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Bryological Monograph

A new checklist of the bryophytes of Britain and Ireland, 2020


  • Aigoin DA, Huttunen S, Ignatov MS, Dirkse GM, Vanderpoorten A. 2009. Rhynchostegiella (Brachytheciaceae): molecular recircumscription of a convenient taxonomic repository. Journal of Bryology. 31:213–221.
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  • Blockeel TL, Fisk RJ. 2018. Orthotrichum patens Bruch & Brid. (Bryophyta, Orthotrichaceae) in Suffolk and Derbyshire, another epiphytic moss new to Britain. Journal of Bryology. 40:56–61.
  • Blockeel TL, Kiebacher T, Long DG. 2019. Hygrohypnum subeugyrium (Renauld & Cardot) Broth. (Hypnales), a neglected British moss, with a note on its occurrence in the Himalayas. Journal of Bryology. 41:12–20.
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  • Blockeel TL, Rothero GP, Long DG. 2009. Tortula inermis and Schistidium helveticum, two mosses from Scotland, new to the British Isles. Journal of Bryology. 31:174–179.
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  • Callaghan DA. 2019. Typification and diagnosis of Weissia × mittenii (Bruch & Schimp.) Mitt. emend. A.J.E.Sm. (Weissia multicapsularis × W. rostellata) (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta). Journal of Bryology. 41:243–248.
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  • Câmara PEAS, Carvalho-Silva M, Henriques DK, Guerra J, Gallego MT, Poveda DR, Stech M. 2018. Pylaisiaceae Schimp. (Bryophyta) revisited. Journal of Bryology. 40:251–264.
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  • Dalton NJ, Kungu EM, Long DG. 2013. A taxonomic revision of Hedwigiaceae Schimp. from the Sino-Himalaya. Journal of Bryology. 35:96–111.
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  • Ellis LT, Aleffi M, Bednarek-Ochyra H, Bakalin VA, Boiko M, Calleja JA, Fedosov VE, Ignatov MS, Ignatova EA, Garilleti R, et al. 2017. New national and regional bryophyte records, 51. Journal of Bryology. 39:177–190.
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  • Fedosov VE, Fedorova AV, Ignatova EA, Ignatov MS. 2017. A revision of the genus Seligeria (Seligeriaceae, Bryophyta) in Russia inferred from molecular data. Phytotaxa. 323:27–50.
  • Fedosov VE, Fedorova AV, Troitsky AV, Bobrova VK, Ignatov MS. 2016. On the systematic position of Hymenoloma (Bryophyta). Arctoa. 25:119–130.
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