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Human Security and the Construction of Security

Pages 277-295 | Published online: 14 Jul 2010


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  • Potter , Evan H. 1997 . “Niche Diplomacy as Canadian Foreign Policy” . International Journal , 52 ( 1 ) : 25 – 38 . Suhrke, op. cit., pp. 265-267
  • Jockei , Joe and Sokolsky , Joel . 2001 . “Lloyd Axworthy's Legacy: Human Security and the Rescue of Canadian Defence Policy” . International Journal , 56 ( 1 ) : 17 – 18 .
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  • Keohane , Robert . 1988 . “International Institutions: Two Approaches” . International Studies Quarterly , 32 : 379 – 396 . Those opposed to alternative conceptions of security (such as Human Security, Critical Security, feminist or environmental security) have often been critical of these approaches on the basis of their lack of consistency with the practical world of international politics, or their inability to be feasibly implemented. For example
  • Walt , Steven . 1991 . “Rennaissance of Security Studies” . International Studies Quarterly , 35 (although not engaging specifically with security, or with prescriptive approaches to international politics, this paper is nonetheless relevant given its dismissal of non-rationalist approaches on the basis of their lack of consistency with the “reality” of world politics); Deudney, op. cit., pp. 461-465; M. Levy, op. at., p. 36
  • Frost , Mervyn . 1998 . “A Turn Not Taken: Ethics in IR at the Millennium” . Review of International Studies , 24 (special issue) : 119 – 132 . Wyn Jones, op. cit., pp. 76-78
  • FaIk , Richard . “The Challenge of Genocide and Genocidal Politics in an Era of Globalisation” . Edited by: Dunne and Wheeler . 177 – 194 . op. cit.
  • 1995 . “Human Wrongs and International Relations” . International Affairs , 71 ( 1 ) : 103 – 126 . On this point, see Ken Booth, op. cit.
  • 1995 . “Message in a Bottle? Theory and Praxis in Critical Security Studies” . Contemporary Security Policy , 16 ( 3 ) David Mutimer, “Reimagining Security: The Metaphors of Proliferation”, and R.B.J. Walker, “The Subject of Security”, both in Krause and Williams (eds.), op. cit.; Krause and Williams, “Broadening the Agenda of Security Studies”, op. cit.; Richard Wyn Jones, op. cit.
  • Dalby , Simon . 1992 . “Security, Modernity, Ecology: The Dilemmas of Post-Cold War Security Discourse” . Alternatives , 17 Winter
  • Cox , Robert . 1981 . “Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory” . Millennium , 10 Summer as related to International Relations theory generally
  • Gordon , C. 1991 . “Governmental Rationality: An Introduction” . In The Foucault Effect: Studies in Govemmentality , Edited by: Burchell , G. , Gordon , C. and Miller , P. 20 London : Harvester Wheatsheaf . This conception of the security-political legitimacy of states relationship is noted by Huysmans, op. cit., p. 238; Buzan, op. cit. (particularly in the context of his delineation between strong and weak states)
  • Burke , Anthony . 2002 . In fear of Security: Australia's Invasion Anxiety , Sydney : Pluto Press . This position by the Australian government was most notably represented in the stand-off involving the MV Tampa in August-September 2001. The Tampa had rescued over 400 asylum-seekers from a sinking ferry and had attempted to take them to Australia. The Tampa was refused the right of entry to Australian waters, and SAS troops boarded the ship on the request of the Minister for Defence. During the crisis, Burke notes, the Australian government portrayed the asylum-seekers as threats to Australian security, “… speaking of the need to protect Australia's 'sovereignty', its 'territorial integrity' and 'national interests' …”
  • Jones , Richard Wyn . 1999 . Security, Strategy, and Critical Theory , Boulder : Lynne Rienner . The Critical Security discourse has been particularly useful in pointing to the “insecurity of security”. For an introduction to this literature; Booth, op. cit.; Krause and Williams (eds.), Critical Security Studies: Concepts and Cases, op. cit.
  • Kaldor , Mary . 1999 . “Transnational Civil Society” . In Human Rights in Global Politics , Edited by: Dunne , T. and Wheeler , N. 202 – 207 . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Of course, terrorist groups and drug traffickers are also non-state actors, and for this reason alone non-state actors are not by definition “progressive” actors. Other authors have pointed to the increasing co-option of NBAs by the state (The Economist, “NGOs' (19 January 2000), pp. 25-27), as well as the potential for states to shirk some level of responsibility to NSAs

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