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Transforming representative democracy in the EU? The role of the European Parliament


  • Bauer, M. W., and S. Becker. 2014. “The Unexpected Winner of the Crisis: The European Commission’s Strengthened Role in Economic Governance.” Journal of European Integration 36 (3): 213–229.10.1080/07036337.2014.885750
  • Bickerton, C. J., D. Hodson, and U. Puetter, eds. 2015. The New Intergovernmentalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Cameron, D. 2014. “‘Invented’ Process to Appoint President of European Commission is Damaging to Democracy. Irish Times, June 12.
  • Cini, M., and Marián Šuplata. 2017. “Policy leadership in the European Commission: the regulation of EU mobile roaming charges.” Journal of European Integration 39 (2): 143–156. doi:10.1080/07036337.2016.1275607.
  • Corbett, R., F. Jacobs, and D. Neville. 2016. The European Parliament. 9th ed. London: John Harper.
  • Council of the European Communities. 1970. “Minutes of the General Affairs Group Held on 19, 23 and 24 February 1970, Concerning the Legal Framework for the Increase in the European Parliament’s Budgetary Powers.”
  • Council of the European Union. 2013. “Press Release of the General Affairs Council of 21 January.” http://eu2013.ie/news/news-items/20130121posteuaffairsinformal/.
  • Dinan, Desmond. 2017. “Leadership in the European Council: an assessment of Herman Van Rompuy’s presidency.” Journal of European Integration 39 (2): 157–173. doi:10.1080/07036337.2016.1278442.
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  • Financial Times. 2014a, 9 March. http://blogs.ft.com/brusselsblog/2014/03/09/epp-in-dublin-wrap-up-kenny-up-juncker-down.
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  • Hobolt, S. B. 2014. “A Vote for the President? The Role of Spitzenkandidaten in the 2014 European Parliament Elections.” Journal of European Public Policy 21 (10): 143–179.
  • Judge, D., and D. Earnshaw. 2008. “The European Parliament: Leadership and ‘Followership’.” Chap. 13 in Leaderless Europe, edited by J. Hayward, 245–268. Oxford: Oxford University Press.10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199535026.001.0001
  • Müller, Henriette. 2017. “Setting Europe‘s agenda: the Commission presidents and political leadership.” Journal of European Integration 39 (2): 129–142. doi:10.1080/07036337.2016.1277712.
  • Peñalver, N., and J. Priestley. 2015. The Making of a European President. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Politico. 2015. “The Most Exclusive Dining Club in Brussels.” 18 June. www.politico.eu/article/g5-brussels-most-exclusive-dining-club/.
  • Rasmussen, A., C. Burns, and C. Reh, eds. 2013. “Twenty Years of Legislative Codecision in the European Union.” Journal of European Public Policy 20 (7), Special Issue.
  • Rittberger, B. 2005. Building Europe’s Parliament: Democratic Representation beyond the Nation-state. Oxford: Oxford University Press.10.1093/0199273421.001.0001
  • Ross, George, and Jane Jenson. 2017. “Reconsidering Jacques Delors‘ leadership of the European union.” Journal of European Integration 39 (2): 113–127. doi:10.1080/07036337.2016.1277718.
  • Rittberger, B. 2012. “Institutionalizing Representative Democracy in the European Union: The Case of the European Parliament.” JCMS. Journal of Common Market Studies 50: 18–37.10.1111/jcms.2012.50.issue-s1
  • Savage, James D., and Amy Verdun. 2016. “‘Strengthening the European Commission’s Budgetary and Economic Surveillance Capacity Since Greece and the Euro Area Crisis: A Study of Five Directorates-general’ (with James D. Savage).” Journal of European Public Policy 23 (1): 101–118.10.1080/13501763.2015.1041417
  • Shackleton, M. 2005. “Parliamentary Government or Division of Powers: Is the Destination Still Unknown.” In The State of the Union: With US or Against US? European Trends in American Perspective, Vol. 7, edited by N. Jabko and C. Parsons. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Shackleton, M. 2013. “Creating a European Public Space: Practitioners’ Dream, Academic Nightmare, Inaugural Lecture, 6 December 2012, Maastricht Centre for European Governance.”
  • Shackleton, M. 2014. The Election of the Commission President in 2014: What Does It Tell Us about Democracy in the European Union. ISL Working Paper, 2014:4. Norway: Department of Political Science and Management, Agder: University of Agder.
  • Shackleton, M. 2015. “Whither the Parliament and the Commission? Reflections on the First Year of the Juncker Commission.” In De Commissie-Juncker: laatste kans voor Europa? Tussenbalans na een jaar [The Juncker Commission: last chance for Europe? Interim review after one year],edited by G. Voerman and J. van der Haarst, 75–87. Den Haag: Montesquieu Institute.
  • Tömmel, Ingeborg, and Amy Verdun. 2017. “Political leadership in the European Union: an introduction.” Journal of European Integration 39 (2): 103–112. doi:10.1080/07036337.2016.1277714.
  • Tömmel, Ingeborg. 2017. “The standing president of the European Council: intergovernmental or supranational leadership?.” Journal of European Integration 39 (2): 175–189. doi:10.1080/07036337.2016.1277717.
  • VoteWatch Europe. 2015. Who Holds the Power in the New European Parliament? And Why? Special Report of 27 February 2015. Brussels: VoteWatch Europe.