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The Temptation of Intelligence Politicization to Support Diplomacy


  • Anthony Lake “Confronting Backlash States,” Foreign Affairs, March/April 1994, p. 43.
  • Robert Gates “An Opportunity Unfulfilled: The Use and Perceptions of Intelligence at the White House,” Washington Quarterly, Winter 1989, p. 42.
  • Thomas Graham Jr., former Acting Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Statement to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia, 15 May 2008.
  • Barry M. Blechman and Janne E. Nolan “Reorganizing for More Effective Arms Negotiations,” Foreign Affairs, Summer 1983, p. 1161.
  • Hal Brands “Progress Unseen: U.S. Arms Control Policy and the Origins of Détente, 1963–1968,” Diplomatic History, April 2006, p. 259.
  • Thomas Graham Jr., statement, 15 May 2008
  • Robert Jastrow “Reagan vs. the Scientists: Why the President Is Right about Missile Defense,” Commentary, January 1984, p. 24.
  • Robin Ranger and Dov S. Zakheim “More than Ever, Arms Control Demands Compliance,” Orbis, Spring 1990, pp. 211–226, at pp. 217–218.
  • Robert Jervis “Why Intelligence and Policymakers Clash,” Political Science Quarterly, Summer 2010, p. 201; Albert Wohlstetter, “Is There a Strategic Arms Race?,” Foreign Policy, Nos. 15 and 16, Summer and Fall 1974.
  • “Intelligence Community Experiment in Competitive Analysis: Soviet Strategic Objectives, An Alternative View,” Report of Team “B,” Central Intelligence Agency, December 1976, pp. 1, 43.
  • Anne Hessing Cahn “Team B: The Trillion Dollar Experiment,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, April 1993, pp. 22–27.
  • Donald Rumsfeld Known and Unknown: A Memoir (New York: Sentinel, 2011), p. 239.
  • Gerhard Wettig “The Last Soviet Offensive in the Cold War: Emergence and Development of the Campaign Against NATO Euromissiles, 1979–1983,” Cold War History, February 2009, p. 85.
  • President Jimmy Carter, television address, 1 October 1979.
  • Donald Rumsfeld Known and Unknown, p. 259.
  • Alexander M. Haig Jr., “A Certain Idea of Man: The Democratic Revolution and Its Future,” Current Policy, No. 311 (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of State, 13 September 1981).
  • Jonathan B. Tucker “The ‘Yellow Rain’ Controversy: Lessons for Arms Control Compliance,” Nonproliferation Review, Spring 2001, pp. 25–26.
  • Ibid., p. 29.
  • Ibid., pp. 31–32; Elisa D. Harris “Sverdlovsk and Yellow Rain: Two Cases of Soviet Noncompliance?,” International Security, Spring 1987, pp. 70–75.
  • Elisa D. Harris “Sverdlovsk and Yellow Rain,” p. 92.
  • Jonathan B. Tucker “The ‘Yellow Rain’ Controversy,” pp. 32–33; Philip M. Boffey, “Washington Talk: Chemical Warfare; Declassified Cables Add to Doubts about U.S. Disclosures on ‘Yellow Rain,’” The New York Times, 31 August 1987, p. A14.
  • Elisa D. Harris “Sverdlovsk and Yellow Rain,” p. 67.
  • Craig Whitney “Moscow Rejects Germ-Warfare Report as ‘Slander,’” The New York Times, 20 March 1980, Section 2, p. 16.
  • Elisa D. Harris “Sverdlovsk and Yellow Rain,” pp. 46–48.
  • Ibid., pp. 53–55.
  • Rebecca Katz and Burton Singer “Can an Attribution Assessment Be Made for Yellow Rain?,” Politics and the Life Sciences, 24 August 2007, pp. 24–42.
  • Jan T. Knoph and Kristina S. Westerdahl “Re-Evaluating Russia's Biological Weapons Policy, as Reflected in the Criminal Code and Official Admissions: Insubordination Leading to a President's Subordination,” Critical Reviews in Microbiology, Vol. 32, 1996, p. 2.
  • Jonathan B. Tucker “The ‘Yellow Rain’ Controversy,” pp. 38–39.
  • Robin Ranger and Dov S. Zakheim “Arms Control Demands Compliance,” pp. 211–226.
