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Research articles

A tale of two trusts: case study analysis of bullying and negative behaviours in the UK ambulance service

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  • Ågotnes, K. W., Einarsen, S. V., Hetland, J., & Skogstad, A. (2018). The moderating effect of laissez-faire leadership on the relationship between co-worker conflicts and new cases of workplace bullying: A true prospective design. Human Resource Management Journal, 28(4), 555–568.
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  • Farr-Wharton, B., Shacklock, K., Brunetto, Y., Teo, S. T., & Farr-Wharton, R. (2017). Workplace bullying, workplace relationships and job outcomes for police officers in Australia. Public Money & Management, 37(5), 325–332.
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  • Heath, G., & Wankhade, P. (2014). A balanced judgement? Performance indicators, quality and the English ambulance service; some issues, developments and a research agenda. Journal of Finance and Management in Public Services, 13(1), 1–17.
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  • Wankhade, P., Heath, G., & Radcliffe, J. (2018). Cultural change and perpetuation in organizations: evidence from an English emergency ambulance service. Public Management Review, 20(6), 923–948.
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