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Bryological Monograph

A new IUCN Red List of the bryophytes of Britain, 2023



  • Adams KJ. 2009. Recording fine scale distribution and abundance of red data mosses – problems and solutions in respect of Zygodon forsteri. Field Bryology. 97:51–52.
  • Adams KJ. 2019. Changes in the status and distribution of the Red Data moss Zygodon forsteri in Epping Forest based on mapping in 2003/4, 2008 and 2018/19. Unpublished report to the City of London Corporation.
  • Adams KJ, Rumsey F. 2005. Notes on Essex specialities: 9. The distribution of the Red-data moss Zygodon forsteri (Dicks. ex With.) Mitt. knothole moss (Forster’s yoke-moss) in Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist, New Series. 22:93–102.
  • Averis ABG. 1998. Herbertus borealis monitoring at Beinn Eighe, Wester Ross, 1998. Unpublished report to Scottish Natural Heritage.
  • Averis ABG, Hodgetts NG. 2013. Survey of oceanic bryophytes associated with watercourses in Sunart Special Area of Conservation. Unpublished report to Scottish Natural Heritage.
  • Averis ABG, Smith, J. 2015. Bryophyte survey of Abhainn Achachoish, Kintyre, Argyll, in May 2015. Unpublished report to H2O Hydro Ltd.
  • Bączkiewicz A, Szczecińska M, Sawicki J, Stebel A, Buczkowska K. 2017. DNA barcoding, ecology and geography of the cryptic species of Aneura pinguis and their relationships with Aneura maxima and Aneura mirabilis (Metzgeriales, Marchantiophyta). PLoS One. 12:p.e0188837.
  • Bates JW, Matcham HW, Lara F. 2007. Dialytrichia fragilifolia (Bryopsida: Pottiaceae) in Berkshire and Caernarvonshire, new to Britain. Journal of Bryology. 29(4):228–234. https://doi.org/10.1179/174328207X229760.
  • Behling E, Caviness TE, Lewis LR, Jiménez JE, Goffinet B, Rozzi R. 2016. Dispersal of bryophyte diaspores following ingestion by birds. Conference Abstract 164. In: Botany 2016. Savannah, Georgia. July 30 – August 3. Conference organizers. p. 66.
  • Bell D, Long DG, Forrest AD, Hollingsworth ML, Blom HH, Hollingsworth PM. 2012. DNA barcoding of European Herbertus (Marchantiopsida, Herbertaceae) and the discovery and description of a new species. Molecular Ecology Resources. 12(1):36–47. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1755-0998.2011.03053.x.
  • Bell D, Long DG, Hollingsworth P. 2013. The use of DNA barcoding to address major taxonomic problems for rare British bryophytes. Unpublished report to Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and DEFRA.
  • Berg C, Pöltl M, Callaghan DA. 2021. On the occurrence of Riccia warnstorfii in Britain. Field Bryology. 126:30–34.
  • Bergamini A, Bisang I, Hodgetts N, Lockhart N, van Rooy J, Hallingbäck T. 2019. Recommendations for the use of critical terms when applying IUCN red-listing criteria to bryophytes. Lindbergia. 42(1):1–6. https://doi.org/10.25227/linbg.01117.
  • Bijlsma RJ, Kruijer JD, Stech M. 2020. Ptychostomum touwii, a new bryophyte species distinguished from Ptychostomum rubens by iterative morpho-molecular analysis, and a note on Bryum microerythrocarpum. Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives. 42:56–65. https://edepot.wur.nl/530233.
  • Birch KS, Bosanquet SDS. 2013. Tomentypnum nitens in Wales: a full survey of Welsh populations of a declining moss. Bangor: Countryside Council for Wales.
  • Björk RG, Molau U. 2007. Ecology of alpine snowbeds and the impact of global change. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 39(1):34–43. https://doi.org/10.1657/1523-0430(2007)39[34:EoASAT]2.0.CO;2
  • Blackstock TH. 1995. Nardia insecta Lindb., an addition to the liverwort flora of Britain, with cytological observations and a comparison with N. geoscyphus (De Not.) Lindb. Journal of Bryology. 18(3):485–492. https://doi.org/10.1179/jbr.1995.18.3.485.
  • Blackstock TH, Blackhall-Miles R, Ruffino L, Watling M. 2019. Tricholepidozia (Telaranea) lindenbergii (Gottsche) E.D.Cooper (Marchantiophyta: Lepidoziaceae), another antipodean liverwort established in Britain. Journal of Bryology. 41(3):278–280. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2019.1639988.