  • Gary L. Guertner “Three Images of Soviet Arms Control Compliance,” Political Science Quarterly, November 1988, pp. 321–346.
  • Robert Jastrow “Reagan vs. the Scientists.”
  • McGeorge Bundy, George F. Kennan, Robert S. McNamara, and Gerard Smith “The President's Choice: Star Wars or Arms Control,” Foreign Affairs, Winter 1984/1985, p. 275.
  • “Generous to a Fault,” Sarasota [Florida] Herald-Tribune, 13 November 1989, p. 12A.
  • Ronald Reagan “Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate, and the President's Report,” 2 December 1987.
  • Gary L. Guertner “Three Images of Soviet Arms Control Compliance,” p. 344.
  • William D. Jackson “Verification in Arms Control: Beyond NTM,” Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 19 (1982), p. 345.
  • Gary L. Guertner “Three Images of Soviet Arms Control Compliance,” p. 346.
  • Raymond L. Garthoff “Case of the Wandering Radar,” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, July/August 1991, p. 7.
  • Max Holland “Private Sources of U.S. Foreign Policy,” Journal of Cold War Studies, Fall 2005, pp. 36–37.
  • Don Oberdorfer The Two Koreas: A Contemporary History (New York: Basic Books, 2001), p. 103.
  • Cyrus Vance Hard Choices: Critical Years in America's Foreign Policy (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983), p. 128.
  • Don Oberdorfer The Two Koreas, p. 251; Joel S. Wit, Daniel B. Poneman, and Robert L. Gallucci, Going Critical: The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2004), p. 6.
  • Joel S. Wit, Daniel B. Poneman, and Robert L. Gallucci Going Critical, p. 81.
  • David E. Sanger “Seoul's Leader Says North Is Manipulating U.S. on Nuclear Issue,” The New York Times, 2 July 1993; Don Oberdorfer, The Two Koreas, p. 287.
  • Joel S. Wit, Daniel B. Poneman, and Robert L. Gallucci Going Critical, pp. 314–315.
  • Jim Hoagland “The Selling of the Korea Deal,” The Washington Post, 6 December 1994, p. A19.
  • Nicholas Burns, Daily Press Briefing, 24 January 1996.
  • Nicholas Burns, Daily Press Briefing, 9 June 1997.
  • “US Envoy Says Four-Way Preferable to Six-Way Talks on Korean Peace,” Yonhap News Agency (Seoul), 20 October 1998.
  • “Foreign Assistance: North Korea Restricts Food Aid Monitoring,” General Accounting Office, October 1999, GAO/NSIAD-00–35.
  • Letter from Bert T. Edwards to Henry L. Hinton Jr., Assistant Comptroller General, General Accounting Office, 27 September 1999.
  • “Nuclear Nonproliferation: Status of Heavy Fuel Oil Delivered to North Korea Under the Agreed Framework,” General Accounting Office, September 1999, GAO/RCED-99-276.
  • Joel S. Wit, Daniel B. Poneman, and Robert L. Gallucci Going Critical, p. 357.
  • James B. Foley Daily Press Briefing, U.S. Department of State, August 25, 1999.
  • Robert L. Gallucci and Joel S. Wit “What North Korea Says About Iran,” Foreign Affairs, 5 May 2015.
  • Joshua D. Pollack “The United States, North Korea, and the End of the Agreed Framework,” Naval War College Review, Summer 2003, p. 13.
  • Christopher R. Hill Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, “The Six Party Process: Progress and Perils in North Korea's Denuclearization,” Testimony before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Environment, and Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade, 25 October 2007.
  • Larry A. Niksch “North Korea: Terrorism List Removal?,” CRS Report for Congress, No. RL30613, 10 July 2008, pp. 15–23.
  • Larry A. Niksch “North Korea: Terrorism List Removal,” CRS Report for Congress, No. RL30613, 15 April 2009, p. 20.
  • Ibid., p. 21.
  • Ibid., p. 23.
  • David Sanger “A Nation at War: Asian Front: U.S. Rebukes Pakistanis for Lab's Aid to Pyongyang,” The New York Times, 1 April 2003, p. B15.
  • Mark Mazzetti and Helene Cooper “An Israeli Strike on Syria Kindles Debate in the U.S.,” The New York Times, 10 October 2007, p. A1.
