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Research Articles

The green state and industrial decarbonisation



  • Åhman, M. and Nilsson, L.J., 2015. Decarbonising industry in the EU: climate, trade and industrial policy strategies. In: C. Dupont and S. Oberthür, eds. Decarbonisation in the EU: internal policies and external strategies. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 92–114.
  • Åhman, M., Nilsson, L.J., and Johansson, B., 2017. Global climate policy and deep decarbonization of energy-intensive industries. Climate Policy, 17 (5), 634–649. doi:10.1080/14693062.2016.1167009
  • Aiginger, K., 2015. Industrial policy for a sustainable growth path. In: D. Bailey, K. Cowling, and P. Tomlinson, eds. New perspectives on industrial policy for a modern Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 365–394.
  • Avelino, F. and Rotmans, J., 2009. Power in transition: an interdisciplinary framework to study power in relation to structural change. European Journal of Social Theory, 12 (4), 543–569. doi:10.1177/1368431009349830
  • Bäckstrand, K. and Kronsell, A., eds., 2015. Rethinking the green state: environmental governance towards climate and sustainability transitions. London: Routledge.
  • Bel, G. and Joseph, S., 2014. Industrial emissions abatement: untangling the impact of the EU ETS and the economic crisis. Barcelona: Barcelona University (Working Paper 2014/22, IREA).
  • Bergek, A., et al., 2015. Technological innovation systems in contexts: conceptualizing contextual structures and interaction dynamics. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 16, 51–64. doi:10.1016/j.eist.2015.07.003
  • Christoff, P., 2005. Out of chaos, a shining star? Towards a typology of green states. In: J. Barry and R. Eckersley, eds. The state and the global ecological crisis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 25–51.
  • Dryzek, J., Downes, D., Hunold, C., and Schlosberg, D. with Hernes, H.-K., 2003. Green States and Social Movements: Environmentalism in United States, United Kingdom, Germany, & Norway. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Duit, A., 2016. The four faces of the environmental state: environmental governance regimes in 28 countries. Environmental Politics, 25 (1), 69–91. doi:10.1080/09644016.2015.1077619
  • Duit, A., Feindt, P.H., and Meadowcroft, J., 2016. Greening Leviathan: the rise of the environmental state? Environmental Politics, 25 (1), 1–23. doi:10.1080/09644016.2015.1085218
  • Eckersley, R., 2004. The green state: rethinking democracy and sovereignty. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Geels, F., 2002. Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: a multi-level perspective and a case-study. Research Policy, 31 (8–9), 1257–1274. doi:10.1016/S0048-7333(02)00062-8
  • Geels, F., 2014. Regime resistance against low-carbon transitions: introducing politics and power into the multi-level perspective. Theory, Culture and Society, 31 (5), 21–40. doi:10.1177/0263276414531627
  • Gough, I. and Meadowcroft, J., 2011. Decarbonizing the welfare state. In: J.S. Dryzek, R.B. Norgaard, and D. Schlossberg, eds. The Oxford handbook of climate change and society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 490–502.
  • Growth Analysis, 2014. The significance of policy instruments for the greening of industry: a case study of the Swedish forest industry. Stockholm: Growth Analysis (Report 2014: 02).
  • Gullbrandsen, L.H. and Stenqvist, C., 2013. The limited effect of EU emissions trading on corporate climate strategies: comparison of Swedish and Norwegian pulp and paper companies. Energy Policy, 56, 516–525. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2013.01.014
  • Hildingsson, R., 2014. Governing decarbonisation: the state and the new politics of climate change. Lund: Department of Political Science, Lund University (Lund Political Studies 172).
  • Hildingsson, R. and Khan, J., 2015. Towards a decarbonised green state? The politics of low-carbon governance in Sweden. In: A. Kronsell and K. Bäckstrand, eds. Rethinking the green state: environmental governance towards climate and sustainability transitions. London: Routledge, 156–173.
  • Hildingsson, R., Khan, J., and Kronsell, A., 2017. Interview study of conditions for zero emissions in Swedish basic industry. Lund: Lund University. Available from: https://gist2050.com/publications/ [Accessed 15 March 2018].
