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Research articles

Value-for-money and the small charity



  • Akingbola, K. (2020). COVID-19: The prospects for nonprofit human resource management. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 11(1), 16–20. doi: 10.29173/cjnser.2020v11n1a372
  • Ameyaw, C., Adjei-Kumi, T., & Owusu-Manu, D. (2015). Exploring value for money (VfM) assessment methods of public-private partnership projects in Ghana: A theoretical framework. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 20(3), 268–285. doi: 10.1108/JFMPC-01-2015-0003
  • Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, M., & Zabkar, V. (2017). Is perceived value more than value for money in professional business services? Industrial Marketing Management, 65(8), 47–58. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.05.005
  • Avidson, M., Battye, F., & Salisbury, D. (2013). The social return on investment in community befriending. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 27(3), 225–240. doi: 10.1108/IJPSM-03-2013-0045
  • Bates, J. G. (1993). Managing value for money in the public sector. Chapman and Hall.
  • Bellucci, M., Nitti, C., Franchi, S., Testi, E., & Bagnoli, L. (2019). Accounting for social return on investment (SROI): The costs and benefits of family-centred care by the Ronald McDonald House charities. Social Enterprise Journal, 15(1), 46–75. doi: 10.1108/SEJ-05-2018-0044
  • Bennett, R., & Savani, S. (2002). Predicting the accuracy of public perceptions of charity performance. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 11(4), 326–342. doi: 10.1057/palgrave.jt.5740088
  • Bentley, P., Faulkner, K., & Osborne, L. (2015). Charities using dirty tricks to get your details: Marie Curie, RNIB and St John Ambulance have bought lists of donors using unscrupulous data firm [online]. Daily Mail, 18th May. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3085699/Charities-using-dirty-tricks-details-Marie-Curie-RNIB-St-John-Ambulance-bought-lists-donors-using-unscrupulous-data-firm.html.
  • Bhengu, T., Cele, N., & Menon, K. (2006). Value for money and quality in higher education. South African Journal of Higher Education, 20(6), 843–858.
  • Boateng, A., Akamari, R. K., & Ndoro, G. (2016). Measuring performance of non-profit organizations: Evidence from large charities. Business Ethics, 25(1), 59–74. doi: 10.1111/beer.12108
  • Bradley, S., & Durbin, B. (2013). Value for money in education. Educational Research, 55(2), 117–120. doi: 10.1080/00131881.2013.801240
  • Carnochan, S., Samples, M., Myers, M., & Austin, M. J. (2014). Performance measurement challenges in nonprofit human service organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 43(6), 1014–1032. doi: 10.1177/0899764013508009
  • Cheung, J. C. (2017). A social work perspective on using social return on investment (SROI) in humanistic social care. Australian Social Work, 70(4), 491–499. doi: 10.1080/0312407X.2016.1189583
  • Cheverton, J. (2007). Holding our own: Value and performance in nonprofit organizations. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 42(3), 427–436. doi: 10.1002/j.1839-4655.2007.tb00068.x
  • Cobiac, L. J., Magnus, A., Lim, S., Barendregt, J. J., Carter, R., & Vos, T. (2012). Which interventions offer best value for money in primary prevention of cardiovascular disease? PLoS One, 7(7), 1–10. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0041842
  • Colbran, R., Ramsden, R., Stagnitti, K., & Toumbourou, J. W. (2019). Advancing towards contemporary practice: A systematic review of organizational performance measures for non-acute health charities. BMC Health Services Research, 19(132), 1–12.
  • Connolly, C., & Hyndman, N. (2013). ) Towards charity accountability: Narrowing the gap between provision and needs? Public Management Review, 15(7), 945–968. doi: 10.1080/14719037.2012.757349
  • Connolly, C., & Hyndman, N. (2017). The donor–beneficiary charity accountability paradox: A tale of two stakeholders. Public Money & Management, 37(3), 157–164. doi: 10.1080/09540962.2017.1281629
  • Connolly, C., Hyndman, N., & McConville, D. (2013). UK charity accounting: An exercise in widening stakeholder engagement. The British Accounting Review, 45, 58–69. doi: 10.1016/j.bar.2012.12.006
  • Cooney, R. (2019). Large rise in number of small charities leaving the register. Third Sector. 6 February. https://www.thirdsector.co.uk/large-rise-number-small-charities-leaving-register/small-charities/article/1524903.
  • Craig, D. (2014). The great British rake-off. Mail on Sunday, 15 November. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2835947/The-Great-British-rake-really-happens-billions-donate-charity-Fat-cat-pay-appalling-waste-hidden-agendas.html.
