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Imago Mundi
The International Journal for the History of Cartography
Volume 45, 1993 - Issue 1
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Original Articles

‘I due valentuomini indefessi’: Christopher Maire and Roger Boscovich and the mapping of the papal states (1750–1755)

Pages 59-76 | Published online: 29 Jul 2008


  • Analyses of the Nuova Carta Geografica and relevant bibliography may be found in
  • Frutaz , Amato Pietro . 1972 . Le Carte del Lazio Vol. I , 90 Roma
  • Almagià , Roberto . 1960 . Documenti Cartografici dello Stato Pontifico , Rome : BAV . Chapter Seven
  • Gross , Hans . 1990 . Rome in the Age of the Enlightenment , 241 253 – 254 . Cambridge University Press .
  • Maire and Boscovich . 1770 . Voyage Astronomique et Géographique dans l'Etat de l'Eglise par l'ordre et sous les auspices du Pape Benoit XIV pour mesurer deux dégrés du méridien et corriger la Carte de l'Etat Ecclesiastique, Par les PP. Maire et Boscovich de la Compagnie de Jesus. Paris
  • 1755 . De litteraria expeditione Rome
  • De Litt. Exp., 1.78. Wood's untimely death ‘immaturam fatum') prevented his fabrication of the large instruments needed for the expedition. An example of Wood's ingenuity was the ‘tavola magi‐ca’ at Valenti's villa which brought dinner up to the first floor dining room from the kitchen in the basement.
  • Cormio , Stefania . 1986 . ‘II Cardinale Silvio Valenti Gonzaga: Promotore e Protettore delle Sci‐enze et delle Belle Arti’ . Bollettino d'Arte , 71 : 49 – 66 .
  • The author thanks Mario Bevilacqua for drawing attention to this article.
  • Valenti , L. Pastor . History of the Popes , XXV 43 – 45 .
  • Moroni . 1849 . Dizionario di erudizione Storico‐Ecclesiastico Vol. 87 , 246 – 8 . Venezia
  • Boscovich is pictured in Panini's vast painting, La Quadreria del Cardinale Valenti Gonzaga, now in Hartford, Conn. Wadsworth Athenaeum. Cormio, op. cit.
  • Giuntella , Vittorio . 1966 . ‘La capitale e i problemi dello Stato nel Settecento,’ . Studi Romani , XIV : 269 – 291 .
  • Indicative of Boscovich's importance are the number of colloquia and conferences held during the past twenty years to mark his contribution to science. For a substantial biographical essay, see
  • Hill , Elizabeth and Whyte , Lancelot Law , eds. 1961 . R. J. Boscovich: Studies of his Life and Work on the 250th Anniversary of his birth , 17 – 101 . London : Allen & Unwin .
  • Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Vol. II , 221 – 230 .
  • Dictionary of Scientific Biography Vol. II , 326 – 332 .
  • Pastor, op. cit., 164. Boscovich and the Minims Jacquier and Le Seur gave their opinion that the cracks should not be a source of concern and that nothing need be done. (It was the marchese Giovanni Poleni from Padua who recommended the use of more iron rings to sustain the dome.)
  • Observatorie de Paris: Ms. B.1.4 (162d), Boscovich to J. N. Delisle, 31 juillet 1748 (Delisle's translation from the Italian). Boscovich further praises Maire as a ‘... vir e Societate Nostra in omni litterarum genere versatissimus, sed astronomiae in primis atque Geographiae amantissimus cultor, perferendis autem molestissimae expeditionis incommodis valetudine par.’ De Litteraria Expeditione, 1.55. For further biographical outlines, see
  • Holt , Geoffrey . 1984 . The English Jesuits 1650–1829 , Vol. 70 , 156 Catholic Record Society .
  • idem, Sabrán Letter Book, CRS 62 (1971), passim, and the Dictionary of National Biography.
  • This map is dedicated to John Montagu, Dean and the chapter of Durham Cathedral and is a remarkably precocious piece of cartography, the largest scale map of the county to its date (1711). Only three printed copies are known to exist: in the Durham County Library, in the Bodleian Library, and in a private collection.
  • Biblioteca Corsiniana: Carteggio Bottari. Ms. Cors. 2028, (32 G 15). Maire to Cardinale Corsini, 16 Febbraio 1750. The map is presented apparently in exchange and as thanks for the use of Corsini's English telescope.
  • Broc , Numa . 1974 . La Géographie des Philosophes 147
  • Vacca , G. 1911 . ‘Notte sulla storia cartografía cinese,’ . Rivista Geografica Italiana. ,
  • Voyage, 1.54: ‘Il y avoit plusieurs années que je m'occupois de ces différentes idées [de la figure de la terre] lorsque m'entretenant un jour avec M. le Cardinal Valenti lequel . . . aime à se délasser des ses importantes occupations par des conversations savantes, je fis tomber le discours sur cette matière
  • Voyage, 1.55.
