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Children, Young People, and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook

Children, Young People and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook



  • Ahponen, P. 2011. Miserable or Golden Karelia? Interpreting a Cross-border Excursion of Students from Finland to Russia. Journal of Borderlands Studies 26, no. 2: 145–159. doi:10.1080/08865655.2011.641324.
  • Aitken, S.C. 2010. Not Bad for a Little Migrant Working Kid. Children’s Geographies 8, no. 4: 363–371. doi:10.1080/14733285.2010.511001.
  • Aitken, S.C., and V. Plows. 2010. Overturning Assumptions About Young People, Border Spaces and Revolutions. Children’s Geographies 8, no. 4: 327–33. doi:10.1080/14733285.2010.510997.
  • Aitken, S.C., K. Swanson, and E.G. Kennedy. 2014. Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Youth: Navigating Relational Borderlands. In Children and Borders, ed. Spyros Spyrou, and Miranda Christou, 214–239. Houndmills, Basingstoke and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137326317.
  • Akesson, B. 2014. Arrested in Place: Palestinian Children and Families at the Border. In Children and Borders, ed. Spyros Spyrou, and Miranda Christou, 81–98. Houndmills, Basingstoke and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137326317.
  • Archard, D. 2014. Children. Rights and Childhood. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Assmuth, L., and P.M. Siim. 2018. School as Institution and as Symbol in Estonian Migrant Families’ Lives in Finland. In Translocal Childhoods and Family Mobility in East and North Europe, ed. Laura Assmuth, Marina Hakkarainen, Aija Lulle, and Pihla Maria Siim, 163–187. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-89734-9.
  • Bejarano, C. 2010. Border Rootedness as Transformative Resistance: Youth Overcoming Violence and Inspection in a US–Mexico Border Region. Children’s Geographies 8, no. 4: 391–399. doi:10.1080/14733285.2010.511004.
  • Bosco, F.J. 2010. Play, Work or Activism? Broadening the Connections Between Political and Children’s Geographies. Children's Geographies 8, no. 4: 381–390. doi:10.1080/14733285.2010.511003.
  • Brambilla, C. 2015a. Exploring the Critical Potential of the Borderscapes Concept. Geopolitics 20: 14–34. doi:10.1080/14650045.2014.884561.
  • Brambilla, C. 2015b. “Educational Workshops in Lampedusa with Children of the Island on their Border Imaginaries.” Border Culture. The Blog of the EUBORDERSCAPES Project Research Group for Border Crossing and Cultural Production, January 6. https://bordercult.hypotheses.org/author/chiarabrambilla.
  • Brambilla, C. 2019. Anthropology & Critical Border Studies. Connections | Intersections | Crossings – Introduction. Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo 21, no. 2: 1–10. http://journals.openedition.org/aam/1682.
  • Brambilla, C. 2021. In/Visibilities beyond the Spectacularisation: Young People, Subjectivity, and Revolutionary Border Imaginations in the Mediterranean Borderscape. In Border Images, Border Narratives: The Political Aesthetics of Boundaries and Crossings, ed. Johan Schimanski and Jopi Nyman, 83–104. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Brambilla, C., and R. Jones. 2020. Rethinking Borders, Violence, and Conflict: From Sovereign Power to Borderscapes as Sites of Struggles. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 38, no. 2: 287–305. doi:10.1177/0263775819856352.
  • Brambilla, Chiara, Jussi Laine, James Scott, and Gianluca Bocchi, eds. 2015. Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making. Farnham–Burlington: Ashgate.
  • Brambilla, C., and H. Pötzsch. 2017. In/Visibility. In Border Aesthetics: Concepts and Intersections, ed. Johan Schimanski, and Stephen F. Wolfe, 68–89. New York: Berghahn.
  • Buil, C., and M. Siegel. 2014. Destination Europe: Afghan Unaccompanied Minors Crossing Borders. In Children and Borders, ed. Spyros Spyrou, and Miranda Christou, 99–113. Houndmills, Basingstoke and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137326317.
  • Burrigde, A. 2010. Youth on the Line and the No Borders Movement. Children’s Geographies 8, no. 4: 401–411. doi:10.1080/14733285.2010.511005.
  • Christou, M., and S. Spyrou. 2014. What is a Border? Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot Children’s Understanding of a Contested Territorial Division. In Children and Borders, ed. Spyros Spyrou, and Miranda Christou, 131–148. Houndmills, Basingstoke and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137326317.
  • Christou, M., and S. Spyrou. 2017. The Hyphen in Between: Children’s Intersectional Understandings of National Identities. Children’s Geographies 15, no. 1: 51–64. doi:10.1080/14733285.2016.1225000.