  • Kenneth G. Weiss “Space Dragon: Long March, Missile Proliferation, and Sanctions,” Comparative Strategy, October 1999, p. 342.
  • Greg Stohr and Phil Mattingly “Geithner Delays Currency Report, Urges Flexible Yuan for China,” Bloomberg News, 4 April 2010.
  • William T. Lee “The ABM Treaty Was Dead on Arrival,” Comparative Strategy, April/June 2000, pp. 145–165, at p. 147.
  • Peter Baker “Despite Arrests, Working to Rebuild Russia Ties,” The New York Times, 1 July 2010, p. A3.
  • Bill Gertz “Spy Swap Puts Halt to Fact Finding,” The Washington Times, 13 July 2010, p. A1.
  • Bruce W. Jentleson With Friends Like These: Reagan, Bush, and Saddam, 1982–1990 (New York: W. W. Norton, 1994), p. 33.
  • Letter from George Shultz to Howard Berman, 20 June 1985, as quoted in ibid., p. 54.
  • Defense Department memorandum, “Subject: High Technology Dual Use Exports to Iraq,” 1 July 1985, as quoted in Bruce W. Jentleson, With Friends Like These, p. 51.
  • Joost R. Hiltermann A Poisonous Affair: America, Iraq, and the Gassing of Halabja (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007), pp. 37–46.
  • Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., “President Bush's Policy toward Iraq,” U.S. Senate, 2 October 1992.
  • Robert Jervis Why Intelligence Fails: Lessons from the Iranian Revolution and the Iraq War (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2010), pp. 126–127.
  • Ibid., pp. 131–133.
  • Ibid., p. 133.
  • Joseph C. Wilson IV, “What I Didn't Find in Africa,” Op-Ed, The New York Times, 6 July 2003.
  • Staff Report on the Khobar Towers Attack, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 12 September 1996, pp. 5, 8–10.
  • Caspar Weinberger “Joint Hearing on Terrorism,” Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1 August 1996.
  • Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Remarks at the 1998 Asia Society Dinner, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, 17 June 1998.
  • Robin Wright “U.S. Now Views Iran in More Favorable Light,” The Los Angeles Times, 14 February 2003, p. 5.
  • Gary Thomas “No Evidence of Iranian Role in Iraq Unrest, Says US State Department,” Voice of America, 9 April 2004; Adam Ereli, Regular Briefing, U.S. Department of State, 9 April 2004.
  • National Intelligence Council, “Iran: Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities,” Washington, DC, November 2007.
  • Editorial, “‘High Confidence’ Games,” The Wall Street Journal, 5 December 2007, p. A24.
  • Glenn Hastedt “The Politics of Intelligence and the Politicization of Intelligence: The American Experience,” Intelligence and National Security, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2013, pp. 5–31, at p. 10.
  • National Intelligence Council, “Iran: Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities.”
  • Edward Jay Epstein “How the CIA Got It Wrong on Iran's Nukes,” The Wall Street Journal, 30 July 2010, p. A13.
  • “Proceedings of the 111th Annual Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States,” Indianapolis, Indiana, 21–26 August 2010.
  • George Jahn “Nuke Agency Says Iran can make Bomb,” Associated Press, 17 September 2009.
  • Annex to IAEA Board of Governors, “Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and Relevant Provisions of UN Security Council Resolutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” IAEA GOV/2011/65 (8 November 2011).
  • President Barack H. Obama, “State of the Union Address,” The White House, 20 January 2005.
  • Glenn Kessler “Fact Checker: Obama's Claim that Iran's Nuclear Program has been ‘halted’ and its nuclear stockpile ‘reduced.'” The Washington Post, 22 January 2015, at http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/wp2015/01/22/obamas-claim-that-irans-nuclear-program-has-been-halted-and-its-nuclear-stock-pile-reduced.
  • Eli Lake “Obama Kept Iran's Short Breakout Time a Secret,” Bloomberg News, 21 April 2015.
  • Patrick Migliorini, David Albright, Houston Wood, and Christina Walrond “Iranian Breakout Estimates, Updated September 2013,” Institute for Science and International Security, 24 October 2013.
