CrossRef citations to date

National courts as regulatory agencies and the application of EU law



  • TEU (Treaty of the European Union). 2016. “Consolidation Version of the Treaty of the European Union.” OJ C202/13.
  • TFEU (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union). 2016. “Consolidation Version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.” OJ C202/47.
  • Treaties
  • Watkins, J. W. N. 1952. “Ideal Types and Historical Explanation.The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3(9): 22–43 doi:https://doi.org/10.1093/bjps/III.9.22

Books and Articles

  • Alter, K. J. 1998. “Explaining National Court Acceptance of European Court Jurisprudence: A Critical Evaluation of Theories of Legal Integration.” In The European Court and National Courts – Doctrine and Jurisprudence. Legal Change in Its Social Context, edited by A.-M. Slaughter, A. S. Sweet, and J. Weiler, 227–252. London: Hart Publishing.
  • Alter, K. J., and S. Meunier-Aitsahalia. 1994. “Judicial Politics in the European Community: European Integration and the Pathbreaking Cassis De Dijon Decision.” Comparative Political Studies 26 (4): 535–561.
  • Avbelj, M., and J. Komárek, eds. 2012. Constitutional Pluralism in the European Union and Beyond. Oxford: Hart.
  • Bobek, M. 2008. “On the Application of European Law in (Not Only) the Courts of the New Member States: ‘Don’t Do as I Say’?” Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 10: 1–34.
  • Burley, A.-M., and W. Mattli. 1993. “Europe before the Court: A Political Theory of Legal Integration.” International Organization 47 (1): 41–76.
  • Cogliagese, C., and R. Kagan, eds. 2007. Regulation and Regulatory Processes. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Collier, D., J. LaPorte, and J. Seawright. 2008. “Typologies: Forming Concepts and Creating Categorical Variables.” In Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology, edited by J. M. Box-Steffensmeier, H. E. Brady, and D. Collier, 152–173. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Collier, D., J. LaPorte, and J. Seawright. 2012. “Putting Typologies to Work: Concept Formation, Measurement, and Analytical Rigor.” Political Science Quarterly 65 (1): 217–232.
  • Conant, L. 2002. Justice Contained: Law and Politics in the European Union. Ithaca, UK: Cornell University Press.
  • Cowles, M. G., J. Caporaso, and T. Risse, eds. 2001. Transforming Europe: Europeanization and Domestic Change. Ithaca, UK: Cornell University Press.
  • Ewick, P., and S. S. Silbey. 1998. The Common Place of Law: Stories from Everyday Life. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
  • Glavina, M. 2019. “Reluctance to Participate in the Preliminary Ruling Procedure as A Challenge to EU Law: A Case Study on Slovenia and Croatia.” In The Eurosceptic Challenge National Implementation and Interpretation of EU Law, edited by C. Rauchegger and A. Wallerman, 119–211. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
  • Golub, J. 1996. “The Politics of Judicial Discretion: Rethinking the Interaction between National Courts and the European Court of Justice.” West European Politics 19 (2): 360–385.
  • Graziano, P., and M. P. Vink, eds. 2007. Europeanization: Research Agendas. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Halperin, J.-L. 2011. “Law in Books and Law in Action: The Problem of Legal Change.” Maine Law Review 64 (1): 46–76.
  • Hertogh, M. 2015. “Rechters Tussen Brussel En Het BW [Judges between Brussels and the Dutch Civil Code].” In Rechtspleging En Rechtsbescherming: Liber Amicorum Voor Prof. Dr. Leny E. De Groot-van Leeuwen [Justice and Legal Protection: Liber Amicorum for Prof. Dr. Leny E. De Groot-van Leeuwen], edited by R. Baas, T. Havinga, M. Laemers, and H. den Tonkelaar, 175–186. Deventer: Kluwer.
  • Jaremba, U. 2012. “Polish Civil Judges as European Union Law Judges: Knowledge, Experiences and Attitudes.” PhD diss., Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • Jaremba, U., and T. Nowak. 2012. “The Role of EU Law Education and Training in the Functioning of National Courts as Decentralized EU Courts: An Empirical Investigation into the Polish and German Civil Judiciary.” In Integration through Legal Education. The Role of EU Legal Studies in Shaping the EU, edited by V. Cattelan, 111–146. Bologna: Il Mulino.
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  • Mattli, W., and A.-M. Slaughter. 1998. “Revisiting the European Court of Justice.” International Organization 52 (1): 177–209.
  • Mayoral, J. A. 2013. “The Politics of Judging EU Law – A New Approach to National Courts in the Legal Integration of Europe.” PhD diss., European University Institute.
  • Mayoral, J. A., U. Jaremba, and T. Nowak. 2014. “Creating EU Law Judges, the Role of Generational Differences, Legal Education and Career Paths in National Judges’ Assessment regarding EU Law Knowledge.” Journal of European Public Policy 21 (8): 1120–1141.
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  • Nowak, T., F. Amtenbrink, M. Hertogh, and M. Wissink. 2011. National Judges as European Union Judges - Experiences, Knowledge and Attitudes of Lower Court Judges in Germany and the Netherlands. Den Haag: Eleven Publishers.
  • Olson, J. P. 2002. “The Many Faces of Europeanization.” Journal of Common Market Studies 40 (5): 921–952.
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  • Pound, R. 1910. “Law in Books and Law in Action.” American Law Review 44 (1): 12–36.
  • Slaughter, A.-M., A. S. Sweet, and J. Weiler, eds. 1998. The European Court and National Courts – Doctrine and Jurisprudence: Legal Change in Its Social Context. London: Hart Publishing.
  • Stone Sweet, A. 2000. Governing with Judges: Constitutional Politics in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Trubek, D. M. 1984. “Where the Action Is: Critical Legal Studies and Empiricism.” Stanford Law Review 36 (1/2): 575–622.
  • Van Rossem, J. W. 2014. “Soevereiniteit En Pluralisme: Een Conceptuele Zoektocht Naar De Constitutionele Grondslagen Van De Europese Rechtsorde [Sovereignty and Pluralism: A Conceptual Search for the Constitutional Foundations of the European Legal Order].” PhD diss., University of Groningen. Kluwer.
  • Weiler, J. H. H. 1994. “A Quiet Revolution: The European Court of Justice and Its Interlocutors.” Comparative Political Studies 26 (4): 510–534.
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