  • Archivio Segreto Vaticano: SS Vescovi 332, Registro di lettere a Vescovi, 1748–1750.
  • Boscovich , R. 1749 . Sopra il turbine che la notte tra gli XI e XII Giugno del MDCCXLIX daneggiò una gran parte di Roma , Roma : Niccolò e Marco Pagliarini .
  • Boscovich also wrote to J. N. Delisle about the excitement and gullibility of the Roman populace at the time of the solar eclipse in July, 1748, especially if rumours about the celestial display could be attributed to the scientific clerics: ‘. .. et encore dans les conversations de la Noblesse on prenoit plaisir de mettre dans ma bouche et dans cette des pères Minimes des extravagances pour se divertir des simples. Il est bien vray qu'un grand nombre de Gens instruits sçavoient à quoy s'en tenir, et que par curiosité astronomique ils se mirent à observer. A peine y‐a‐t‐il eu une Maison dans laquelle ou avec des Verres colorez ou avec des Lunettes ou avec de l'eau ou d'une autre manière on ne l'aye regardé. Plusieurs ont terminé leurs observations par de bons diners et des conversations joyeuses . ..’ Observatoire de Paris: Mss. B.1.4. (162d), Boscovich to Delisle, 31 juillet 1748 (translated by Delisle from the Italian).
  • Voyage, 1.211. Is this similar to the ‘tavoletta pre‐toriana’ recommended by G. G. Marinoni in 1719 for the Milan cadaster?
  • Savoja , Maurizio . 1990 . “ ‘Per governare secondo giustizia e ragione: il catasto teresiano a Milano,’ ” . In Europa delle carte , Edited by: Milanesi , Marica . 49 – 52 . Milano : Mazzotta .
  • Or like the survey table being used in France by priests for large diocesan surveys? (described by
  • de Dainville , Père François . 1956 . Cartes anciennes des Eglises de France Paris
  • Voyage, 1.89. Compare similar problems faced by Cassini de Thury and the survey for the Carte de France. Hugon de Châtelain notes that the Peru expedition of de la Condamine also encountered distrustful, suspicious, unhelpful natives. He asks, not entirely rhetorically, if the peasants of Peru and those of the Apennines are perhaps related?
  • Voyage , I 101
  • Voyage , I 140
  • Voyage , I 182
  • Voyage, I. 139. ‘. . . ne croyant pouvoir mieux remplir que par des fonctions de zèle le vuide de nos occupations géométriques.”
  • Voyage, I. 142–143, and in more detail by Maire to J. N. Delisle in Observatoire de Paris: Mss. B.1.6. (184) and (204), Maire to Delisle, 11 novembre 1751 and 19 janvier 1752.
  • Voyage, I.76, 178. Such seismic movements caused them to speculate on the structure of the earth and its philosophical implications: ‘. . . des couches de pierre ayant été soulevées par des feux souterreins; tant le lieu de notre séjour ressemble à notre vie! dans l'un comme dans l'autre, rien de fixe ni de permanent.’ (1.178)
  • Voyage, I.145.
  • ibid, I.146–147.
  • Voyage, I.169. According to Boscovich, Sivieri dedicated his map of Ferrara, Bologna, and Ravenna to Benedict XIV and presented it to Valenti. Was this a printed or manuscript map? Where is it today?
  • It is worth speculating more seriously on the role of amateurs in the state of science in eighteenth century Italy and how their contribution encouraged or hindered progress and to what extent the gentleman‐dilettante was concerned with ideological questions underlying scientific endeavour. See Gross, op. cit., p. 258.
  • Voyage, I.100.
  • Voyage, I.199, at Mt. Pratolenza ‘d'o[ugrave] je ne pus relever que deux ou trois points voisins par l'ignorance du prétendu Pratique du Pays, qui s'etoit fait fort de me les indiquer tous et qui ne put m'en nommer davantage.’ See also n. 40
  • Voyage, I.171.
  • Voyage, III.4. When J. N. Delisle proposed his budget for mapping the province of Brittany in the 1720s, he specifically requested an ‘indicateur’ (translator/guide) to accompany the mapping team to deal with dialect and ‘where are we?’ problems.
  • Pedley , M. 1989 . ‘Mapping Brittany,’ . The Map Collector , September
  • Voyage, III.6.
  • Voyage, I. 204–207. Also, Roberto Almagià, op. cit.
  • Andreas Chiesa's map of the Tiber, 1748? Expenses referred in n. 46.
  • Amato Pietro Frutaz, op. cit.
