CrossRef citations to date
Research Article

The cross-border legal recognition of parenthood under European law: current law and future prospects



  • Books
  • Antokolskaia, M., 2007. Convergence and Divergence of Family Law in Europe. Antwerp: Intersentia.
  • Brank, E.M., 2019. The Psychology of Family Law. New York: New York University Press.
  • Golombok, S., 2015. Modern Families: Parents and Children in New Family Forms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rainey, B., McCormick, P., and Ovey, C., 2021. Jacobs, White and Ovey: The European Convention on Human Rights. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Edited Books
  • Bainham, A., Sclater, S.D., and Richards, M., eds, 1999. What Is a Parent? A Socio-Legal Analysis. Oxford: Hart.
  • Eekelaar, J. and Šarčević, P., eds. 1993. Parenthood in Modern Society: Legal and Social Issues for the Twenty-First Century. Dirdrecht: Martinus Nijhoff.
  • John, T., Gulati, R., and Köhler, B., eds, 2020. The Elgar Companion to the Hague Conference on Private International Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Scherpe, J.M., Fenton-Glynn, C., and Kaan, T., eds, 2019. Eastern and Western Perspectives on Surrogacy. Cambridge: Intersentia.
  • Schmahl, S. and Breuer, M., eds. 2017. The Council of Europe: Its Laws and Policies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Chapters
  • Coester-Waltjen, D., 2016. The Impact of the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights on European Family Law. In: J.M. Scherpe, ed. European Family Law Volume I: The Impact of Institutions and Organisations on European Family Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, p. 49.
  • Fenton-Glynn, C., 2016. Adoption in a European Perspective. In: J.M. Scherpe, ed. European Family Law Volume III: Family Law in a European Perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, p. 311.
  • Guerra Martins, A.M., 2020. Equality and Non-Discrimination As an Integral Part of the EU Constitutional Identity. In: T. Giegerich, ed. The European Union As Protector and Promoter of Equality. Cham: Springer p. 25.
  • Lima, D., 2019. The Concept of Parenthood in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights. In: K. Boele-Woelki and D. Martiny, eds. Plurality and Diversity of Family Relations in Europe. Cambridge: Intersentia, p.103.
  • Margaria, A., 2024. Surrogacy Before European Courts: The Gender of Legal Fictions. In: M.-L. Öberg and A. Tryfonidou, eds. The Family in EU Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ragni, C., 2019. Cross-Border Recognition of Adoption: Rethinking Private International Law from a Human Rights Perspective. In: E. Bergamini and C. Ragni, eds. Fundamental Rights and Best Interests of the Child in Transnational Families. Cambridge: Intersentia, p.209.
  • Trimmings, K., 2019. Surrogacy Arrangements and the Best Interests of the Child: The Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights. In: E. Bergamini and C. Ragni, eds. Fundamental Rights and Best Interests of the Child in Transnational Families. Cambridge: Intersentia, p.187.
  • Trimmings, K. and Beaumont, P., 2016. Parentage and Surrogacy in a European Perspective. In: J. Scherpe, ed. European Family Law, Volume III. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, p.232.
  • Tryfonidou, A., forthcoming. What Is a ‘Family’ in EU Law: Do EU Policies Sufficiently Address Family Diversity and Its Consequences? In: M.-L. Öberg and A. Tryfonidou, eds. The Family in EU Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Tryfonidou, A., 2024. Surrogacy in the ECHR and the European Institutions. In: K. Trimmings, S. Shakargy, and C. Achmad, eds. Research Handbook on Surrogacy and the Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
  • Journal Articles
  • Achmad, C., 2014. Children’s Rights to the Fore in the European Court of Human Rights’ First International Commercial Surrogacy Judgments. European Human Rights Law Review, 6, 638.
  • Bracken, L., 2022. Recognition of LGBTIQ+ Parent Families Across European Borders. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 29, 399. doi:10.1177/1023263X221098050
  • Gheaus, A., 2018. Biological Parenthood: Gestational, Not Genetic. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 96 (2), 225. doi:10.1080/00048402.2017.1354389.
  • Gössl, S.L., 2023. Die Anerkennung der Elternschaft zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten der EU. Forum Familienrecht, 3, 101.
