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Research Articles

The Origin of NOAA’s Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Program: A Retrospective and Prospective

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  • Breslow, S. J., B. Sojka, R. Barnea, X. Basurto, C. Carothers, S. Charnley, S. Coulthard, N. Dolsak, J. Donatuto, C. Garcia-Quijano, et al. 2016. Conceptualizing and operationalizing human wellbeing for ecosystem assessment and management. Environmental Science & Policy 66:250–9.
  • DePiper, G. S., S. K. Gaichas, S. M. Lucey, P. Pinto da Silva, M. R. Anderson, H. Breeze, A. Bundy, P. M. Clay, G. Fay, R. J. Gamble, et al. 2017. Operationalizing integrated ecosystem assessments within a multidisciplinary team: Lessons learned from a worked example. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (8):2076–86.
  • Dickey-Collas, M. 2014. Why the complex nature of integrated ecosystem assessments requires a flexible and adaptive approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (5):1174–82.
  • Drakou, E. G., C. Kermagoret, A. Comte, B. Trapman, and J. Rice. 2017. Shaping the future of marine socio-ecological systems research: When early-career researchers meet the seniors. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (7):1957–64.
  • EPAP. 1999. Ecosystem-based fishery management: A report to Congress by the Ecosystem Principles Advisory Panel. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Washington, D.C.
  • EETT. 2006. Evolving an ecosystem approach to science and management throughout NOAA and its partners: A report to the NOAA Science Advisory Board.
  • Fluharty, D. 2019. Ecosystem-based approaches to ocean management in the United States: Weaving together multiple strands. In The ecosystem approach in ocean planning and governance: Perspectives from Europe and beyond, eds. D. Langlet and R. Rayfuse, 371–412. The Netherlands: Brill | Nijhoff, Leiden.
  • Gaichas, S. K., G. S. DePiper, R. J. Seagraves, B. W. Muffley, M. G. Sabo, L. L. Colburn, and A. J. Loftus. 2018. Implementing ecosystem approaches to fishery management: Risk assessment in the US Mid-Atlantic. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:442.
  • Garcia, S. M., A. Zerbi, C. Aliaume, T. D. Chi, and G. Lasserre. 2003. The ecosystem approach to fisheries. Issues, terminology, principles, institutional foundations, implementation, and outlook. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 443. FAO, Rome.
  • Goethel, D. R., S. M. Lucey, A. M. Berger, S. K. Gaichas, M. A. Karp, P. D. Lynch, J. F. Walter, J. J. Deroba, S. Miller, and M. J. Wilberg. 2019. Closing the feedback loop: On stakeholder participation in management strategy evaluation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (10):1895–913.
  • Haltuch, M. A., E. N. Brooks, J. Brodziak, J. A. Devine, K. F. Johnson, N. Klibansky, R. D. M. Nash, M. R. Payne, K. W. Shertzer, S. Subbey, et al. 2019. Unraveling the recruitment problem: A review of environmentally-informed forecasting and management strategy evaluation. Fisheries Research 217:198–216.
  • Harvey, C. J., C. R. Kelble, and F. B. Schwing. 2017. Implementing "the IEA": Using integrated ecosystem assessment frameworks, programs, and applications in support of operationalizing ecosystem-based management. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (1):398–405.
  • Hicks, C. C., A. Levine, A. Agrawal, X. Basurto, S. J. Breslow, C. Carothers, S. Charnley, S. Coulthard, N. Dolsak, J. Donatuto, et al. 2016. SOCIAL SCIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY. Engage key social concepts for sustainability. Science (New York, N.Y.) 352 (6281):38–40. doi: 10.1126/science.aad4977.
  • Holsman, K., J. Samhouri, G. Cook, E. Hazen, E. Olsen, M. Dillard, S. Kasperski, S. Gaichas, C. R. Kelble, M. Fogarty, et al. 2017. An ecosystem-based approach to marine risk assessment. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 3 (1):e01256.
