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Auxiliary choice with particle verbs of motion in Dutch


  • Beliën, Maaike. 2008. Constructions, Constraints, and Construal: Adpositions in Dutch. PhD diss., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Utrecht: LOT.
  • Beliën, Maaike. 2012. “Dutch Manner of Motion Verbs: Disentangling Auxiliary Choice, Telicity and Syntactic Function.” Cognitive Linguistics 23 (1): 1–26.10.1515/cog-2012-0001
  • Beliën, Maaike. 2014. “Auxiliary Choice with Dutch Verbs of Directed Motion.” In Linguistics in the Netherlands 2014, edited by Anita Auer and Björn Köhnlein, 1–12. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
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  • Broekhuis, Hans, Norbert Corver, and Riet Vos. 2015. Syntax of Dutch: Verbs and Verb Phrases. vol. 1. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.10.5117/9789089647306
  • Coussé, Evie. 2014. “Lexical Expansion in the HAVE and BE Perfect in Dutch: A Constructionist Prototype Account.” Diachronica 31 (2): 159–191.10.1075/dia
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  • Hay, Jennifer, Christopher Kennedy, and Beth Levin. 1999. “Scalar Structure Underlies Telicity in ‘Degree Achievements’.” SALT 9: 127–144. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Linguistics Circle Publications, Cornell University.
  • Hoekstra, Eric. 2016. “Preference for Hawwe ‘Have’ as the Auxiliary of the Perfect in Irrealis Contexts.”Taalportaal. Accessed November 1, 2016. https://www.taalportaal.org/taalportaal/topic/pid/topic-14111160077323874
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  • Lieber, Rochelle, and Harald Baayen. 1997. “A Semantic Principle of Auxiliary Selection.” Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 15 (4): 789–845.10.1023/A:1005897301225
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  • McFadden, Thomas, and Artemis Alexiadou. 2010. “Counterfactuals and Be in the History of English.” In Proceedings of the 24th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, edited by John Alderete, Chung-hye Han, and Alexei Kochetov, 272–280. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
  • de Rooij, Jaap. 1988. Van Hebben naar Zijn: Het Gebruik van Hebben en Zijn in de Voltooide Tijden (Actief) van Zijn, Gaan, Vergeten en Verliezen in Standaardtaal, Ouder Nederlands en Dialect [From Hebben ‘Have’ to Zijn ‘Be’: The Use of Hebben ‘Have’ and Zijn ‘Be’ in the Perfect Tenses (Active) of Zijn ‘Be’, Gaan ‘Go’, Vergeten ‘Forget’, and Verliezen ‘Lose’ in Standard Dutch, Older Dutch and Dialects]. Amsterdam: Meertens Instituut.
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  • Sorace, Antonella. 2000. “Gradients in Auxiliary Selection with Intransitive Verbs.” Language 76 (4): 859–890.10.2307/417202
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  • Zaenen, Annie. 1988. “Unaccusative Verbs in Dutch and the Syntax-Semantics Interface.” CSLI Report 88 (123). Stanford: CSLI.
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  • Zubizarreta, Maria Luisa, and Eunjeong Oh. 2007. On the Syntactic Composition of Manner and Motion. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.