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‘There is No Mother to Take Care of You’. Views of Unaccompanied Children on Healthcare, Their Mental Health and Rearing Environment

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  • Zijlstra, A. E., Kalverboer, M. E., Post, W. J., Knorth, E. J., & Ten Brummelaar, M. D. C. (2012). The quality of the childrearing environment of refugee or asylum-seeking children and the best interests of the child: Reliability and validity of the BIC-Q. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 30(6), 841–855. doi:10.1002/bsl.1998
  • Zijlstra, A. E., Kalverboer, M. E., Post, W. J., Ten Brummelaar, M. D. C., & Knorth, E. J. (2013). Could the BIC-Q be a decision-support tool to predict the development of asylum-seeking children? International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 36(2), 129–135. doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2013.01.005
  • Zijlstra, E., Rip, J., Beltman, D., Van Os, C., Knorth, E. J., & Kalverboer, M. (2018). Unaccompanied children in the Netherlands: Legislation, policy, and care. Social Work and Society, 15(2), 1–20.