  • Louis Charbonneau “Exclusive: Britain told U.N. Monitors of Active Nuclear Procurement- Panel,” Reuters, 30 April 2015.
  • Mark Phythian “The Illicit Arms Trade: Cold War and Post–Cold War,” Crime, Law, and Social Change, March 2000, p. 42.
  • Jason Allardyce “Lockerbie Bomber ‘Set Free for Oil,’” Sunday Times (London), 30 August 2009, p. 1; Steven Mufson, “Libyan Controversy Adds to BPs Woes,” The Washington Post, 16 July 2010, p. A4.
  • “U.S. Renews Diplomatic Relations with Libya,” Associated Press, 28 June 2004.
  • Adam Ereli, Noon Briefing, U.S. Department of State, 28 June 2004.
  • Madeleine Albright, Special Briefing, U.S. Department of State, 25 July 2000.
  • Philip Reeker, Regular Briefing, U.S. Department of State, 27 July 2000; Philip Reeker, Regular Briefing, U.S. Department of State, 1 August 2000; Philip Reeker, Regular Briefing, U.S. Department of State, August 29, 2000.
  • PLO Compliance Report (15 December 2000–15 June 2001), Report Pursuant to Title VIII of Public Law 101–246, Foreign Relations Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000–2001, As Amended.
  • Ambassador Francis X. Taylor, Coordinator for Counterterrorism, On-the-Record Briefing on Release of “Patterns of Global Terrorism 2001” Annual Report, Washington, DC, 21 May 7 2002.
  • PLO Commitment Compliance Act, 7 May 2002.
  • Matthew Levitt, “PLOCCA 2002: Empty Words,” PeaceWatch No. 384, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 24 May 2002.
  • Sean McCormack, Daily Press Briefing, U.S. Department of State, 14 October 2008.
  • P. S. Suryanarayana, “No Assurance that A.Q. Khan Network is Dismantled,” Hindu, 7 June 2004; Interview with Condoleezza Rice, Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer, CNN, 3 October 2004.
  • Mark Mazzetti, Jane Perlez, Eric Schmitt, and Andrew W. Lehren “Pakistan Aids Insurgency in Afghanistan, Reports Assert,” The New York Times, 26 July 2010, p. A1.
  • Hillary Rodham Clinton, Opening Remarks at U.S.–Pakistan Strategic Dialogue, Foreign Ministry, Islamabad, 19 July 2010.
  • Richard Holbrooke “Briefing by Special Representative Holbrooke on His Recent Trip to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia, Georgia, and Germany,” U.S. Department of State, 2 March 2010; “India Rejects Holbrooke's Opinion, Menon Heads to Kabul,” Zee News (New Delhi), 4 March 2010.
  • Mark Mazzetti, Jane Perlez, Eric Schmitt, and Andrew W. Lehren “Pakistan Aids Insurgency in Afghanistan, Reports Assert.”
  • Leon Panetta on This Week, ABC Television, 27 June 2010.
  • Spencer S. Hsu and Greg Miller “U.S. Charges Pakistani Taliban Leader in CIA Attack,” The Washington Post, 2 September 2010, p. A10.
  • Stephen F. Hayes “Al Qaeda Wasn't ‘On the Run,’” The Weekly Standard, 15 September 2014.
  • Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, Quarterly Report to the United States Congress, 30 January 2015.
  • Lesley Wroughton and Mark Hosenball “Exclusive: U.S. Pressing Cuba to Restore Diplomatic Ties before April—Officials,” Reuters, 16 February 2015.
  • Steven Mufson “A ‘Rogue’ Is a ‘Rogue’ Is a ‘State of Concern': U.S. Alters Terminology for Certain Countries,” The Washington Post, 20 June 2000, p. A16.
  • Ibid.
  • Lee H. Hamilton, James Schlesinger, and Brent Scowcroft Thinking Beyond the Stalemate in U.S.–Iranian Relations, Vol. 2, Issues and Analysis (Washington, DC: The Atlantic Council of the United States, July 2001), pp. 52–53, 102.
  • Ibid., pp. 47–51, 101–102.
  • Interview with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, “Away from the Politics of Fear,” Spiegel Online International, 16 March 2009.
  • State Department Press Briefing, 30 January 2015; Department of Defense Press Briefing, 30 January 2015; White House Press Statement, 28 January 2015.

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