  • Blockeel TL. 2000. The status in Britain of the flamingo moss Tortula cernua (Huebener) Lindb. Report No. 162. Salisbury: Plantlife.
  • Blockeel TL. 2006. The status of the moss Homomallium incurvatum in England. Unpublished report to English Nature.
  • Blockeel TL. 2007. The status and habitat of Homomallium incurvatum in the north of England. Field Bryology. 91:2–7.
  • Blockeel TL. 2008. Orthotrichum consimile in Derbyshire. Field Bryology. 94:23–26.
  • Blockeel TL. 2009. A transient occurrence of Orthotrichum acuminatum H.Philib. in Derbyshire, a new British moss. Journal of Bryology. 31(1):47–49. https://doi.org/10.1179/174328208X381887.
  • Blockeel TL. 2010. Persisting introductions: a new bryophyte recording category. Field Bryology. 101:54–55.
  • Blockeel TL. 2012. Orthotrichum scanicum Grönvall in Derbyshire: an epiphytic moss new to Britain. Journal of Bryology. 34(1):55–59. https://doi.org/10.1179/1743282011Y.0000000037.
  • Blockeel TL. 2013. Encalypta pilifera Funck reinstated to the British flora. Journal of Bryology. 35(4):310–313. https://doi.org/10.1179/1743282013Y.0000000075.
  • Blockeel TL. 2017. The Ulota group in Britain and Ireland, with notes on other species in the genus. Field Bryology. 117:8–19.
  • Blockeel TL. 2018. BBS spring meeting in Swaledale, April 2018. Field Bryology. 120:63–75.
  • Blockeel TL. 2019. Orthotrichum pumilum and O. schimperi in Britain. Field Bryology. 121:38–43.
  • Blockeel TL. 2020. Dicranella howei in Britain. Field Bryology. 124:16–21.
  • Blockeel TL, Bell NE, Hill MO, Hodgetts NG, Long DG, Pilkington SL, Rothero GP. 2021. A new checklist of the bryophytes of Britain and Ireland, 2020. Journal of Bryology. 43(1):1–51. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2020.1860866.
  • Blockeel TL, Bosanquet SDS. 2016. Hedwigia striata in Britain and Ireland. Field Bryology. 115:10–18.
  • Blockeel TL, Bosanquet SDS, Hill MO, Preston CD. 2014. Atlas of British and Irish bryophytes. 2 volumes. Newbury: Pisces Publications.
  • Blockeel TL, Fisk RJ. 2018. Orthotrichum patens Bruch, Brid.(Bryophyta, Orthotrichaceae) in Suffolk and Derbyshire, another epiphytic moss new to Britain. Journal of Bryology. 40(1):56–61. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2017.1419914.
  • Blockeel TL, Ghullam MP. 2023. Tortula bolanderi (Lesq.) M.Howe in Norfolk, a moss new to Britain. Journal of Bryology. 45(1) [in press]. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2022.2162298.
  • Blockeel TL, Kiebacher T, Long DG. 2019. Hygrohypnum subeugyrium (Renauld & Cardot) Broth. (Hypnales), a neglected British moss, with a note on its occurrence in the Himalayas. Journal of Bryology. 41(1):12–20. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2018.1551829.
  • Blockeel TL, Lara F. 2015. A herbarium record of Orthotrichum alpestre Hornsch. ex Bruch, Schimp. in Scotland: new to Britain. Journal of Bryology. 37(3):244–247. https://doi.org/10.1179/1743282015Y.0000000004.
  • Blockeel TL, Ottley TW. 2015. Pterygoneurum papillosum Oesau, a distinct moss species, its occurrence in southern England, new to Britain, and the presence of rhizoidal tubers. Journal of Bryology. 37(4):267–275. https://doi.org/10.1179/1743282015Y.0000000038.
  • Blockeel TL, Rothero GP, Long DG. 2009. Tortula inermis and Schistidium helveticum, two mosses from Scotland, new to the British Isles. Journal of Bryology. 31(3):174–179. https://doi.org/10.1179/174328209X455262.
  • Bosanquet SDS. 2009a. Survey of the coast south of Pen Cob, Penrhyndeudraeth for Fissidens serrulatus. Unpublished report to Countryside Council for Wales.
  • Bosanquet SDS. 2009b. Monitoring of Cryphaea lamyana on the Afon Teifi SSSI/SAC: a case study. In: Hurford C, Schneider M, Cowx I, editors. Conservation monitoring in freshwater habitats: a practical guide and case studies. Dordrecht: Springer; p. 179–191.