  • Ingram, R. J., K. L. L. Oleson, and J. M. Gove. 2018. Revealing complex social-ecological interactions through participatory modeling to support ecosystem-based management in Hawai‘i. Marine Policy 94:180–8.
  • Kaplan, I. C., C. Hansen, H. N. Morzaria-Luna, R. Girardin, and K. N. Marshall. 2020. Ecosystem-based harvest control rules for Norwegian and US ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:652.
  • Lennox, R. J., D. Veríssimo, W. M. Twardek, C. R. Davis, and I. Jarić. 2020. Sentiment analysis as a measure of conservation culture in scientific literature. Conservation Biology 34 (2):462–71. doi: 10.1111/cobi.104.
  • Levin, P. S., S. J. Breslow, C. J. Harvey, K. C. Norman, M. R. Poe, G. D. Williams, and M. L. Plummer. 2016. Conceptualization of social-ecological systems of the California Current: An examination of interdisciplinary science supporting ecosystem-based management. Coastal Management 44 (5):397–408.
  • Levin, P. S., M. J. Fogarty, G. C. Matlock, and M. Ernst. 2008. Integrated ecosystem assessments. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-92.
  • Levin, P. S., M. J. Fogarty, S. A. Murawski, and D. Fluharty. 2009. Integrated ecosystem assessments: Developing the scientific basis for ecosystem-based management of the ocean. PLoS Biology 7 (1):e1000014.
  • Levin, P. S., C. R. Kelble, R. L. Shuford, C. Ainsworth, Y. deReynier, R. Dunsmore, M. J. Fogarty, K. Holsman, E. A. Howell, M. E. Monaco, et al. 2014. Guidance for implementation of integrated ecosystem assessments: A US perspective. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (5):1198–204.
  • Link, J. 2017. A conversation about NMFS’ Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management Policy and Road Map. Fisheries 42 (10):498–503.
  • Logerwell, E., and H. R. Skjoldal. 2019. EA guidelines: Implementing an ecosystem approach to management of Arctic marine ecosystems. Arctic Council Joint PAME, CAFF, AMAP, SDWG Ecosystem Approach Expert Group.
  • Marshall, K. N., P. S. Levin, T. E. Essington, L. E. Koehn, L. G. Anderson, A. Bundy, C. Carothers, F. Coleman, L. R. Gerber, J. H. Grabowski, et al. 2018. Ecosystem-based fisheries management for social-ecological systems: Renewing the focus in the United States with next generation fishery ecosystem plans. Conservation Letters 11 (1):e12367.
  • McFadden, K., and C. Barnes. 2009. The implementation of an ecosystem approach to management within a federal government agency. Marine Policy 33 (1):156–63.
  • Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA). 2005. Ecosystems and human well-being: Synthesis. Washington DC: Island Press.
  • Möllmann, C., M. Lindegren, T. Blenckner, L. Bergström, M. Casini, R. Diekmann, J. Flinkman, B. Müller-Karulis, S. Neuenfeldt, J. O. Schmidt, et al. 2014. Implementing ecosystem-based fisheries management: From single-species to integrated ecosystem assessment and advice for Baltic Sea fish stocks. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (5):1187–97.
  • Moon, K., D. A. Blackman, V. M. Adams, R. M. Colvin, F. Davila, M. C. Evans, S. R. Januchowski-Hartley, N. J. Bennett, H. Dickinson, C. Sandbrook, et al. 2019. Expanding the role of social science in conservation through an engagement with philosophy, methodology, and methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (3):294–302.
  • Muffley, B., S. Gaichas, G. DePiper, R. Seagraves, and S. Lucey. 2021. There is no I in EAFM: Adapting integrated ecosystem assessment for Mid-Atlantic fisheries management. Coastal Management (this issue).
  • Mukherjee, N., A. Zabala, J. Huge, T. O. Nyumba, B. A. Esmail, and W. J. Sutherland. 2018. Comparison of techniques for eliciting views and judgements in decision-making. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (1):54–63.
