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Original Articles

Explaining the European commission’s strategies in times of crisis

Pages 159-177 | Received 21 May 2017, Accepted 01 Nov 2018, Published online: 19 Apr 2019


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Respondents cited

  • Interview 1 (2014) Respondent 1, Brussels, civil servant DG HOME, 11 November
  • Interview 2 (2014) Respondent 5, Brussels, civil servant EEAS, 12 November
  • Interview 3 (2013) Respondent 2, interview by phone, Stockholm, civil servant in the Commission’s negotiation team, 23 November
  • Interview 4 (2013) Respondent 3, Brussels, civil servant, 11 November
  • Interview 5 (2013) Respondent 4, Brussels, civil servant, 11 November
  • Interview 6 (2013) Respondent 6, Brussels, civil servant, 12 November