CrossRef citations to date


  • Barrett, M.; Davidson, E.; Prabhu, J.; and Vargo, S.L. Service innovation in the digital age: Key contributions and future directions. MIS Quarterly, 39, 1 (2015), 135–154.
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  • Hibbeln, M.; Jenkins, J.L.; Schneider, C.; Valacich, J.S.; and Weinmann, M. How is your user feeling? Inferring emotion through human-computer interaction devices. MIS Quarterly, 41, 1 (2017), 1–21.
  • Ho, S.Y.; Bodoff, D.; and Tam, K.Y. Timing of adaptive web personalization and its effects on online consumer behavior. Information Systems Research, 22, 3 (2011), 660–679.
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