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Forecasting with Economic News



  • Adrian, T., Boyarchenko, N., and Giannone, D. (2019), “Vulnerable Growth,” American Economic Review, 109, 1263–1289. DOI: 10.1257/aer.20161923.
  • Adrian, T., Grinberg, F., Liang, N., and Malik, S. (2018), “The Term Structure of Growth-at-Risk,” IMF working paper WP/18/180. DOI: 10.5089/9781484372364.001.
  • Algaba, A., Ardia, D., Bluteau, K., Borms, S., and Boudt, K. (2020), “Econometrics Meets Sentiment: An Overview of Methodology and Applications,” Journal of Economic Surveys, 34, 512–547. DOI: 10.1111/joes.12370.
  • Aprigliano, V., Ardizzi, G., Monteforte, L. (2019), “Using the Payment System Data to Forecast the Economic Activity,” International Journal of Central Banking, 15, 55–80.
  • Aruoba, S. B., Diebold, F. X., and Scotti, C. (2009), “Real-Time Measurement of Business Conditions,” Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 27, 417–427.
  • Askitas, N., and Zimmermann, K. F. (2013), “Nowcasting Business Cycles Using Toll Data,” Journal of Forecasting, 32, 299–306. DOI: 10.1002/for.1262.
  • Baccianella, S., Esuli, A., and Sebastiani, F. (2010), “Sentiwordnet 3.0: An Enhanced Lexical Resource for Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining,” in LREC (Vol. 10), pp. 2200–2204.
  • Baker, S. R., Bloom, N., and Davis, S. J. (2016), “Measuring Economic Policy Uncertainty,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131, 1593–1636. DOI: 10.1093/qje/qjw024.
  • Baker, S. R., Bloom, N., Davis, S. J., and Kost, K. J. (2019), “Policy News and Stock Market Volatility,” Technical report, National Bureau of Economic Research, working paper 25720.
  • Bańbura, M., Giannone, D., Modugno, M., and Reichlin, L. (2013), “Now-Casting and the Real-Time Data Flow,” in Handbook of Economic Forecasting (Vol. 2), pp. 195–237, Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Belloni, A., Chernozhukov, V., and Hansen, C. (2014), “Inference on Treatment Effects After Selection Among High-Dimensional Controls,” The Review of Economic Studies, 81, 608–650. DOI: 10.1093/restud/rdt044.
  • Belloni, A., Chernozhukov, V., and Kato, K. (2019), “Valid Post-Selection Inference in High-Dimensional Approximately Sparse Quantile Regression Models,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 114, 749–758. DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2018.1442339.
  • Benjamini, Y., and Hochberg, Y. (1995), “Controlling the False Discovery Rate: A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 57, 289–300. DOI: 10.1111/j.2517-6161.1995.tb02031.x.
  • Benjamini, Y., Krieger, A. M., and Yekutieli, D. (2006), “Adaptive Linear Step-up Procedures that Control the False Discovery Rate,” Biometrika, 93, 491–507. DOI: 10.1093/biomet/93.3.491.
  • Blinder, A. S., and Krueger, A. B. (2004), “What Does the Public Know about Economic Policy, and How Does it Know it?” Technical report, National Bureau of Economic Research, working paper 10787.
  • Bok, B., Caratelli, D., Giannone, D., Sbordone, A. M., and Tambalotti, A. (2018), “Macroeconomic Nowcasting and Forecasting with Big Data,” Annual Review of Economics, 10, 615–643. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-economics-080217-053214.
  • Brave, S. (2009), “The Chicago Fed National Activity Index and Business Cycles,” Chicago Fed Letter, 268, 1–4.
  • Brave, S. A., and Butters, R. (2014), “Nowcasting Using the Chicago Fed National Activity Index,” Economic Perspectives, 38, 569–594.
  • Brave, S. A., and Butters, R. A. (2011), “Monitoring Financial Stability: A Financial Conditions Index Approach,” Economic Perspectives, 35, 22–43.
  • Brownlees, C., and Souza, A. B. (2021), “Backtesting Global Growth-at-Risk,” Journal of Monetary Economics, 118, 312–330. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmoneco.2020.11.003.
  • Bybee, L., Kelly, B. T., Manela, A., and Xiu, D. (2019), “The Structure of Economic News,” technical report, National Bureau of Economic Research. Working paper 26648.
  • Calomiris, C. W., and Mamaysky, H. (2019), “How News and its Context Drive Risk and Returns Around the World,” Journal of Financial Economics, 133, 299–336. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfineco.2018.11.009.
  • Cambria, E., and Hussain, A. (2015), Sentic Computing: A Common-Sense-Based Framework for Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis, Cham: Springer.
  • Cambria, E., Li, Y., Xing, F., Poria, S., and Kwok, K. (2020), “SenticNet 6: Ensemble Application of Symbolic and Subsymbolic AI for Sentiment Analysis,” in International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Proceedings, pp. 105–114. DOI: 10.1145/3340531.3412003.
  • Choi, H., and Varian, H. (2012), “Predicting the Present with Google Trends,” Economic Record, 88, 2–9. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-4932.2012.00809.x.
  • Consoli, S., Barbaglia, L., and Manzan, S. (in press), “Fine-Grained, Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis on Economic and Financial Lexicon,” Knowledge-Based Systems.
  • Corradi, V., Fosten, J., and Gutknecht, D. (2020), “Conditional Quantile Coverage: An Application to Growth-at-Risk,” available at SSRN 3670575.
  • Fornaro, P. (2016), “Predicting Finnish Economic Activity Using Firm-Level Data,” International Journal of Forecasting, 32, 10–19. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijforecast.2015.04.002.
