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‘Integration without transparency’? Reliance on the space to think in the European Council and Council



  • Abazi, V., and M. Hillebrandt. 2015. “The Legal Limits to Confidential Negotiations: Recent Case Law Developments in Council Transparency.” Common Market Law Review 52 (3): 825–846.
  • Alemanno, A., and O. Stefan. 2014. “Openness at the Court of the Justice of the European Union: Toppling a Taboo.” Common Market Law Review 51 (1): 97–139.
  • Bicchi, F., and C. Carta. 2012. “The COREU Network and the Circulation of Information within EU Foreign Policy.” Journal of European Integration 34 (5): 465–484.
  • Bickerton, C. J., D. Hodson, and U. Puetter. 2014. “The New Intergovernmentalism: European Integration in the Post-Maastricht Era.” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 53 (4): 703–722.
  • Bickerton, C., D. Hodson, and U. Puetter, eds. 2015. The New Intergovernmentalism: States and Supranational Actors in the Post-Maastricht Era. Oxford: OUP.
  • Bocquillon, P., and M. Dobbels. 2013. “An Elephant on the 13th Floor of the Berlaymont? European Council and Commission Relations in Legislative Agenda Setting.” Journal of European Public Policy 21 (1): 20–38.
  • Bunyan, T. 2014. “Constructing the Secret EU State: “Restricted” and “Limite” Documents Hidden from View by the Council.” http://www.statewatch.org/analyses/no-240-restricted-documents.pdf.
  • Cornia, A., J. Lönnendonker, and P. Nitz. 2008. “European Councils as First Encounters of Trans-European Media Communication?” Journalism 9 (4): 493–515.10.1177/1464884908091296
  • Curtin, D. 2012. “Judging EU Secrecy.” Cahiers De Droit Europeén 2: 459–490.
  • Curtin, D. 2014. “Challenging Executive Dominance in European Democracy.” The Modern Law Review 77 (1): 1–32.10.1111/mlr.2014.77.issue-1
  • Curtin, D., and M. Hillebrandt. Forthcoming. “Transparency in the EU: Constitutional Overtones, Institutional Dynamics and the Escape Hatch of Secrecy.” In Research Handbook on EU Institutional Law, edited by S. Blockmans and A. Lasowski. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar.
  • EUObserver. 2011. “Eurogroup Chief: ‘I’m for Secret, Dark Debates.” 21 April. Accessed June 26, 2015. https://euobserver.com/economic/32222
  • Fabbrini, S. 2015. Which European Union?. Cambridge: CUP.10.1017/CBO9781316218945
  • Fabbrini, S., and U.Puetter. 2016. “Integration Without Supranationalization: Studying the Lead Roles of the European Council and the Council in Post-Lisbon EU Politics.” Journal of European Integration 38 (5): 481–495. doi: 10.1080/07036337.2016.1178254.
  • Galloway, D. 2014. “Classifying Secrets in the EU.” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 52 (3): 668–683.10.1111/jcms.2014.52.issue-3
  • George, A. L., and A. Bennett. 2005. Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences. Cambridge, MA: MIT.
  • Hayes-Renshaw, F., W. Van Aken, and H. Wallace. 2006. “When and Why the EU Council of Ministers Votes Explicitly.” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 44 (1): 161–194.10.1111/jcms.2006.44.issue-1
  • Hillebrandt, M., D. Curtin, and A. Meijer. 2014. “Transparency in the EU Council of Ministers: An Institutional Analysis.” European Law Journal 20 (1): 1–20.10.1111/eulj.2014.20.issue-1
  • Huber, K., and M. Shackleton. 2013. “Codecision: A Practitioner’s View from inside the Parliament.” Journal of European Public Policy 20 (7): 1040–1055.
  • Joerges, C., and M. Weimer. 2013. “A Crisis of Executive Managerialism in the EU: No Alternative?” In Critical Legal Perspectives on Global Governance (pp. 295–322), edited by J. Scott, G. De Bùrca, and C. Kilpatrick. Oxford: Hart.
  • Leino, P. Forthcoming. “The Principle of Transparency in EU External Relations Law—Does Diplomatic Secrecy Stand a Chance of Surviving the Age of Twitter?” In Structural Principles in EU External Relations Law, edited by M. Cremona. Oxford: Hart.
  • Novak, S. 2011. “Is There a Tension between Transparency and Efficiency in Decisions? The Case of the Council of the European Union.” Max Weber Working Paper 2011-33, European University Institute.
  • Novak, S. 2013. “The Silence of Ministers: Consensus and Blame Avoidance in the Council of the European Union.” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 51 (6): 1091–1107.10.1111/jcms.2013.51.issue-6
  • Novak, S. 2014. “The Surprising Effects of Transparency on the EU Legislative Process.” Cuadernos europeos de Deusto 51: 45–70.10.18543/ced-51-2014pp45-70
  • Papadopoulos, Y. 2013. Democracy in Crisis? Politics, Governance and Policy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Puetter, U. 2006. The Eurogroup. Manchester, NH: MUP.10.7228/manchester/9780719074035.001.0001
  • Puetter, U. 2014. The European Council and the Council. Oxford: OUP.10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198716242.001.0001
  • Rafferty, M., and M. Tomljanovich. 2002. “Central Bank Transparency and Market Efficiency: An Econometric Analysis.” Journal of Economics and Finance 26 (2): 150–161.10.1007/BF02755982
  • Schmidt, V. 2014. “Speaking to the Markets or to the People? A Discursive Institutionalist Analysis of the EU’s Sovereign Debt Crisis.” The British Journal of Politics & International Relations 16 (1): 188–209.10.1111/1467-856X.12023
  • Vaubel, R. 2008. “The Political Economy of Labor Market Regulation by the European Union.” The Review of International Organizations 3 (4): 435–465.10.1007/s11558-008-9041-6
  • Washington Post. 2015. “Rutte’s Dutch Liberal Party Backs Greek Aid and Breaks Promise.” August 19.

