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Family involvement in early childhood education and care and its effects on the social-emotional and language skills of 3-year-old children

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  • Anders, Y. (2013). Stichwort: Auswirkungen frühkindlicher institutioneller Betreuung und Bildung [Keyword: Effects of centre-based early childhood education and care programmes]. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 16(2), 237–275. doi: 10.1007/s11618-013-0357-5
  • Anders, Y., Ballaschk, I., Dietrichkeit, T., Flöter, M., Groeneveld, I., Lee, H.-J., … Wieduwilt, N. (2016). Implementation und Auswirkungen des Bundesprogramms “Schwerpunkt-Kitas Sprache & Integration”: Studie und Ergebnisse im Detail [Implementation and impact of the federal programme “Language day care centres – Because language is the key to the world”: Study and results in detail]. In H.-G. Roßbach, Y. Anders, & W. Tietze (Eds.), Wissenschaftliche Evaluation des Bundesprogramms “Schwerpunkt-Kitas Sprache & Integration (pp. 22–280). Unpublished report, Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Early Childhood Education.
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