  • Dhanani, A. (2009). Accountability of UK charities. Public Money & Management, 29(3), 183–190. doi: 10.1080/09540960902891749
  • Dimitri, N. (2013). Best value for money in procurement. Journal of Public Procurement, 13(2), 149–175. doi: 10.1108/JOPP-13-02-2013-B001
  • Glassman, D. M., & Spahn, K. (2012). Performance measurement for nonprofits. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 24(2), 72–77. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6622.2012.00381.x
  • Heald, D. (2003). Value for money tests and accounting treatment in PFI schemes. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 16(3), 342–371. doi: 10.1108/09513570310482291
  • Henderson, E., & Lambert, V. (2018). Negotiating for survival: Balancing mission and money. The British Accounting Review, 50, 185–198. doi: 10.1016/j.bar.2017.12.001
  • Henjewele, C., Sun, M., & Fewings, P. (2011). Critical parameters influencing value for money variations in PFI projects in the healthcare and transport sectors. Construction Management and Economics, 29, 825–839. doi: 10.1080/01446193.2011.592204
  • Henjewele, C., Sun, M., & Fewings, P. (2012). Analysis of factors affecting value for money in UK PFI projects. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 17(1), 9–28. doi: 10.1108/13664381211211028
  • Hennink, M. (2014). Focus group discussions. OU Press.
  • Hind, A. (2017). New development: Fundraising in UK charities—stepping back from the abyss. Public Money & Management, 37(3), 205–210. doi: 10.1080/09540962.2017.1282238
  • Hope, C. (2015). One in five of Britain’s biggest charities spend less than 50% of total income on good works, new report claims. The Telegraph, 12th December. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/12046438/true-and-fair-foundation-hornets-nest-charity-report.html.
  • Ismail, K., Takim, R., & Nawawi, A. H. (2012). A public sector comparator value for money assessment tools. Asian Social Science, 8(7), 192–201. doi: 10.5539/ass.v8n7p192
  • Kellner, A., Townsend, K., & Wilkinson, A. (2017). The mission or the margin?’ A high-performance work system in a non-profit organization. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(14), 1938–1959. doi: 10.1080/09585192.2015.1129636
  • Kiiver, P., & Kodym, J. (2015). Price-quality ratios in value for money awards. Journal of Public Procurement, 15(3), 275–290. doi: 10.1108/JOPP-15-03-2015-B001
  • Laing, C. M., & Moules, N. J. (2017). SROI: A new approach to understanding and advocating for value in healthcare. Journal of Nursing Administration, 47(12), 623–628. doi: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000557
  • Lapsley, I., & Pong, C. K. M. (2000). Modernization versus problematization: Value-for-money audit in public services. The European Accounting Review, 9(4), 541–567. doi: 10.1080/713764876
  • Leigh-Hunt, N., Cooper, D., Furber, A., Bevan, G., & Gray, M. (2018). Visualising value for money in public health interventions. Journal of Public Health, 40(3), 405–412. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdx185
  • Lindholm, A., Korhonen, T., Laine, T., & Suomala, P. (2019). Engaging the economic facts and valuations underlying value for money in public procurement. Public Money & Management, 39(3), 216–223. doi: 10.1080/09540962.2018.1535049
  • Manville, G., & Broad, M. (2013). Changing times for charities: Performance management in a Third Sector Housing Association. Public Management Review, 15(7), 992–1010. doi: 10.1080/14719037.2012.761722
  • Marinelli, M., & Antoniou, F. (2019). Improving public works’ value for money: A new procurement strategy. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, DOI 10.1108/IJMPB-04-2018-0084
  • McConville, D. (2017). New development: Transparent impact reporting in charity annual reports—benefits, challenges and areas for development. Public Money & Management, 37(3), 211–216. doi: 10.1080/09540962.2017.1282243
  • McConville, D., & Cordery, C. (2018). Charity performance reporting, regulatory approaches and standard-setting. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 37(4), 300–314. doi: 10.1016/j.jaccpubpol.2018.07.004
  • McCullagh, C. (2016). Why charities need transparency, now more than ever, Arts Fundraising and Philanthropy. https://artsfundraising.org.uk/blog/why-charities-need-transparency-now-more-ever.
  • McDonald, C., Walker, D. H. T., & Moussa, N. (2012). Value for money in project alliances. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 5(2), 311–324. doi: 10.1108/17538371211214969
  • McGuiness, K., & Bauld, S. (2006). Value for money, Summit, January/February, 20.