  • Jernkontoret, 2017. HYBRIT – koldioxidfri stålproduktion. Available from http://www.jernkontoret.se/sv/vision-2050/koldioxidfri-stalproduktion [Accessed 22 January 2018].
  • Johansson, B. and Nilsson, L.J., eds., 2017. Nollutsläpp i basindustrin: förutsättningar för en ny industripolitik. Lund: Lund University.
  • Koch, M. and Fritz, M., 2015. Green states in Europe: A comparative view. In: A. Kronsell and K. Bäckstrand, eds. Rethinking the green state: environmental governance towards climate and sustainability transitions. London: Routledge, 83–103.
  • Lempert, R.J., et al., 2002. Capital cycles and the timing of climate change policy. Arlington, VA: Pew Centre on Global Climate Change.
  • Lundqvist, L.J., 2004. Sweden and ecological governance: straddling the fence. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Marcu, A., Elkerbout, M., and Stoefs, W., 2016. 2016 state of the EU ETS report. Brussels: CEPS.
  • Markard, J., Raven, R., and Truffer, B., 2012. Sustainability transitions: an emerging field of research and its prospects. Research Policy, 41 (6), 955–967. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2012.02.013
  • Markard, J. and Truffer, B., 2008. Technological innovation systems and the multi-level perspective: towards an integrated framework. Research Policy, 37 (4), 596–615. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2008.01.004
  • Mazzucato, M., 2103. The entrepreneurial state: debunking public vs. private sector myths. London: Anthem Press.
  • Meadowcroft, J., 2005. From welfare state to ecostate. In: J. Barry and R. Eckersley, eds. The state and the global ecological crisis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 3–23.
  • Meadowcroft, J., 2012. Greening the state? In: P. Steinberg and S. VanDeveer, eds. Comparative environmental politics: theory, practice and prospects. Cambridge: MIT Press, 63–87.
  • Mol, A., 2016. The environmental nation state in decline. Environmental Politics, 25 (1), 48–68. doi:10.1080/09644016.2015.1074385
  • Patt, A., 2015. Transforming energy: solving climate change with technology policy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rodrik, D., 2014. Green industrial policy. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 30 (3), 469–491. doi:10.1093/oxrep/gru025
  • SEPA, 2017. National emissions of greenhouse gas emissions. Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Available from www.naturvardsverket.se [Accessed 22 January 2018].
  • Smink, M., 2015. Incumbents and institutions in sustainability transitions. Doctoral Thesis, Utrecht University.
  • Späth, P., Rohracher, H., and von Radecki, A., 2016. Incumbent actors as niche agents: the German car industry and the taming of the “Stuttgart E-mobility region”. Sustainability, 8 (3), 252. doi:10.3390/su8030252
  • Stenqvist, C. and Nilsson, L.J., 2012. Energy efficiency in energy-intensive industries: an evaluation of the Swedish voluntary agreement PFE. Energy Efficiency, 5 (2), 225–241. doi:10.1007/s12053-011-9131-9
  • Svensson, T., 2016. The Swedish model of industrial relations. In: J. Pierre, ed. The Oxford handbook of Swedish politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 612–627.
  • Swe. Gov., 1982. Skatt på energi [Tax on energy]. Stockholm: Ministry of Business and Enterprise (Report from the Energy Tax Inquiry. SOU 1982:16).
  • Swe. Gov., 2016. Ett klimatpolitiskt ramverk för Sverige [A climate policy framework for Sweden]. Stockholm: Ministry of Environment and Energy (Report from the All-Parliamentary Committee on Environmental Objectives. SOU 2016:21).
  • Tobin, P., 2015. Blue and yellow makes green? Ecological modernization in Swedish climate policy. In: A. Kronsell and K. Bäckstrand, eds. Rethinking the green state: environmental governance towards climate and sustainability transitions. London: Routledge, 141–155.
  • Wesseling, J.H., et al., 2017. The transition of energy intensive processing industries towards deep decarbonization: characteristics and implications for future research. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 79, 1303–1313. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2017.05.156
  • Zannakis, M., 2009. Climate policy as a window of opportunity: Sweden and global climate change. Gothenburg: Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg (Gothenburg Studies in Politics 121).