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Sandbox Innovation

Sandbox Innovation: Potentials and Impacts



  • Adams, R. N. 1951. “Personnel in Culture Change: A Test of Hypothesis.” Social Forces 30 (2): 185–189. https://doi.org/10.2307/2571631.
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  • Beresford, M. 2020. “Entrepreneurship as Legacy Building: Reimagining the Economy in Post‐Apartheid South Africa.” Economic Anthropology 7 (1): 65–79. https://doi.org/10.1002/sea2.12170.
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  • Koycheva, L. 2019. “Prototyping the Entrepreneurial Self: Ethnographic Insights Into Identity Transformation during Venture Creation in makerspace hackathons.” Paper presented at G-Forum Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria.
  • Koycheva, L. 2022. “Of Sciences and Startups: An Anthropological Perspective on Academic Venturing.” In Anthropology and Entrepreneurship: The Current State of Research and Practice, edited by E. Liebow and J. C. McKenna, 13–24. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association.
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  • Ning, R. 2023. “Patch‐Work: The Economic and Moral Complementarity of Informal Entrepreneurs’ Multiple Projects in Congo‐Brazzaville.” Economic Anthropology 10 (1): 90–99. https://doi.org/10.1002/sea2.12268.
  • Parsons, T. 1961. “Some Considerations on the Theory of Social Change.” Rural Sociology 26 (3): 219.
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  • Pozen, D. E. 2008. “We Are All Entrepreneurs Now.” Wake Forest Law Review 43: 283.
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  • Schumpeter, J. A. 1976. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. New York, NY: Routledge (Original work published 1943).
  • Sneath, D., M. Holbraad, and M. A. Pedersen. 2009. “Technologies of the Imagination: An Introduction.” Ethnos 74 (1): 5–30. https://doi.org/10.1080/00141840902751147.
  • Steiner, R. T. 2020. “Cultivating “Omani Ambitions”: Entrepreneurship, Distributive Labor, and the Temporalities of Diversification in the Arab Gulf.” Economic Anthropology 7 (1): 80–92. https://doi.org/10.1002/sea2.12163.
  • Stewart, A. 1992. “A Prospectus on the Anthropology of Entrepreneurship.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 16 (2): 71–92. https://doi.org/10.1177/104225879201600206.
  • Stewart, A. 2010. “Sources of Entrepreneurial Discretion in Kinship Systems.” In Entrepreneurship and Family Business, edited by A. Stewart, T. Lumpkin, and A. K. Jerome, Vol. 12, 291–313. Leeds, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Suchman, L. 2011. “Anthropological Relocations and the Limits of Design.” Annual Review of Anthropology 40 (1): 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.anthro.041608.105640.
  • VandenBroek, Angela K. 2021. Disrupting SthlmTech: An Anthropological Guide to Stockholm’s Innovation Ecosystem (D. R. Holmes, Ed.) PhD, State University of New York at Binghamton.
  • VandenBroek, Angela K. 2022. “Pitching Hype: Storytelling and Entrepreneurship.” In Anthropology and Entrepreneurship—The Current State of Research and Practice, edited by E. Liebow and J. Chiappa McKenna, 49–58. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association.
  • Vertovec, J. 2021. ““No trabajaré pa’ ellos”: Entrepreneurship as a Form of State Resistance in Havana, Cuba.” Economic Anthropology 8 (1): 148–160. https://doi.org/10.1002/sea2.12191.
  • Volkov, V. 2016. Violent Entrepreneurs: The Use of Force in the Making of Russian Capitalism. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
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  • Wong, H.-W, and K. L.-F. Chau. 2019. Tradition and Transformation in a Chinese Family Business. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Yanagisako, S. 2002. Producing Culture and Capital: Family Firms in Italy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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  • Yurchak, A. 2003. “Russian Neoliberal: The Entrepreneurial Ethic and the Spirit of “True Careerism”.” The Russian Review 62 (1): 72–90. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9434.00264.