  • Bosanquet SDS. 2010. The mosses and liverworts of Pembrokeshire. Privately published.
  • Bosanquet SDS. 2012a. Vagrant epiphytic mosses in England and Wales. Field Bryology. 107:3–17.
  • Bosanquet SDS. 2012b. Baltic Bryum (Bryum marratii) in south Wales. Unpublished report to Countryside Council for Wales.
  • Bosanquet SDS. 2012c. Anomodon longifolius in the Wye Valley, Monmouthshire. Unpublished report to Countryside Council for Wales.
  • Bosanquet SDS. 2013a. Nationally Rare and Nationally Scarce bryophytes at Stanner Rocks NNR. Unpublished report to Natural Resources Wales.
  • Bosanquet SDS. 2013b. Entosthodon mouretii (Corb.) Jelenc in the British Isles: a significant northerly range extension. Journal of Bryology. 34(2):134–137. https://doi.org/10.1179/1743282012Y.0000000003.
  • Bosanquet SDS. 2014. Crossidium squamiferum var. squamiferum (Viv.) Jur. in southern England, new to Britain. Journal of Bryology. 36(2):118–121. https://doi.org/10.1179/1743282014Y.0000000094.
  • Bosanquet SDS. 2015. Orthotrichum rogeri Brid. in England, new to Britain. Journal of Bryology. 37(4):329–331. https://doi.org/10.1179/1743282015Y.0000000017.
  • Bosanquet SDS. 2018. Nationally Rare and Nationally Scarce bryophytes on Roundton Hill SSSI. Unpublished report to Natural Resources Wales.
  • Bosanquet SDS. 2019. A review of non-vascular plant and fungal SSSI features in Wales – bryophytes. NRW Evidence Report No. 368. Bangor: Natural Resources Wales.
  • Bosanquet SDS. 2021. Tortula pallida in England and Wales. Field Bryology. 126:22–26.
  • Bosanquet SDS 2022. Bryophyte surveillance in Lady Park Wood NNR. Unpublished report to Natural Resources Wales.
  • Bosanquet SDS, Dines TD. 2011. A bryophyte Red Data List for Wales. Cardiff: Plantlife Cymru.
  • Bosanquet SDS, Graham JJ, Motley GS. 2005. The mosses and liverworts of Carmarthenshire. Privately published.
  • Bosanquet SDS, Lara F. 2012. Orthotrichum cambrense sp. nov. (Orthotrichaceae), a distinctive moss from Wales, United Kingdom. Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 33(4):329–339. https://doi.org/10.7872/cryb.v33.iss4.2012.329.
  • Bosanquet SDS, Motley GS. 2009. Rhytidiadelphus subpinnatus in Wales. Field Bryology. 98:8–13.
  • Bosanquet SDS, Preston CD. 2005. Weissia squarrosa in Britain, a re-evaluation of its identification and ecology in the light of recent records. Field Bryology. 86:2–13.
  • Bosanquet SDS, Wilkinson K, Stewart B. 2017. Dune slack bryophytes at Kenfig NNR: 2017 update. Unpublished report to Natural Resources Wales.
  • Bu ZJ, Sundberg S, Feng L, Li HK, Zhao HY, Li HC. 2017. The Methuselah of plant diaspores: Sphagnum spores can survive in nature for centuries. New Phytologist. 214(4):1398–1402. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.14575.
  • Callaghan DA. 2005. Status of the critically endangered Rhynchostegium rotundifolium in Gloucestershire. Field Bryology. 85:2–5.
  • Callaghan DA. 2008. Scale dependency and area of occupancy: Tortula freibergii in north-west England. Journal of Bryology. 30(4):279–282. https://doi.org/10.1179/037366808X336403.
  • Callaghan DA. 2010. The status of the known populations of Rhynchostegium rotundifolium in the British Isles. Field Bryology. 100:24–31.
  • Callaghan DA. 2012a. Rare and scarce bryophytes in SW England. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2012b. Third cycle Site Condition Monitoring report for bryological interest: Gannocky Gorge SSSI. Unpublished report to Scottish Natural Heritage.
  • Callaghan DA. 2012c. Bryophyte survey and condition assessment of West Chiverton Mine, Cornwall. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2012d. Bryophyte survey and Condition Site Monitoring of Ewefell Mire SSSI/SAC, Cumbria. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2012e. Third cycle Site Condition Monitoring report for bryological interest: Den of Airlie SSSI. Unpublished report to Scottish Natural Heritage.
