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Empowerment mechanisms- employment guarantee, women and Dalits in India

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  • Alkire, S., R. Meinzen-Dick, A. Peterman, Agnes Quisumbing, Greg Seymour, and Ana Vaz. 2013. “The Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index.” World Development 52: 71–91. doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.06.007
  • Alsop, R., M. Bertelsen, and J. Holland. 2006. Empowerment in Practice From Analysis to Implementation. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
  • Alsop, R., and N. Heinsohn. 2005. Measuring Empowerment in Practice: Structuring Analysis and Framing Indicators. Policy Research Working Paper. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
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  • Batliwala, S. 2007b. “Taking the Power Out of Empowerment – An Experiential Account.” Development in Practice 17 (4–5): 557–565. doi:10.1080/09614520701469559.
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  • Carswell, G., and G. De Neve. 2015. “Litigation against Political Organization? The Politics of Dalit Mobilization in Tamil Nadu, India.” Development and Change 46 (5): 1106–1132. doi: 10.1111/dech.12190
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  • Das, U. 2018. Rural Employment Guarantee Programme in India and its Impact on Household Educational Decisions: A Focus on Private Coaching. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3152927.
  • Dasgupta, A., K. Gawande, and D. Kapur. 2017. “(When) Do Antipoverty Programs Reduce Violence? India’s Rural Employment Guarantee and Maoist Conflict.” International Organization 71 (3): 605–632. doi: 10.1017/S0020818317000236
  • Deininger, K., and Y. Liu. 2013. “Welfare and Poverty Impacts of India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme Evidence from Andhra Pradesh.” No. 01289. IFPRI Discussion Paper. Washington.
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  • Ibrahim, S., and Sabina Alkire. 2007. “Agency and Empowerment: A Proposal for Internationally Comparable Indicators.” Oxford Development Studies 35 (4): 379–403. doi: 10.1080/13600810701701897
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  • Jenkins, R., and J. Manor. 2017. Politics and the Right to Work: India’s Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. London and New York: Hurst&Co./Oxford University Press.
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  • Khera, R. 2011. The Battle for Employment Guarantee. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  • Malhotra, A., and S. R. Schuler. 2005. “Women’s Empowerment as a Variable in International Development.” In In Measuring Empowerment: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives, edited by D. Narayan, 71–88. Washington, DC: World Bank.
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  • Mosedale, S. 2005. “Assessing Women’s Empowerment: Towards a Conceptual Framework.” Journal of International Development 17 (2): 243–257. doi: 10.1002/jid.1212
  • Nair, M., P. Ariana, E. O. Ohuma, R. Gray, B. de Stavola, P. Webster, and Zulfiqar A. Bhutta. 2013. “Effect of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) on Malnutrition of Infants in Rajasthan, India: A Mixed Methods Study.” PLoS ONE 8 (9): e75089. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075089
  • Narayan, D., and G. Nankani. 2002. Empowerment and Poverty Reduction: A Sourcebook. Washington: The World Bank.
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  • Pankaj, A., and R. Tankha. 2010. “Empowerment Effects of the NREGS on Women Workers: A Study in Four States.” Economic and Political Weekly 45 (30): 45–55.
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  • Pellissery, S., and S. K. Jalan. 2011. “Towards Transformative Social Protection: A Gendered Analysis of the Employment Guarantee Act of India (MGNREGA).” Gender & Development 19 (2): 283–294. doi: 10.1080/13552074.2011.592639
  • Rege, S. 2006. Writing Caste, Writing Gender : Reading Dalit Women’s Testimonios. Delhi: Zubaan.
  • Roy, I. 2014. “Reserve Labor, Unreserved Politics: Dignified Encroachments Under India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee act.” The Journal of Peasant Studies 41 (4): 517–545. doi: 10.1080/03066150.2014.922551
  • Sainath, P. 2009. “NREGS: Not Caste in Stone.” The Hindu, September 14. https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/columns/sainath/NREGS-not-caste-in-stone/article16836007.ece.
  • Sardenberg, C. M. B. 2008. “Liberal vs. Liberating Empowerment: A Latin American Feminist Perspective on Conceptualising Women’s Empowerment1.” IDS Bulletin 39 (6): 18–27. doi: 10.1111/j.1759-5436.2008.tb00507.x
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  • Wong, K.-F. 2003. “Empowerment as a Panacea for Poverty - Old Wine in New Bottles? Reflections on the World Bank’s Conception of Power.” Progress in Development Studies 3 (4): 307–322. doi: 10.1191/1464993403ps067oa
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