Sociology of Education 34 (5-6): 723–43. doi:10.1080/01425692.2013.816041.
  • Beelen, Jos, and Elspeth Jones. 2015. “Europe Calling: A New Definition for Internationalization at Home.” International Higher Education 83: 12–3.
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  • Blommaert, Lieselotte, Marcel Coenders, and Frank van Tubergen. 2014. “Discrimination of Arabic-Named Applicants in the Netherlands: An Internet-Based Field Experiment Examining Different Phases in Online Recruitment Procedures.” Social Forces 92 (3): 957–82. doi:10.1093/sf/sot124.
  • Christie, Hazel, Viviene E. Cree, Eve Mullins, and Lyn Tett. 2018. “‘University Opened Up So Many Doors for Me’: The Personal and Professional Development of Graduates from Non-traditional Backgrounds.” Studies in Higher Education 43 (11): 1938–48. doi:10.1080/03075079.2017.1294577.
  • De Wit, Hans, Fiona Hunter, Laura Howard, and Eva Egron-Polak. 2015. Internationalisation of Higher Education. Brussels: European Union.
  • De Wit, Hans, and Elspeth Jones. 2018. “Inclusive Internationalization: Improving Access and Equity.” International Higher Education 94: 16–8.
  • D'Hooge, Lorenzo. 2019. Mind Over Matter: Causes and Consequences of Class Discordance. Alblasserdam: Ridderprint.
  • Feliciano, Cynthia, and Yader R. Lanuza. 2017. “An Immigrant Paradox? Contextual Attainment and Intergenerational Educational Mobility.” American Sociological Review 82 (1): 211–41. doi:10.1177/0003122416684777.
  • Glass, Chris R. 2012. “Educational Experiences Associated With International Students’ Learning, Development, and Positive Perceptions of Campus Climate.” Journal of Studies in International Education 16 (3): 228–51. doi:10.1177/1028315311426783.
  • Hurst, Allison L. 2018. “Classed Outcomes: How Class Differentiates the Careers of Liberal Arts College Graduates in the US.” British Journal of Sociology of Education 39 (8): 1075–93. doi:10.1080/01425692.2018.1455495.
  • Janebova, Eva, and Christopher J. Johnstone. 2021. “Mapping the Dimensions of Inclusive Internationalization.” In Inequalities in Study Abroad and Student Mobility. Navigating Challenges and Future Directions, edited by Suzan Kommers, and Krishna Bista, 115–124. New York: Routledge.
  • Jon, Jae-Eun. 2013. “Realizing Internationalization at Home in Korean Higher Education: Promoting Domestic Students’ Interaction with International Students and Intercultural Competence.” Journal of Studies in International Education 17 (4): 455–70. doi:10.1177/1028315312468329.
  • Khattab, Nabil. 2018. “Ethnicity and Higher Education: The Role of Aspirations, Expectations and Beliefs in Overcoming Disadvantage.” Ethnicities 18 (4): 457–70. doi:10.1177/1468796818777545.
  • Knight, Jane. 2012. “Student Mobility and Internationalisation: Trends and Tribulations.” Research in Comparative and International Education 7: 20–33.
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  • Netz, Nicolai, Michelle Barker, Steve Entrich, and Daniel Klasik. 2021. “Socio-demographics: A Global Overview of Inequalities in Education Abroad Participation.” In Education Abroad. Bridging Scholarship and Practice, edited by Anthony Ogden, Bernhard Streitwieser, and Christof Van Mol, 28–42. Oxon: Routledge.
  • Netz, Nicolai, and Claudia Finger. 2016. “New Horizontal Inequalities in German Higher Education? Social Selectivity of Studying Abroad Between 1991 and 2012.” Sociology of Education 89 (2): 79–98. doi:10.1177/0038040715627196.
  • Netz, Nicolai, and Andreas Sarcletti. 2021. “(Warum) beeinflusst ein Migrationshintergrund die Auslandsstudienabsicht?” In Migration, Mobilität und soziale Ungleichheit in der Hochschulbildung, edited by Monika Jungbauer-Gans, and Anja Gottburgsen, 103–36. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
  • Ogden, Anthony Charles, Bernhard Streitwieser, and Christof Van Mol. 2021. Education Abroad. Bridging Scholarship and Practice. New York: Routledge.
  • Pascarella, Ernest T., Christopher T. Pierson, Gregory C. Wolniak, and Patrick T. Terenzini. 2004. “First-Generation College Students. Additional Evidence on College Experiences and Outcomes.” The Journal of Higher Education 75 (3): 249–84.
  • Perez-Encinas, Adriana, Jesus Rodriguez-Pomeda, and Hans de Wit. 2020. “Factors Influencing Student Mobility: A Comparative European Study.” Studies in Higher Education, 1–14. doi:10.1080/03075079.2020.1725873.
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  • Reay, Diane. 2021. “The Working Classes and Higher Education: Meritocratic Fallacies of Upward Mobility in the United Kingdom.” European Journal of Education 56 (1): 53–64. doi:10.1111/ejed.12438.
  • Reay, Diane, Miriam E. David, and Stephen Ball. 2005. Degrees of Choice. Class, Race, Gender and Higher Education. Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books.
  • Reay, Diane, Jacqueline Davies, Miriam David, and Stephen J. Ball. 2001. “Choices of Degree or Degrees of Choice? Class, ‘Race’ and the Higher Education Choice Process.” Sociology 35 (4): 855–74.
  • Schendel, Rebecca, and Tristan McCowan. 2016. “Expanding Higher Education Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: The Challenges of Equity and Quality.” Higher Education 72 (4): 407–11. doi:10.1007/s10734-016-0028-6.
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  • Soria, Krista M., and Jordan Troisi. 2014. “Internationalization at Home Alternatives to Study Abroad:Implications for Students’ Development of Global, International, and Intercultural Competencies.” Journal of Studies in International Education 18 (3): 261–80. doi:10.1177/1028315313496572.
  • Stevens, Mitchell L., Elizabeth A. Armstrong, and Richard Arum. 2008. “Sieve, Incubator, Temple, Hub: Empirical and Theoretical Advances in the Sociology of Higher Education.” Annual Review of Sociology 34 (1): 127–51. doi:10.1146/annurev.soc.34.040507.134737.
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  • Walpole, MaryBeth. 2003. “Socioeconomic Status and College: How SES Affects College Experiences and Outcomes.” The Review of Higher Education 27 (1): 45–73.
  • Watkins, Heather, and Roy Smith. 2018. “Thinking Globally, Working Locally: Employability and Internationalization at Home.” Journal of Studies in International Education 22 (3): 210–24. doi:10.1177/1028315317751686.
  • Watson, Jo. 2013. “Profitable Portfolios: Capital That Counts in Higher Education.” British Journal of Sociology of Education 34 (3): 412–30. doi:10.1080/01425692.2012.710005.
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  • Zschirnt, Eva. 2020. “Evidence of Hiring Discrimination Against the Second Generation: Results from a Correspondence Test in the Swiss Labour Market.” Journal of International Migration and Integration 21 (2): 563–85. doi:10.1007/s12134-019-00664-1.
  • Zschirnt, Eva, and Didier Ruedin. 2016. “Ethnic Discrimination in Hiring Decisions: A Meta-analysis of Correspondence Tests 1990–2015.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42 (7): 1115–34. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2015.1133279.