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Journal overview

Accountability in Research is devoted to the examination and critical analysis of practices and systems for promoting integrity in the conduct of research. It provides an interdisciplinary, international forum for the development of ethics, procedures, standards, policies, and concepts to encourage the ethical conduct of research and to enhance the validity of research results.

The journal welcomes original work on advancing research integrity in the form of empirical research, conceptual assessment, and critical analysis in all fields of science, including biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, law, economics, statistics, management studies, public policy, politics, sociology, history, psychology, philosophy, ethics, and information science. The journal seeks to publish research that makes a significant contribution to the literature and advances knowledge of accountability and integrity in research. With some exceptions, the journal is not interested in publishing studies that merely duplicate previous work or are limited in generalizability (e.g., due to problems with statistical design or research focus) or that do not meaningfully contribute to the scholarly literature.

While the journal seeks to advance accountability and integrity in research, it is not a forum for attempting to adjudicate complaints about specific cases involving individual researchers, academic institutions, journals, or research sponsors.

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double-anonymized (some reviewers opt to have their identity known, however) and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Accountability in Research accepts the following types of articles:

  • Original Articles
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Commentary

Preparing Your Paper


  • Should be no more than 6,000 words.
  • Should contain an unstructured abstract of 200 words.
  • Should contain between 2 and 5 keywords.

Letter to the Editor

  • Should be confined to responses to important issues addressed in an article published recently in Accountability in Research .
  • Should have no or very few references
  • Should be no more than 500 words.


  • Should address a compelling public issue of concern in research or an article published in the journal. A Commentary will be subject to the regular peer review process.
  • Should be no more than 1500 words.
  • Should contain an unstructured abstract of 200 words.
  • Should contain between 2 and 5 keywords.

For information on how to submit your article. Read the Instructions for Authors

Note: If you are interested in submitting a book review, please send a presubmission inquiry to the Editor.

Read full aims and scope

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