  • ‘J'ai encore une grace à demander à Votre Eminence qui est de vouloir bien m'instruire de l'état actuel du travail Géographique de RR PP Boscovich e le Mire [sic] qui ont entrepris de lever la Carte de l'Etat du St. Siège ...’ Biblioteca Apostólica Vaticana: Ms. Vat. Lat. 9812 (100), d'Anville to Passionei, Paris, 19 fevrier 1752.
  • Observatoire de Paris: B.1.6 (184), Maire to Delisle, 11 novembre 1751.
  • Observatoire de Paris: Ms. 1029a [Bigourdan, Correspondence Delisle], Maire to Delisle, 11 décembre 1754.
  • ibid.
  • ‘. . . Ne craignez pourtant pas que a la produise une autre scène pareille à celle dont jay parlé au commencement [i.e. Bouguer's criticism of de la Con‐damine's Journal Historique de le Voyage à l'Equateur].’ ibid.
  • Boscovich was little interested in the map itself, according to Maire: ‘je rendray conte de cet ouvrage [the map] et de celui de la méridienne dans un même ouvrage. Il sera facile au P. Boscovich de me devancer en ce qui regarde la mesure d'un degré du meridien puisqu'il ne s'interesse point dans l'autre objet.’ Maire to Delisle, 19 juillet 1754. Observatoire de Paris: Ms. B.1.7 (174a).
  • Observatoire de Paris: B.1.7. (95), Maire to Delisle, 28 mars 1753.
  • ASV: SS Memoriale e Biglietti 126, 22 luglio 1755, from Boschi, Segretario della Cifra to Valenti: ‘gli fu scritto per ottenere al P. Boscovich ed al P. Maire la dispensa dal voto di povertà per ritinere la Ricognizione che N. S. vorrà dargli per la Carta Geográfica, a per la misura del Grado.’
  • Archivio di Stato, Roma: Carte Cavalletti 4/1. Cited in
  • Faccioli , Clemente . 1966 . ‘Gio. Battista Nolli (1701–1756) e la sua gran ‘Pianta di Roma’ del 1748,’ . Studi Romani , XIV : 415 – 442 .
  • ASR: Camerale II Computisteria Generale (3). Nota delle spese straordinarie fatte dal Sagro Palazzo Apostolica, 1753, 1754.
  • Voyage, V.301. Also British Library: Egerton Mss. 46 (76), Boscovich to Frisi, Terracina, 6 marzo 1764.
  • Stonyhurst College Library. Ms. E.III.9 [book of poems from St Omer], ‘P. Christopher Maire.’ The author is grateful to the Rev. Frank Turner, S.J., Librarian of the College, for pointing out this book of poetry and the Thorpe papers cited in no. 50.
  • Elizabeth Hill, op. cit., p. 69. Observatoire de Paris: Ms. 1029a, Maire to Delisle, 13 February 1759 and 27 November 1759.
  • Foley , H. Records of the English Provincial Vol. V , 655
  • Maire's modesty and unwillingness to fall out with Boscovich, who was known to have a personality ‘un peu vif et irascible’
  • Hahn , R. 1965 . ‘The Boscovich Archives at Berkeley,’ . Isis , 56
  • 1, No. 183: 75, quoting the French astronomer Jérome de Lalande), is shown by the anecdote recounted by Maire's friend in Rome, Father John Thorpe:
  • ‘When Fr. Maire was engraving his map of the States of Urbino for Cardinal Legate Stoppani, his Eminence desired him to join Fr. Boscovich's name, to give it credit. The true author, Fr. Maire, answered that, as he himself would think it an affront to be called a joint author if he had no hand in it, so he thought Boscovich might take it amiss to have his name so placed; but if the Cardinal desired it, he would mention that the map had been drawn from observations in which Boscovich was concerned, to which wonderful humility of Maire's the Cardinal acquiesced . ..’
  • Thorpe further notes that the only recompense Maire received for this map was a present of twelve copies, and remarks, ‘This is Roman generosity, but the Cardinal adds that if he can do Fr. Maire any Service, he may signify it to his Eminence. This is enough to give anyone the Spleen...” Stonyhurst College: Ms. E.II.51, Thorpe‐Jenison Correspondence. Thorpe to Jenison, 12 February 1757. Quoted by Foley, op. cit., 654.
  • Todeschi , Claudio . 1776 . Elogio del Cardinale Silvio Valenti Gonzaga 40 – 41 . Rome
  • Minois , G. 1991 . L'eglise et science: histoire d'un malentendu , 178 Paris : Fayard .
  • and Chapter III, ‘Les lumières ambiguës du XVIII siècle,’
  • Rosa , Mario . 1969 . Riformatori e Ribelli nel ‘700 religioso Italiano , 76 Bari : Dedalo Libri .

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