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Forty years of climate risk research in Zimbabwe – 1980–2021


  • Adenle, AA, Ford, JD, Morton, J, Twomlow, S, Alverson, K, Cattaneo, A, Cervigni, R, Kurukulasuriya, P, Huq, S, Helfgott, A & Ebinger, JO, 2017. Managing climate change risks in Africa-A global perspective. Ecological Economics 141, 190–201.
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  • Chikozho, C, 2010. Applied social research and action priorities for adaptation to climate change and rainfall variability in the rainfed agricultural sector of Zimbabwe. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 35(13-14), 780–90.
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  • Descheemaeker, K, Zijlstra, M, Masikati, P, Crespo, O & Tui, SHK, 2018. Effects of climate change and adaptation on the livestock component of mixed farming systems: A modelling study from semi-arid Zimbabwe. Agricultural Systems 159, 282–95.
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  • Dube, T, Intauno, S, Moyo, P & Phiri, K, 2017. The gender-differentiated impacts of climate change on rural livelihoods labour requirements in southern Zimbabwe. Journal of Human Ecology 58(1-2), 48–56.
  • Dube, K & Nhamo, G, 2019. Climate change and the aviation sector: A focus on the Victoria falls tourism route. Environmental Development 29, 5–15.
  • Dube, T & Phiri, K, 2013. Rural livelihoods under stress: The impact of climate change on livelihoods in south western Zimbabwe. American International Journal of Contemporary Research 3(5), 11–25.
  • Dube, N, Sithole, M, Ngwenya, T, Muhwati, T, Moyo, E & Manyanga, K, 2018. Impact of climate change on sustainability in semi-arid, rural Africa: lessons from rural Zimbabwe. Cogent Social Science 4(1), 1553327.
  • Dzvimbo, M & Zhanda, K, 2020. Policy-making prospects and challenges of the climate change and the urban energy sector in Zimbabwe. Journal of Urban Systems and Innovations for Resilience in Zimbabwe-JUSIRZ 2(1), 203–22.
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  • Gandiwa, E & Zisadza, P, 2010. Wildlife management in Gonarezhou national park, southeast Zimbabwe: climate change and implications for management. Nature and Faune 25(1), 95–104.
  • Gudukeya, LK & Mbohwa, C, 2015. Survey on greenhouse Gas emissions in the steel industry in Zimbabwe. In Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering. University of Johannesburg, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment.
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