CrossRef citations to date


  • Campbell, C., and J. Mannell. 2016. “Conceptualising the Agency of Highly Marginalised Women: Intimate Partner Violence in Extreme Settings.” Global Public Health 11 (1–2): 1–16. doi: 10.1080/17441692.2015.1109694
  • Chu, K. M., S. Jayaraman, P. Kyamanywa, and G. Ntakiyiruta. 2014. “Building Research Capacity in Africa: Equity and Global Health Collaborations.” PLoS Medicine 11 (3): e1001612. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001612
  • Dados, N., and R. Connell. 2012. “The Global South.” Contexts 11 (1): 12–13. doi: 10.1177/1536504212436479
  • Dartnall, E., and A. Gevers. 2017. “Harnessing the Power of South-South Partnerships to Build Capacity for the Prevention of Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence.” African Safety Promotion Journal 15 (1): 8–15.
  • Datta, A., L. Shaxson, and A. Pellini. 2012. Capacity, Complexity and Consulting: Lessons From Managing Capacity Development Projects. Working Paper 344, London: Overseas Development Institute (ODI).
  • Ellsberg, M., D. J. Arango, M. Morton, F. Gennari, S. Kiplesund, M. Contreras, and C. Watts. 2015. “Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls: What Does the Evidence Say?” Lancet 385 (9977): 61703–7. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61703-7
  • Hodes, R., and R. Morrell. 2018. “Incursions From the Epicentre: Southern Theory, Social Science, and the Global HIV Research Domain.” African Journal of AIDS Research 17 (1): 22–31. doi: 10.2989/16085906.2017.1377267
  • Kaplan, A. 1999. The Developing of Capacity. Cape Town: Community Development Resource Association.
  • Land, T., N. Keijzer, A. Kruiter, V. Hauck, H. Baser, and P. Morgan. 2008. Capacity Change and Performance: Insights and Implications for Development Cooperation. Policy Management Brief No. 21, December.
  • Lusthaus, C., M. H. Adrien, and M. Perstinger. 1999. Capacity Development: Definitions, Issues and Implications for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Universalia Occasional Paper No. 35, Québec: Universalia, September.
  • Pasteur, K., and P. Scott-Villiers. 2006. “Learning About Relationships in Development.” In Relationships Matter, edited by R. Eyben, 94–112. London: Earthscan.
  • Pearson, J. 2011. Training and Beyond: Seeking Better Practices for Capacity Development. OECD Development Co-operation Working Papers No. 1, Paris: OECD.
  • Rihani, S. 2002. Complex Systems Theory and Development Practice: Understanding non-Linear Realities. London: Zed Books.
  • Simister, N., and R. Smith. 2010. “Monitoring and Evaluating Capacity Building: Is It Really That Difficult?” Praxis Paper 23, Oxford: INTRAC.
  • Ubels, J., N. A. Acquaye-Baddoo, and A. Fowler (eds). 2010. Capacity Development in Practice. London: Earthscan.
  • Wallace, T., and F. Porter. 2013. “Introduction: Aid, NGOs and the Shrinking Space for Women: A Perfect Storm.” In Aid, NGOs and the Realities of Women’s Lives: A Perfect Storm, edited by T. Wallace and F. Porter, 1–30. Rugby: Practical Action.