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Introduction to Special Issue on Body Tracking and Healthcare

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  • Ejupi, A., Gschwind, Y., Valenzuela, T., Lord, S., & Delbaere, K. (2016). A Kinect and inertial sensor-based system for the self-assessment of fall risk: A home-based study in older people. In Human–Computer Interaction, 31, 261–293.
  • Lam, A., Varona-Marin, D., Li, Y., Fergenbaum, M., & Kulić, D. (2016). Automated rehabilitation system: Movement measurement and feedback for patients and physiotherapists in the rehabilitation clinic. Human-Computer Interaction, 31, 294–334.
  • Mentis, H., Shewbridge, R., Powell, S., Armstrong, M., Fishman, P., & Shulman, L. (2016). Co-interpreting movement with sensors: Assessing Parkinson’s patients’ deep brain stimulation programming. Human–Computer Interaction, 31, 227–260.
  • Morrison, C., Huckvale, K., Corish, R., Dorn, J., Kontschieder, P., O’Hara, K., … Sellen, A. (2016). Assessing multiple sclerosis with kinect: Designing computer vision systems for real-world use. In Human–Computer Interaction, 31, 191–226.
  • Singh, A., Piana, S., Pollarolo, D., Volpe, G., Varni, G., Tajadura-Jimenez, A., … Bianchi-Berthouze, N. (2016). Go-with-the-flow: Tracking, analysis and sonification of movement and breathing to build confidence in activity despite chronic pain. Human–Computer Interaction, 31, 335–383.

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