  • Clacherty, G. 2019. Art-based, Narrative Research with Unaccompanied Migrant Children Living in Johannesburg, South Africa. Journal of Borderlands Studies, doi:10.1080/08865655.2019.1621766.
  • da Silva, S.M. 2014. Growing up in a Portuguese Borderland. In Children and Borders, ed. Spyros Spyrou, and Miranda Christou, 62–77. Houndmills, Basingstoke and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137326317.
  • Escamilla García, A., and G.A. Fine. 2018. Fair Warnings: The Ethics of Ethnography with Children. In The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research Ethics, ed. Ron Iphofen, and Martin Tolich, 367–381. London: Sage.
  • Fickers, A. 2017. Generational Conflicts, the Spirit of ‘68 and Cultural Emancipation in the German Speaking Community of Belgium. A Historical Essay About the ‘73 Generation. In Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies: A European Encounter, ed. Machteld Venken, 163–184. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. doi:10.3726/b11559.
  • Grinberg, O. 2014. Palestinian ‘Children of the Junction’: Contested Borders and Representations. In Children and Borders, ed. Spyros Spyrou, and Miranda Christou, 149–163. Houndmills, Basingstoke and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137326317.
  • Hakkarainen, M. 2018. Experiencing Inequality: Children Shaping Their Economic Worlds in a Translocal Context. In Translocal Childhoods and Family Mobility in East and North Europe, ed. Laura Assmuth, Marina Hakkarainen, Aija Lulle, and Pihla Maria Siim, 139–161. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-89734-9.
  • Halicka, B. 2017. The Everyday Life of Children in Polish-German Borderlands During the Early Postwar Period. In Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies: A European Encounter, ed. Machteld Venken, 116–137. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. doi:10.3726/b11559.
  • Hess, S., and B. Kasparek. 2017. Under Control? Or Border (as) Conflict: Reflections on the European Border Regime. Cogitatio. Social Inclusion 5, no. 3: 58–68. doi:10.17645/si.v5i3.1004.
  • Jukarainen, P. 2001. Rauhan ja Raudan rajoilla: Nuorten Maailmanjäsennyksiä Suomen ja Venäjän Sekä Ruotsin ja Suomen Rajojen Tuntumassa [On the Borders of Peace and Iron: Constructions of World by Young People Close to the Borders of Finland and Russia and Sweden and Finland]. Helsinki: Like.
  • Kaisto, V., and O. Brednikova. 2019. Lakes, Presidents and Shopping on Mental Maps: Children’s Perceptions of the Finnish–Russian Border and the Borderland. Fennia - International Journal of Geography 197, no. 1: 58–76. doi:10.11143/fennia.73208.
  • Kaisto, V., O. Brednikova, and H. Malkki. 2014. Cross-border Citizen Scientists. A Model for Science Education in Border Areas. Lappeenranta: Lappeenranta University of Technology. https://lutpub.lut.fi/handle/10024/98796.
  • Kim, S., and L.M. Dorner. 2014. ‘Everything is a Spectrum’: Korean Migrant Youth Identity Work in the Transnational Borderland. In Children and Borders, ed. Spyros Spyrou, and Miranda Christou, 276–292. Houndmills, Basingstoke and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137326317.
  • Kutsar, D., M. Darmody, and L. Lahesoo. 2014. Borders Separating Families: Children’s Perspectives of Labour Migration in Estonia. In Children and Borders, ed. Spyros Spyrou, and Miranda Christou, 261–275. Houndmills, Basingstoke and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137326317.
  • Lundgren, M. 2018. Riskscapes: Strategies and Practices Along the Georgian–Abkhazian Boundary Line and Inside Abkhazia. Journal of Borderlands Studies 33, no. 4: 637–654. doi:10.1080/08865655.2017.1300778.
  • Martinez, O. 1994. Border People: Life and Society in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
  • McKnight, M., and M. Leonard. 2014. Bordering in Transition: Young People’s Experiences in ‘Post-Conflict’ Belfast. In Children and Borders, ed. Spyros Spyrou, and Miranda Christou, 164–179. Houndmills, Basingstoke and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137326317.
  • Melton, G., D. Gross-Manos, A. Ben-Arieh, and E. Yazykova. 2014. The Nature and Scope of Child Research: Learning about Children’s Lives. In The SAGE Handbook of Child Research, ed. Gary B. Melton, Asher Ben-Arieh, Judith Cashmore, Gail S. Goodman, and Natalie K. Worley, 3–28. London: SAGE Publications. doi:10.4135/9781446294758.