  • NOAA. 2004. New priorities for the 21st Century: National Marine Fisheries Service Strategic Plan updated for FY 2005 - FY 2010. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. https://www.performance.noaa.gov/wp-content/uploads/FY05-10_NOAA_Strategic_Plan.pdf.
  • NOAA. 2007. NOAA response to the final report on the external review of NOAA's ecosystem research and science enterprise. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. sab.noaa.gov/sites/SAB/Reports/EETT/NOAA%20Response_EETT%20Final.pdf.
  • NOAA. 2016. Ecosystem-based fisheries management road map. Fisheries Procedure 01-120-01. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/resource/document/ecosystem-based-fisheries-management-road-map
  • Pedreschi, D., P. Bouch, M. Moriarty, E. Nixon, A. M. Knights, and D. G. Reid. 2019. Integrated ecosystem analysis in Irish waters: Providing the context for ecosystem-based fisheries management. Fisheries Research 209:218–29.
  • Pew Oceans Commission. 2003. America's living oceans: Charting a course for sea change. A report to the nation. Washington, DC.
  • Punt, A. E., D. S. Butterworth, C. L. de Moor, J. A. A. de Oliveira, and M. Haddon. 2016. Management strategy evaluation: Best practices. Fish and Fisheries 17 (2):303–34.
  • Rosellon-Druker, J., M. Szymkowiak, C. J. Cunningham, S. Kasperski, G. H. Kruse, J. H. Moss, and E. M. Yasumiishi. 2019. Development of social-ecological conceptual models as the basis for an integrated ecosystem assessment framework in Southeast Alaska. Ecology and Society 24 (3):30.
  • Samhouri, J. F., K. S. Andrews, G. Fay, C. J. Harvey, E. L. Hazen, S. M. Hennessey, K. Holsman, M. E. Hunsicker, S. I. Large, K. N. Marshall, et al. 2017. Defining ecosystem thresholds for human activities and environmental pressures in the California Current. Ecosphere 8 (6):e01860.
  • Samhouri, J. F., A. J. Haupt, P. S. Levin, J. S. Link, and R. Shuford. 2014. Lessons learned from developing integrated ecosystem assessments to inform marine ecosystem-based management in the USA. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (5):1205–15.
  • Slater, W., G. DePiper, J. Gove, C. Harvey, E. Hazen, S. Lucey, M. Karnauskas, S. Regan, E. Siddon, E. Yasumiishi, et al. 2017. Challenges, opportunities and future directions to advance NOAA Fisheries ecosystem status reports (ESRs): Report of the National ESR Workshop. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/SPO-174.
  • Skern-Mauritzen, M.,. E. Olsen, and G. Huse. 2018. Opportunities for advancing ecosystem-based management in a rapidly changing, high-latitude ecosystem. ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 (7):2425–33.
  • Spooner, E., M. Karnauskas, P. Clay, L. Rogers, C. Harvey, M. Monaco, K. Andrews, S. Lucey, S. Gaichas, C. Kelble, et al. 2021. An approach to meet NOAA’s vision of healthy and resilient ecosystems, communities, and economies. Coastal Management (this issue).
  • USCOP. 2004. An ocean blueprint for the 21st Century. Washington, DC.
  • Walther, Y. M., and C. Möllmann. 2014. Bringing integrated ecosystem assessments to real life: A scientific framework for ICES. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (5):1183–6.
  • Weisberg, R. H., Y. G. Liu, C. Lembke, C. M. Hu, K. Hubbard, and M. Garrett. 2019. The coastal ocean circulation influence on the 2018 West Florida Shelf K. brevis red tide bloom. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (4):2501–12.
  • Williams, G. D., K. S. Andrews, J. A. Brown, J. M. Gove, E. L. Hazen, K. M. Leong, K. A. Montenero, J. H. Moss, J. M. Rosellon-Druker, I. Schroeder, et al. 2021. Place-based ecosystem management: Adapting integrated ecosystem assessment processes for developing scientifically and socially relevant indicator portfolios. Coastal Management (this issue).