Appendix references: Documents analysed

  • Council. 1993. Decision 93/662 Adopting the Council’s Rules of Procedure. December 6.
  • Council. 1995. Document 10204/95, Code of Conduct to the Public Access of the Minutes and Statements in the Minutes of the Council Acting as Legislator. October 10.
  • Council. 2002. Document 6898/02, Summary of Outcomes of 1954th Coreper Meeting. July 23.
  • Council. 2006. Document 5847/06, Handling of Documents Marked Limite. March 16.
  • Council. 2009. Decision 2009/937/EU Adopting the Council’s Rules of Procedure. December 1.
  • Council. 2014a. Document 8622/1/14 REV 1, Note by the Council Secretariat. May 13.
  • Council. 2014b. Document 9900/14, Coreper Summary Record. June 5.
  • Council. 2015a. General Secretariat, DG-F, letter to Maarten Hillebrandt. July 7.
  • Council. 2015b. Annual Report on Access to Documents 2014.
  • Court of Justice of the European Union. 2007a. C-266/05P Sison v Council. February 1.
  • Court of Justice of the European Union. 2007b. Case C-64/05P, Sweden v Commission. December 18.
  • Court of Justice of the European Union. 2013. Case C-280/11 P, Council v. Access Info Europe. October 13.
  • Economic Financial Committee. 2002. Working Methods of the Eurogroup, EFC/ECFIN/620/01-final. January 8.
  • European Council. 2001. Laeken Declaration on the Future of the European Union. December 15.
  • European Council. 2009. Decision Adopting its Rules of Procedure, OJ L 315/52. December 1.
  • European Council. 2014a. Document 13559/14, Confirmatory Application 29/c/01/14. October 10.
  • European Council. 2014b. Document 209/14, Confirmatory Application 29/c/01/14. October 20.
  • European Council. 2015. Newsroom. http://tvnewsroom.consilium.europa.eu/videos.
  • European Parliament. 2014. Document Activity Report on Codecision and Conciliation (7th parliamentary term). http://www.europarl.europa.eu/code/information/activity_reports/activity_report_2009_2014_en.pdf.
  • European Parliament and Council. 2001. Regulation 1049/01/EC Regarding Public Access to European Parliament, Council and Commission Documents. May 30.
  • European Parliament, Council and Commission. 2007. Joint Declaration on Practical Arrangements for the Co-decision Procedure (2007/C145/5). June 30.
  • General Court. 2007. Joined cases T-03/00 and T-337/04, Pitsiorlas v Council. November 27.
  • General Court. 2011. Case T-233/09, Access Info Europe v Council. March 22.
  • General Court. 2013. Case T-331/11, Besselink v Council. September 12.
  • Treaty establishing the European Community (Amsterdam version). 1999.
  • Treaty on European Union (Lisbon version). 2009.
  • Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. 2009.