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Transferring custody from birth parents to foster parents – an ambiguous matter

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  • Andersson, G. (2008). Utsatt barndom. olika vuxenliv. Ett longitudinellt forskningsprojekt om barn i samhällsvård. (Exposed childhood. different adulthood). Stockholm: Allmänna barnhuset.
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  • Höjer, S., Forkby, T., & Liljegren, A. (2014). “Lekmän inom den sociala barnavården. En studie av förtroendevalda i sociala utskott i 99 kommuner” [Laypersons within the child protection. A study of politically appointed members of child protection committees]. Socionomens Forskningssupplement, 35, 42–54.
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  • Liljegren, A., Höjer, S., & Forkby, T. (2014). Laypersons, professions and governance in the welfare state: The Swedish child protection system. Journal of Professions and Organization, 1(2), 161–175.
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