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Advertising in a Foreign Language or the Consumers' Native Language?



  • Ahn, J., C. L. Ferle, and D. Lee. 2017. Language and advertising effectiveness: code-switching in the Korean marketplace. International Journal of Advertising 36 (3): 477–495. doi: 10.1080/02650487.2015.1128869.
  • Bhatia, T. K. 1992. Discourse functions and pragmatics of mixing: Advertising across cultures. World Englishes 11 (2–3): 195–215.
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  • Du Bois-Reymond, H. D., and R. Aspeslagh. 1999. Attitudes of Dutch young people towards Germany and Germans. Intercultural Reconstruction: Trends and Challenges. European Yearbook on Youth Policy and Research. 2, 99–116.
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  • Gerritsen, M., H. Korzilius, F. van Meurs, and I. Gijsbert. 2000. English in Dutch commercials: Not understood and not appreciated. Journal of Advertising Research 40 (4): 17–31.
  • Gerritsen, M., H. Korzilius, F. van Meurs, and M. Oorsprong. 2007. Plain English for a Dutch audience: Comprehension and preference. Technical Communication 54 (3): 319–332.
  • Griffin, J. 1997. Global English invades Poland an analysis of the use of English in Polish magazine advertisements. English Today 13 (2): 34–41.
  • Gürhan-Canli, Z., and D. Maheswaran. 2000. Cultural variations in country of origin effects. Journal of Marketing Research 37 (3): 309–317.
  • Haarmann, H. 1989. Symbolic values of foreign language use: From the Japanese case to a general sociolinguistic perspective. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Hornikx, J., F. van Meurs, and R. Hof. 2013. The effectiveness of foreign-language display in advertising for congruent versus incongruent products. Journal of International Consumer Marketing 25 (3): 152–165.
  • Hornikx, J., and M. Starren. 2008. Overtuigen met vreemde talen: De rol van taalimago. Levende Talen Tijdschrift 9 (3): 14–20.
  • Hornikx, J., and F. van Meurs. 2017. Foreign languages in advertising as implicit country-of-origin cues: Mechanism, associations, and effectiveness. Journal of International Consumer Marketing 29 (2): 60–73.
  • Hornikx, J., F. Van Meurs, and A. de Boer. 2010. English or a local language in advertising? The appreciation of easy and difficult English slogans in the Netherlands. The Journal of Business Communication 47 (2): 169–188.
  • Jaffe, E. D., and I. D. Nebenzahl. 2001. National Image and Competitive Advantage' Copenhagen Business School Press.
  • Kelly-Holmes, H. 2000. Bier, parfum, kaas: language fetish in European advertising. European Journal of Cultural Studies 3 (1): 67–82.
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  • Krishna, A., and R. Ahluwalia. 2008. Language choice in advertising to bilinguals: Asymmetric effects for multinationals versus local firms. Journal of Consumer Research 35 (4): 692–705. doi: 10.1086/592130.
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  • Verlegh, P. W., and J.-B. E. M. Steenkamp. 1999. A review and meta-analysis of country-of-origin research. Journal of Economic Psychology 20 (5): 521–546.
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