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Research articles

Policy control as an alternative approach to performance-based budgeting (PBB) to strengthen the link between policy and financial means



  • Budding, G. T., Faber, B., & Vosselman, E. (2019). Performance budgeting in the Netherlands. In M. S. de Vries, J. Nemec, & D. Špaček (Eds.), Performance-based budgeting in the public sector. Springer.
  • Budding, G. T., & Grossi, G. (2014). Public sector budgeting. In G. T. Budding, G. Grossi, & T. Tagesson (Eds.), Public Sector Accounting. Routledge.
  • Budding, T., Faber, B., & Schoute, M. (2022). Integrating non-financial performance indicators in budget documents: the continuing search of Dutch municipalities. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 34(1), 52–66.
  • Court of Audit. (2013). Effectiviteitsonderzoek bij de rijksoverheid.
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  • de Bruijn, H. (2003). Managing performance in the public sector. Routledge.
  • de Vries, M. S., & Nemec, J. (2019). Dilemmas in performance-based budgeting. In M. S. de Vries, J. Nemec, & D. Špaček (Eds.), Performance-based budgeting in the public sector. Springer.
  • Grossi, G., Reichard, C., & Ruggiero, P. (2016). Appropriateness and use of performance information in the budgeting process: some experiences from German and Italian municipalities. Public Performance & Management Review, 39(3), 581–606.
  • Ho, A. T. K. (2018). From performance budgeting to performance budget management: theory and practice. Public Administration Review, 78(5), 748–758.
  • Ho, A. T. K., & de Jong, M. (2019a). Rethink performance budgeting presumed dead or alive and well? In A. T. K. Ho, M. de Jong, & Z. Zhao (Eds.), Performance budgeting reform: theories and international practices. Routledge.
  • Ho, A. T. K., & de Jong, M. (2019b). From Practice to Theory The Future of Performance Budgeting Research. In A. T. K. Ho, M. de Jong, & Z. Zhao (Eds.), Performance Budgeting Reform: Theories and International Practices (pp. 279–295). Routledge.
  • House of Representatives of the Netherlands. (2018–2019). 31865, No. 126 [Letter of government].
  • Joyce, P. G. (2011). The Obama administration and PBB: Building on the legacy of federal performance-informed budgeting? Public Administration Review, 71(3), 356–367.
  • Liu, W. B., Cheng, Z. L., Mingers, J., Qi, L., & Meng, W. (2010). The 3E methodology for developing performance indicators for public sector organizations. Public Money & Management, 30(5), 305–312.
  • Lu, E. Y., Mohr, Z., & Ho, A. T. K. (2015). Taking stock: Assessing and improving performance budgeting theory and practice. Public Performance & Management Review, 38(3), 426-458.
  • Mauro, S. G., Cinquini, L., & Grossi, G. (2017). Insights into performance-based budgeting in the public sector: a literature review and a research agenda. Public Management Review, 19(7), 911-931.
  • Moynihan, D. P., & Kroll, A. (2016). Performance management routines that work? An early assessment of the GPRA Modernization Act. Public Administration Review, 76(2), 314–323.
  • OECD. (2007). Performance budgeting in OECD countries.
  • Pollitt, C. (2018). Performance management 40 years on: a review. Some key decisions and consequences. Public Money & Management, 38(3), 167-174.
  • Schick, A. (2014). The metamorphoses of performance budgeting. OECD Journal on Budgeting, 13(2), 49–79.
  • Study Group for Budgetary Space (Studiegroep Begrotingsruimte). (2016). Van saldosturing naar stabilisatie (Report No. 15). The Hague, 1 July, Annex to Kamerstuk 34 300, nr. 74.