  • Mendoza Inzunza, D.J., and C. Fernández Huerta. 2010. The Importance of Looking at the Border from a Young Person’s Perspective. Children’s Geographies 8, no. 4: 335–341. doi:10.1080/14733285.2010.510998.
  • Montgomery, H. 2020. Childhood Studies. In Oxford Bibliographies. New York: Oxford University Press. Accessed October 12. https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/obo/page/childhood-studies.
  • Nielsen, H.D. 2019. Encountering (Un)familiar Russia: Thresholds and Perceptions When Crossing the Border. Journal of Borderlands Studies, doi:10.1080/08865655.2019.1621765.
  • Ongay, L. 2010. Glocalists in Tijuana: Youth, Cultural Citizenship and Cosmopolitan Identity. Children’s Geographies 8, no. 4: 373–380. doi:10.1080/14733285.2010.511002.
  • Pratt, G. 2010. Listening for Spaces of Ordinariness: Filipino-Canadian Youths’ Transnational Lives. Children’s Geographies 8, no. 4: 343–352. doi:10.1080/14733285.2010.510999.
  • Prout, A., and A. James. 1997. A New Paradigm for the Sociology of Childhood? Provenance, Promise and Problems. In Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in the Sociological Study of Childhood, ed. Allison James, and Alan Prout, 7–32. London: Falmer Press.
  • Ruiz Marrujo, O.T. 2014. Undocumented Families in Times of Deportation at the San Diego–Tijuana Border. Journal of Borderlands Studies 29, no. 4: 391–403. doi:10.1080/08865655.2014.982469.
  • Rumford, C. 2008. Introduction: Citizens and Borderwork in Europe. Space and Polity 12, no. 1: 1–12. doi:10.1080/13562570801969333.
  • Sandberg, M. 2016. Restructuring Locality: Practice, Identity and Place-Making on the German-Polish Border. Identities 23, no. 1: 66–83. doi:10.1080/1070289X.2015.1016523.
  • Saxton, M. 2012. Introduction into the First Volume of the Journal of Childhood and Youth. In The Global History of Childhood Reader, ed. Heidi Morrison, 103–10. New York: Routledge.
  • Scott, J.W. 2015. Bordering, Border Politics and Cross-Border Cooperation in Europe. In Neighbourhood Policy and the Construction of the European External Borders, ed. Filippo Celata, and Raffaella Coletti, 27–44. Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-18452-4_2.
  • Seidel, S., and A. Budke. 2019. ‘A Border is a Ban’ - Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Experiences of Europe’s Borders and Boundaries. Review of International Geographical Education Online (RIGEO) 9, no. 1: 82–101. doi:10.33403/rigeo.573476.
  • Spyrou, S., and M. Christou. 2014. Introduction. In Children and Borders, ed. Spyros Spyrou, and Miranda Christou, 1–23. Houndmills, Basingstoke and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137326317.
  • Spyrou, S., R. Rosen, and D.T. Cook. 2018. Introduction: Connectivities … Relationalities … Linkages …  In Reimagining Childhood Studies, ed. Spyros Spyrou, Rachel Rosenm, and Daniel Thomas Cook, 1–20. London: Bloomsbury.
  • TrầnThị, H.L., and R. Huijsmans. 2014. Experiencing the State and Negotiating Belonging in Zomia: Pa Koh and Bru-Van Kieu Ethnic Minority Youth in a Lao-Vietnamese Borderland. In Children and Borders, ed. Spyros Spyrou, and Miranda Christou, 27–46. Houndmills, Basingstoke and Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137326317.
  • van Houtum, H., O. Kramsch, and W. Zierhofer. 2005. Prologue. B/Ordering Space. In B/Ordering Space, ed. Henk van Houtum, Olivier Kramsch, and Wolfgang Zierhofer, 1–13. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
  • Venken, M. 2017. Introduction: Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies. A European Encounter. In Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies. A European Encounter, ed. Machteld Venken, 11–41. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. doi:10.3726/b11559.
  • Venken, M. 2018. Talking Borders. From Local Expertise to Global Exchange. In Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2018. Abstract Book, ed. Florian Heigl, and Marlene Ernst, 94–97. Salzburg: University of Salzburg. http://www.machteldvenken.com/media/SalzburgFrontiers.pdf.
  • Wung-Sung, T.H. 2017. ‘We Remain What We Are’ ‘Wir Bleiben Was Wir Sind?’ North Schleswig German Identities in Children’s Education After 1945. In Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies. A European Encounter, ed. Machteld Venken, 139–162. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. doi:10.3726/b11559.