Publication Cover
Imago Mundi
The International Journal for the History of Cartography
Volume 76, 2024 - Issue 1
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The Cultural Significance of Colour in Protestant Missionary World Maps, ca. 1840-1940

La signification culturelle de la couleur dans les cartes du monde des missionnaires protestants, ca. 1840–1940

El significado cultural del color en los mapamundis de los misioneros protestantes, ca. 1840–1940

Die kulturelle Bedeutung der Farbe in Weltkarten der protestantischen Mission, ca. 1840–1940

Appendix 1. Protestant Missionary Atlases (numbers to refer to maps in Table 1)

  • Bäschlin, H., lith. Welt-Karte der Mission (Schaffhausen: Evangelischen Missions-Anstalt Basel, 1844) (6a).
  • Beach, Harlan, et al., World Atlas of Christian Missions: Containing a Directory of Missionary Societies, a Classified Summary of Statistics, an Index of Mission Stations, and Maps Showing the Location of Mission Stations throughout the World (New York: Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1911) (19b).
  • Beach, Harlan and Charles H. Fahs, World Missionary Atlas, Containing a Directory of Missionary Societies, Classified Summary of Statistics, Maps Showing the Location of Mission Stations Throughout the World, a Descriptive Account of the Principal Mission Lands, and Comprehensive Indices (New York: Institute of social and religious research, 1925) (19c).
  • Grundemann, Reinhold, Allgemeiner Missions-Atlas nach Originalquellen: mit erläuterndem Texte (4 vols, Gotha: Justus Perthes, 1867-1871) (16b)
  • Grundemann, Reinhold, Kleiner Missions-Atlas zur Darstellung des evangelischen Missionswerkes (Stuttgart: Verlag der Vereinsbuchhandlung, 1886) (16a).
  • Grundemann, Reinhold, Neuer Missions-Atlas aller evangelischen Missionsgebiete mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Deutschen Missionen (Calw: Verlag der Vereinsbuchhandlung, 1896) (16c).
  • Grundemann, Reinhold, Neuer Missions-Atlas aller evangelischen Missionsgebiete mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Deutschen Missionen (Calw: 1903, Verlag der Vereinsbuchhandlung, 2nd ed.) (16d).
  • Josenhans, Joseph, Atlas der evangelischen Missions-Gesellschaft zu Basel: Nach den Angaben der Missionare Locher (Basel: Basler Mission, 1857) (11).
  • Missionsdirektion der Evangelischen Brüder, Missions-Atlas der Brüdergemeine, Achtzehn Karten mit erläuterndem text (Herrnhut: Missionsbuchhandlung, 1907) (18a).
  • Moravian Church and Mission Agency, The Moravian Missionary Atlas: Containing an Account of the Various Countries in which the Missions of the Moravian Church Are Carried On, and of its Missionary Operations (London: Moravian Church and Mission agency, 1908) (18b).
  • Morse, Sidney E., The Cerographic Missionary Atlas (New York: Sidney E. Morse & Co. 1848) (8).
  • Missions-karte der Erde (Basler Mission, Basel 1903) (6c).
  • Missionsweltkarte (Basel: Verlag der Missionsbuchhandlung, 1891) (6b).
  • The Church Missionary Atlas: Containing Maps of the Various Spheres of the Church Missionary Society, with Illustrative Letter-press (London: Church Missionary Society, 1862). The first edition was published in 1859; additional editions were issued in 1865, 1873, 1879, 1887, and 1896) (15).
  • World Missionary Conference Committee 1, Statistical Atlas of Christian Missions: Containing a Directory of Missionary Societies, a Classified Summary of Statistics, an Index of Mission Stations, and a Series of Specially Prepared Maps of Mission Fields (Edinburgh: The conference, 1910) (19a)
  • Wyld, James, An Atlas of Maps of Different Parts of the World; Designed to Show the Stations of the Protestant Missionaries (London: J. Wyld, 1839) (1).

Appendix 2. Protestant Missionary Wall and Sheet Maps (numbers to refer to maps in Table 1)

  • Colton, George Radcliffe, Missionary Map of the World Showing the Prevailing Religions of its Various Nations and the Central Stations of All Protestant Missionary Societies (New York: G.W. and C.B. Colton, 1906) (17).
  • Gilbert, John, Pictorial Missionary Map of the World (London: James Nisbet & Co., 1861) (13a).
  • Groen, J.A., A.J. Zn., del.; A.J. Wendel, engrav., ‘Wereldkaart der christelijke zendingsposten’ (s.l.: Meerburg impressum, 1851) in Handboek voor de vrienden der zendingszaak ten gebruike bij het houden en bijwonen der maandelijksche bedestonden voor de uitbreiding des christendoms (Leyden: C.C. van der Hoek, 1851) (9a).
  • Groen, J.A., Christelijke zendingskaart (Leiden: J.H. Zetman 1854) (9b).
  • Grundemann, Reinhold, Missions-Weltkarte zur übersicht sämmtlicher evangelischen Missions Gebiete (Leipzig: Kunsch, 1862) (14a).
  • Grundemann, Reinhold, Zending-wereldkaart tot een overzigt van geheel het evangelische zendingsgebied (Kemink: Utrecht 1867) (14b).
  • Koetsveld, Cornelis Elisa van, Godsdienst- en zendingskaart voor den nieuwsten tijd (Groningen: Oomkens Jz, 1855) (10).
  • ‘Algemeene kaart der Nederlandse zendingsposten’ in Handleiding bij de algemeene kaart …  (Rotterdam: M. Wijt, 1846 (1st ed.), 1849 (2nd ed.) and 1857 (3rd ed.)) (12a)
  • Gover, Edward, The Protestant Missionary map of the world (London: Seeley, Burnside & Seeley, 1846) (7)
  • Koenig, Theophil, Weltkarte mit Angabe der protestantischen Missions-Anstalten und der WichtigstenSchiffuhatscourse (Berlin: Verlag der Nicolai'schen Buchhandlung, between 1840 and 1861) (2).
  • Finnish Missionary Society, Maailman kartta lähetys-toimesta (Helsinki: Suomen lähetysseura,1860) (12b).
  • Werldskarta öfver hedna-missionen (s.l, s.d) (12c).
  • Illustrerad missions charta öfver werlden (Uppsala: Evang. Fosterlands Stiftelsens Förlags Expedition, n.d.) (13c).
  • Nisbet, James, ‘Children’s Missionary Map … Extracted from Children's Missionary Magazine‘ (London: January 1843) (5a)
  • R., W., Missions-weltkarte für jung und alt (Elberfeld: P.W. Kreeft, 1845) (5b).
  • Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, A Colonial and Missionary Church Map of the World (London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 1842) (3).
  • Tracy, Joseph, The World, on the globular projection with a graduation for the measurement of distances especially adapted for the use oe [sic] schools, geographical & historical lectures, and missionary meetings (Boston: Crocker and Brewster, 1843) (4).
  • Trap, Pieter Willem Marinus, Zendingsprentenkaart (Rotterdam: M. Wijt, 1863?) (13b).