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Original Articles

Tension in Chemistry and Its Contents

, Ph.D.


  • Abruña, H. D. 2006. Peter Debye. Chemical & Engineering News, 84:4–5.
  • Aronson, E. 1995. The social animal. New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Co.
  • Baumeister, R. F., and B. J. Bushman. 2008. Social psychology and human nature. 122. United States: Thompson Wadsworth.
  • Berke, H. 2002. Chemistry in ancient times: The development of blue and purple pigments. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 41(28):2483–2487.
  • Calvert, J. G., J. B. Heywood, J. F. Sawyer, and J. H. Seinfeld. 1993. Achieving acceptable air quality: Some reflections on controlling vehicle emissions Science, 261:37–45.
  • Carlson, R., and T. Hudlicky. 2012. On hype, malpractice, and scientific misconduct in organic synthesis. Helvetica Chimica Acta 95:2052–2062.
  • Coppola, B. P. 2001. The technology transfer dilemma: Preserving morally responsible education in a utilitarian entrepreneurial academic culture. HYLE: International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry 7:155-167.
  • Crum, A. J., P. Salovey, and S. Achor. 2013. Rethinking stress: The role of mindsets in determining the stress response. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 104:716–733.
  • Epel, E. S., B. S. McEwen, and J. R. Ickovics. 1998. Embodying psychological thriving: Physical thriving in response to stress. Journal of Social Issues 54:301–322.
  • Estado de S. Paulo. 1994, and a Brazilian thalidomide victims association, A.B.P.S.T., http://www.talidomida.org.br/. (accessed May 20, 1994)
  • Everts, S. 2013. Middle East meeting of scientific minds. Chemical & Engineering News 91:59–61.
  • Fay, D., and S. Sonnentag. 2002. Rethinking the effects of stressors: A longitudinal study on personal initiative. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 7:221–234.
  • Festinger, L. 1962. Cognitive dissonance. Scientific American, 207:93–107.
  • Fong, C. T. 2006. The effects of emotional ambivalence on creativity. Academy of Management Journal 49:1016–1030.
  • Hoffmann, R. 1995. The Same and Not the Same. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
  • Hoffmann, R. 2004a. A claim on the development of the frontier orbital explanation of electrocyclic reactions. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 43:6586–6590.
  • Hoffmann, R. 2004b. Meissen chymistry. American Scientist 92:312–315.
  • Hoffmann, R. 2006. Peter Debye. Chemical & Engineering News 84:4–6,39.
  • Hoffmann, R. 2008. The tense middle. In This I Believe II, ed. J. Allison and D. Gediman, 112–114. New York, NY: Henry Holt.
  • Hoffmann, R. 2009. Cost cuts should come from research, not just education, Chronicle of Higher Education, Commentary. 55:A26.
  • Hoffmann, R. 2014. Maltese reflections. Chemical & Engineering News 91:5.
  • House M. C., and J. I Seeman. 2010. Credit and authorship practices. Educational and environmental influences. Accounts of Chemical Research 17:223–256.
  • Hudlický, T. 2005. What a novel idea. Chemical & Engineering News 83:6.
  • King, M. L. 1963. In A Call to Conscience: The Landmark Speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Carson, C., Shepard, K., eds. New York, NY: IPM/Warner Books, 2001.
  • Kovac, J. 2003. The Ethical Chemist: Professionalism and Ethics in Science. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Kovac, J., and B. P. Coppola. 2000. Universities as moral communities. Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal 83:765–779.
  • Kovac, J., and M. Weisberg. 2012. Roald Hoffmann on the philosophy, art and science of chemistry. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Le Fevre, M., J. Matheny, and G. S. Kolt. 2003. Eustress, distress, and interpretation in occupational stress. Journal of Managerial Psychology 18:726–744.
  • Merton, R. K. 1968. Social theory and Social Structure. Enlarged edition. New York, NY: Free Press.
  • Miao, M., and R. Hoffmann. 2014. High pressure electrides, Accounts of Chemical Research 47:1311–1317.
  • Moreau, N. 2010, private communication, 15 August 2010.
  • Park, C. L., and V. S. Helgeson. 2006. Introduction to the special section: Growth following highly stressful life events—current status and future, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 74: 791–796.
  • Poirier, J. - P. 1996. Lavoisier, Chemist, Biologist, Economist. Translated by R. Balinski. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Rouhi, A. M. 2010. Eurasian conference begins confidently, Chemical & Engineering News 88:11.
  • Runco, M. A. 1994. Creativity and its discontents. In Creativity and Affect, ed. Shaw, P. P. and M. A Runco, 104–125. Norwood: Apex.
  • Seeman, J. I., and M. C .House. 2010a. Influences on authorship issues. An evaluation of giving credit. Accounts of Chemical Research 17: 146–169.
  • Seeman, J. I., and M. C House. 2010b. Influences on authorship issues: An evaluation of receiving, not receiving, and rejecting credit. Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance 17: 176–197.
  • Selye, H. 1976. The Stress of Life. Revised Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Smith, G. J. W., and G. van der Meer. 1994. Generative Sources of Creative Functioning. In Creativity and Affect, ed. Shaw, P. P. and M. A. Runco. 147–167. Norwood: Apex.
  • Smolucha, F. 1992. The relevance of Vygotsky’s theory for research on creativity and play, Creativity Research Journal 5: 8–67.
  • Tedeschi, R. G., and L. G.Calhoun. 2004. Posttraumatic growth: Conceptual foundations and empirical evidence. Psychological Inquiry 15:1–18.
  • Yerkes, R. M., and J. D. Dodson. 1908. The relationship of strength of stimulus to rapidity of habit-formation. Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology 18:459–482.