  • McKevitt, D. (2015). Debate: Value for money—in search of a definition. Public Money & Management, 35(2), 99–100. doi: 10.1080/09540962.2015.1007702
  • McKevitt, D., & Davis, P. (2016). Value for money: A broken piñata? Public Money & Management, 36(4), 257–264. doi: 10.1080/09540962.2016.1162591
  • Mook, L., Maiorano, J., Ryan, S., Armstrong, A., & Quarter, J. (2015). Turning social return on investment on its head. Non-profit Management and Leadership, 26(2), 229–245. doi: 10.1002/nml.21184
  • Moura, L. F., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Deschamps, F., Van Aken, E., Gouvea da Costa, S. E., Treinta, F. T., & Cestari, J. M. A. P. (2019). Designing performance measurement systems in nonprofit and public administration organizations. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(8), 1373–1410. doi: 10.1108/IJPPM-06-2018-0236
  • Moxham, C. (2010). Help or hindrance? Examining the role of performance measurement in UK nonprofit organizations. Public Performance & Management Review, 33(3), 342–354. doi: 10.2753/PMR1530-9576330302
  • National Audit Office. (no date). Assessing value for money. https://www.nao.org.uk/successful-commissioning/general-principles/value-for-money/assessing-value-for-money/.
  • Nenycz-Thiel, M., & Romaniuk, J. (2012). Value for money perceptions of supermarket and private labels. Australasian Marketing Journal, 20(2), 171–177. doi: 10.1016/j.ausmj.2011.12.002
  • Neuman, W. L. (2014). Social research methods; qualitative and quantitative approaches. Pearson.
  • Page, L., Kirkpatrick, D., Barton, B., Beaver, P., Pye, C., Whittall, N., & Boxer, P. (2009). The meaning of value for money. RUSI Defence Systems, February, 14-20.
  • Pantaleon, L. (2019). Why measuring outcomes is important in healthcare. Journal of Internal Medicine, 33(2), 356–362.
  • Parliamentary Report. (2016). The 2015 fundraising controversy: Lessons for trustees, the Charity Commission and regulators. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201516/cmselect/cmpubadm/431/43102.htm.
  • Pathak, P., & Dattani, P. (2014). Social return on investment: Three technical challenges. Social Enterprise Journal, 10(2), 91–104. doi: 10.1108/SEJ-06-2012-0019
  • Prentice, C. R. (2016). Why so many measures of nonprofit financial performance? Analyzing and improving the use of financial measures in nonprofit research. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 45(4), 715–740. doi: 10.1177/0899764015595722
  • Rao, P. (2021). The top 10 tips risks facing the charity sector in 2021. https://www.grantthornton.co.uk/insights/the-top-10-risks-facing-the-charity-sector-in-2021/.
  • SCVO. (2019). Third Sector Forecast January 2019. https://scvo.org.uk/p/30032/2019/02/20/third-sector-forecast-2019.
  • Smith, L., Callaghan, J. E. M., & Fellin, L. C. (2018). A qualitative study exploring the experience and motivations of UK Samaritan volunteers: “Why do we do it?”. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 48(6), 844–854. doi: 10.1080/03069885.2018.1546378
  • Smith, P. C. (2009). Measuring value for money in healthcare: concepts and tools. The Health Foundation.
  • Spencer, B. (2014). RSPB ‘spends only quarter of its cash on saving birds': Sir Ian Botham leads landowners’ blast at charity, Daily Mail online, 24 October. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2805710/RSPB-spends-quarter-cash-saving-birds-Sir-Ian-Botham-leads-landowners-blast-charity.html#ixzz46mQDIK5O.
  • Taylor, W. J., & Laking, G. (2010). Value for money – recasting the problem in terms of dynamic access prioritisation. Disability and Rehabilitation, 32(12), 1020–1027. doi: 10.3109/09638281003775535
  • Turner-Stokes, L. (2007). Cost-efficiency of longer-stay rehabilitation programmes: Can they provide value for money? Brain Injury, 21(10), 1015–1021. doi: 10.1080/02699050701591445
  • Tyler, D. A. (2016). In four years there will be no grants for charities – it will destroy communities, Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/voluntary-sector-network/2016/feb/11/grants-local-charities-campaign-appeal-government-cuts.
  • Volden, G. H. (2019). Assessing public projects’ value for money: An empirical study of the usefulness of cost–benefit analyses in decision-making. International Journal of Project Management, 37(4), 549–564. doi: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2019.02.007
  • Wise, D. (1995). Performance measurement for charities. ICSA Publishing.
  • Yang, C., & Northcott, D. (2018). Unveiling the role of identity accountability in shaping charity outcome measurement practices. The British Accounting Review, 50, 214–226. doi: 10.1016/j.bar.2017.09.010
  • Yates, B. T., & Marra, M. (2017). Social return on investment (SROI): Problems, solutions … and is SROI a good investment? Evaluation and Program Planning, 64, 136–144. doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2016.11.009