  • Callaghan DA. 2013a. Status and conservation needs of Riccia nigrella at Barmouth, Merioneth. Unpublished report to Natural Resources Wales.
  • Callaghan DA. 2013b. A survey of Bryum gemmiparum on the River Usk. Unpublished report to the Countryside Council for Wales.
  • Callaghan DA. 2013c. Bryophyte survey and monitoring at Coed Cymerau NNR. Unpublished report to the Countryside Council for Wales.
  • Callaghan DA. 2014a. Survey of Section 41 bryophytes on The Lizard, Cornwall. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2014b. Bryophyte survey and assessment of Talland Barton Farm SSSI. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2014c. Bryophyte survey and assessment at Pentire Point East, Newquay. Unpublished report to Cornwall Council.
  • Callaghan DA. 2014d. Bryophyte survey of Newborough Warren – Ynys Llanddwyn, Anglesey. Unpublished report to Natural Resources Wales.
  • Callaghan DA. 2014e. Sematophyllum demissum in Wales. Field Bryology. 112:5–18.
  • Callaghan DA. 2014f. Bryophyte survey and monitoring at Coed Graig Uchaf, Merioneth. Unpublished report to Plantlife.
  • Callaghan DA. 2015a. Third cycle Site Condition Monitoring report for bryological interest: Craig Leek SSSI. Unpublished report to Scottish Natural Heritage.
  • Callaghan DA. 2015b. Notes on bryophytes of the Long Mynd, Shropshire. Field Bryology. 114:17–31.
  • Callaghan DA. 2015c. Survey of Orthodontium gracile and other bryophytes on the northern Cheshire Sandstone Ridge. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2016a. Site-based grid-mapping: populations of notable hyper-oceanics in Wales. Field Bryology. 115:2–7.
  • Callaghan DA. 2016b. Status and conservation of Cephaloziella dentata in England. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2016c. Where is Bruchia vogesiaca? Field Bryology. 116:2–5.
  • Callaghan DA. 2016d. Bryophyte survey and monitoring of Bardsey Island. Unpublished report to Natural Resources Wales.
  • Callaghan DA. 2016e. The status and conservation of Rugged Collar-moss (Splachnum vasculosum) in England. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2016f. The status and conservation of Round-leaved Bryum (Bryum cyclophyllum) in England. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2017a. Aire Point to Carrick Du SSSI: bryophyte monitoring and condition assessment. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2017b. Bryophyte survey and assessment of Morfa Harlech NNR. Unpublished report to Natural Resources Wales.
  • Callaghan DA. 2017c. Bryophyte survey and assessment of Morfa Dyffryn NNR. Unpublished report to Natural Resources Wales.
  • Callaghan DA. 2017d. Bryophyte survey of slacks at Whiteford Burrows, Glamorgan. Unpublished report to Plantlife.
  • Callaghan DA. 2018. Status, conservation and ecology of the exceptionally rare metallophyte Cornish Path-moss (Ditrichum cornubicum Paton). Journal of Bryology. 40(4):358–370. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2018.1480695.
  • Callaghan DA. 2019a. Status, conservation and ecology of Pallavicinia lyellii (Hook.) Carruth. in a key region of England. Journal of Bryology. 41(3):218–226. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2019.1634337.
  • Callaghan DA. 2019b. Status and conservation of the hyperoceanic moss Cyclodictyon laetevirens in England. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2020a. Status and ecology of the tropical liverwort Dumortiera hirsuta in England. Journal of Bryology. 42(3):235–245. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2020.1749429.
  • Callaghan DA. 2020b. Monitoring of Sphagnum austinii and S. beothuk at Cors Fochno and Bryum marratii at Ynyslas. Unpublished report to Natural Resources Wales.
  • Callaghan DA. 2020c. Status and ecology of the boreal moss Dicranum undulatum Schrad. ex Brid. at its last location in southern Britain. Journal of Bryology. 42(2):143–151. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2019.1700694.
  • Callaghan DA. 2020d. Bryophyte Site Dossier: Upper Teesdale SSSI. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2021a. Population status and ecology of Micromitrium tenerum Austin in England. Journal of Bryology. 43(3):234–241. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2021.1910436.
  • Callaghan DA. 2021b. Trial reintroduction of Dicranum undulatum. Field Bryology. 126:56.
  • Callaghan, D.A. 2021c. Survival of the critically endangered Ditrichum cornubicum and dependence on conservation management intervention. Journal of Bryology. 43(2):175–180. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2020.1834958.