  • Foroni, C., Marcellino, M., and Schumacher, C. (2015), “Unrestricted Mixed Data Sampling (MIDAS): MIDAS Regressions with Unrestricted Lag Polynomials,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 178, 57–82. DOI: 10.1111/rssa.12043.
  • Galbraith, J. W., and Tkacz, G. (2018), “Nowcasting with Payments System Data,” International Journal of Forecasting, 34, 366–376. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijforecast.2016.10.002.
  • Gentzkow, M., Kelly, B., and Taddy, M. (2019), “Text as Data,” Journal of Economic Literature, 57, 535–574. DOI: 10.1257/jel.20181020.
  • Gentzkow, M., and Shapiro, J. M. (2010), “What Drives Media Slant? Evidence from US Daily Newspapers,” Econometrica, 78, 35–71.
  • Giacomini, R., and Komunjer, I. (2005), “Evaluation and combination of conditional Quantile Forecasts,” Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 23, 416–431.
  • Giacomini, R., and Rossi, B. (2010), “Forecast Comparisons in Unstable Environments,” Journal of Applied Econometrics, 25, 595–620. DOI: 10.1002/jae.1177.
  • Gneiting, T. (2011), “Making and Evaluating Point Forecasts,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 106, 746–762. DOI: 10.1198/jasa.2011.r10138.
  • Hansen, S., and McMahon, M. (2016), “Shocking Language: Understanding the Macroeconomic Effects of Central Bank Communication,” Journal of International Economics, 99, S114–S133. DOI: 10.1016/j.jinteco.2015.12.008.
  • Hansen, S., McMahon, M., and Prat, A. (2017), “Transparency and Deliberation within the FOMC: A Computational Linguistics Approach,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133, 801–870. DOI: 10.1093/qje/qjx045.
  • James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T., and Tibshirani, R. (2021), “Multiple Testing,” in An Introduction to Statistical Learning, pp. 553–595, New York: Springer.
  • Jordà, Ò. (2005), “Estimation and Inference of Impulse Responses by Local Projections,” American Economic Review, 95, 161–182. DOI: 10.1257/0002828053828518.
  • Kalamara, E., Turrell, A., Kapetanios, G., Kapadia, S., and Redl, C. (2018), “Making Text Count for Macroeconomics: What Newspaper Text Can Tell Us about Sentiment and Uncertainty,” technical report, Bank of England. Working paper 865.
  • Ke, Z. T., Kelly, B. T., and Xiu, D. (2019), “Predicting Returns with Text Data,” available in SSRN 3389884.
  • Kelly, B., Manela, A., and Moreira, A. (2018), “Text Selection,” available in SSRN 3491942
  • Koenker, R. (2011), “Additive Models for Quantile Regression: Model Selection and Confidence Bandaids,” Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 25, 239–262. DOI: 10.1214/10-BJPS131.
  • Lamla, M. J., and Maag, T. (2012), “The Role of Media for Inflation Forecast Disagreement of Households and Professional Forecasters,” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 44, 1325–1350. DOI: 10.1111/j.1538-4616.2012.00534.x.
  • Lewis, D., Mertens, K., and Stock, J. H. (2020), “Economic Activity During the Early Weeks of the SARS-Cov-2 Outbreak,” technical report, National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Loughran, T., and McDonald, B. (2011), “When is a Liability not a Liability? Textual analysis, dictionaries, and 10-Ks,” Journal of Finance, 66, 35–65. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.2010.01625.x.
  • Manzan, S. (2015), “Forecasting the Distribution of Economic Variables in a Data-Rich Environment,” Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 33, 144–164.
  • Manzan, S., and Zerom, D. (2013), “Are Macroeconomic Variables Useful for Forecasting the Distribution of U.S. Inflation?” International Journal of Forecasting, 29, 469–478. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijforecast.2013.01.005.
  • Marcellino, M., and Schumacher, C. (2010), “Factor Midas for Nowcasting and Forecasting with Ragged-Edge Data: A Model Comparison for German GDP,” Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 72, 518–550. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0084.2010.00591.x.
  • Quaedvlieg, R. (2021), “Multi-Horizon Forecast Comparison,” Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 39, 40–53.
  • Shapiro, A. H., Sudhof, M., and Wilson, D. J. (in press), “Measuring News Sentiment,” Journal of Econometrics.
  • Sharpe, S. A., Sinha, N. R., and Hollrah, C. (2017), “What’s the Story? A New Perspective on the Value of Economic Forecasts,” FEDS working paper, finance and economics discussion series 2017-107. DOI: 10.17016/FEDS.2017.107.
  • Stock, J. H., and Watson, M. W. (1999), “Forecasting Inflation,” Journal of Monetary Economics, 44, 293–335. DOI: 10.1016/S0304-3932(99)00027-6.
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  • Tetlock, P. C. (2007), “Giving Content to Investor Sentiment: The Role of Media in the Stock Market,” Journal of Finance, 62, 1139–1168. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.2007.01232.x.
  • Thorsrud, L. A. (2016), “Nowcasting Using News Topics. Big Data Versus Big Bank,” Norges Bank working paper 20/2016.
  • Thorsrud, L. A. (2020), “Words are the New Numbers: A Newsy Coincident Index of the Business Cycle,” Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 38, 393–409.
  • Tibshirani, R. (1996), “Regression Shrinkage and Selection via the Lasso,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 58, 267–288. DOI: 10.1111/j.2517-6161.1996.tb02080.x.
  • Xing, F., Cambria, E., and Welsch, R. (2018), “Natural Language Based Financial Forecasting: A Survey,” Artificial Intelligence Review, 50, 49–73. DOI: 10.1007/s10462-017-9588-9.