  • Callaghan DA. 2021d. Population status and ecology of Philonotis marchica (Hedw.) Brid. in Britain. Journal of Bryology. 43(3):242–250. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2021.1975958.
  • Callaghan DA. 2021e. Bryophyte site dossier: Epping Forest SSSI. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2021f. Population status and ecology of Codonoblepharon forsteri (Dicks.) Goffinet in an ancient woodland in Britain. Journal of Bryology. 43(4):347–354. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2021.1985883.
  • Callaghan DA. 2021g. Bryophyte Site Dossier: Wakehurst and Chiddingly Woods SSSI. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2021h. Bryophyte assessment and monitoring of Newborough Warren – Ynys Llanddwyn NNR/SSSI. Unpublished report to Natural Resources Wales.
  • Callaghan DA. 2022a. Population status and ecology of the globally threatened liverwort Marsupella profunda in Britain. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2022b. Population status and ecology of Biantheridion undulifolium (Nees) Konstant. & Vilnet in England and Wales. Journal of Bryology. 44(1):70–79. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2022.2045423.
  • Callaghan DA. 2022c. Rapid response to conservation scrapes by Ditrichum cornubicum. Field Bryology. 127:96.
  • Callaghan DA. 2022d. How under-recorded is Weissia wilsonii in Britain? Field Bryology. 127:24–25.
  • Callaghan DA. 2022e. Mire bryophyte survey of the northern part of Mynydd Hiraethog SSSI. NRW Evidence Report No. 641. Bangor: Natural Resources Wales.
  • Callaghan DA. 2022f. Population status and ecology of the narrow endemic moss Thamnobryum cataractarum N.G.Hodgetts & Blockeel in England. Journal of Bryology. 44(1):80–85. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2022.2047547.
  • Callaghan DA. 2022g. Population status and ecology of Pseudanomodon attenuatus in England. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA. 2023. Population status and ecology of Didymodon cordatus in Britain. Unpublished report to Natural England.
  • Callaghan DA, Bell NE, Forrest LL. 2019. Taxonomic notes on Weissia subgenus Astomum, including Weissia wilsonii sp. nov. D.A.Callaghan, a new species from Europe. Journal of Bryology. 41(2):135–148. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2018.1551590.
  • Callaghan DA, Bosanquet SDS. 2018. Population survey of Grimmia arenaria in Wales. Field Bryology. 120:10–13.
  • Callaghan DA, Farr G. 2018. The unusual inter-tidal niche of the rare moss Bryum marratii Wilson. Journal of Bryology. 40(4):371–376. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2018.1525972.
  • Callaghan DA, Kyrkjeeide MO, Hassel K. Forthcoming. The identification and distribution of Sphagnum balticum (Russow) C.E.O.Jensen in Britain. Journal of Bryology.
  • Callaghan DA, Lyons J, Bosanquet SDS. 2020a. Light, sex and sporophytes: aspects of the ecology of Pallavicinia lyellii in an unusual habitat. Journal of Bryology. 42(4):343–352. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2020.1772650.
  • Callaghan DA, Medina R, Masson J, During H. 2020b. Population status and ecology of the episodic moss Physcomitrium eurystomum Sendtn. in Britain. Journal of Bryology. 42(3):246–257. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2020.1743562.
  • Callaghan DA, Van Willegen L, Williams G, Hollingham M, Jones L. 2021. Pony trails, hydrology and habitat restoration: aspects of the ecology of Petalophyllum ralfsii in a Welsh oceanic dune system. Journal of Bryology. 43(2):150–161. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2020.1819719.
  • Carter R. 2021. Ceratodons side-by-side. Field Bryology. 125:84.
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  • Ellis LT, Ah-Peng C, Aslan G, Bakalin VA, Bergamini A, Callaghan DA, Campisi P, Raimondo FM, Choi SS, Csiky J, et al. 2021a. New national and regional bryophyte records, 65. Journal of Bryology. 43(1):67–91. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2021.1878804.
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  • Hallingbäck T, Hodgetts NG, Raeymaekers G, Schumacker R, Sérgio C, Söderström L, Stewart N, Vána J. 1998. Guidelines for the application of the revised IUCN threat categories to bryophytes. Lindbergia. 23:6–12.
  • Hassel K, Kyrkjeeide MO, Yousefi N, Prestø T, Stenøien HK, Shaw JA, Flatberg KI. 2018. Sphagnum divinum (sp. nov.) and S. medium Limpr. and their relationship to S. magellanicum Brid. Journal of Bryology. 40(3):197–222. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736687.2018.1474424.
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