  • Kohler, C. and Pintens, W., 2023. Entwicklungen im europäischen Personen-, Familien- und Erbrecht 2022-2023. FamRZ - Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht, 18, 1409.
  • Křičková, L., 2023. Same-Sex families’ Rights and the European Union: Incompatible or Promising Relationship? International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 37 (1), 1. doi:10.1093/lawfam/ebad001.
  • Lima, D., 2022. Towards Cross-Border Recognition of Same-Sex Parenthood. The Cambridge Law Journal, 81 (2), 239. doi:10.1017/S0008197322000320.
  • Lind, C. and Hewitt, T., 2009. Law and the Complexities of Parenting: Parental Status and Parental function’. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 31 (4), 391. doi:10.1080/09649060903430249.
  • Mansel, H.-P., Thorn, K., and Wagner, R., 2023. Europäisches Kollisionsrecht 2022: Bewegung im internationalen Familienrecht. Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts, 43, 109.
  • Margaria, A., 2020. Parenthood and Cross-Border Surrogacy: What Is “New”? The EctHR’s First Advisory Opinion. Medical Law Review, 28, 412. doi:10.1093/medlaw/fwz042
  • Scherpe, J.M., 2023. Is There a “European Family Law”? Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 54, 317. doi:10.26686/vuwlr.v54i1.8448
  • Tryfonidou, A., 2019. EU Free Movement Law and the Children of Rainbow Families: Children of a Lesser God? Yearbook of European Law, 38, 220. doi:10.1093/yel/yez001
  • Tryfonidou, A., 2022. The ECJ Recognises the Right of Rainbow Families to Move Freely Between EU Member States: The VMA Ruling. European Law Review, 47, 543.
  • Tryfonidou, A., 2023a. The Cross-Border Legal Recognition of Parenthood in the EU. Study Requested by the Committee on Petitions (PETI) of the European Parliament. Available from: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document/IPOL_STU(2023)746632?fbclid=IwAR3vXFN05OLKxNe9rc3YZT1GELFfCh97RQaTcRHeiUByWGHb91sowd0OssE.
  • Encyclopedia Entries
  • Nielson, T., 2017. Nuclear Family. In: J. Carlson and S.B. Dermer, eds. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Marriage, Family, and Couples Counseling. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.
  • Online articles
  • Lavrysen, L., 2019. The Mountain Gave Birth to a Mouse: The First Advisory Opinion Under Protocol No. 16. Strasbourg Observers. Available from: https://strasbourgobservers.com/2019/04/24/the-mountain-gave-birth-to-a-mouse-the-first-advisory-opinion-under-protocol-no-16/ [Accessed on 2 August 2023].
  • Studies
  • Tryfonidou, A., 2023b. Cross-Border Recognition of Parenthood in the EU: Comments on the Commission Proposal of 7 December 2022. ERA Forum, 24, 149. doi: 10.1007/s12027-023-00745-w
  • European Union Publications
  • Council Regulation (EU)., 2009. No. 4/2009 of 18 December 2008 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions and Cooperation in Matters Relating to Maintenance Obligations, OJ No. L7, 10.01.2009, p. 1
  • Regulation (EU) No. 650/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions and Acceptance and Enforcement of Authentic Instruments in Matters of Succession and on the Creation of a European Certificate of Succession, OJ No. L201, 27.07.2012, p. 107
  • Proposal for a Council regulation on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition of decisions and acceptance of authentic instruments in matters of parenthood and on the creation of a European Certificate of Parenthood, COM (2022)695, final.
  • Cases
  • CJEU
  • Case C-413/99, Baumbast and R V. Secretary of State for the Home Department ECLI:EU:C:2002:493
  • Case C-673/16 Coman and others v. Inspectoratul General pentru Imigrări and Ministerul Afacerilor Interne ECLI:EU:C:2018:385
  • Case C-129/18 SM V. Entry Clearance Officer, UK Visa Section ECLI:EU:C:2019b:248
  • Case C-490/20, V.M.A. v. Stolichna Obshtina, Rayon „pancharevo“ ECLI:EU:C:2021:1008
  • Case C-2/21, Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich v K.S. and Others ECLI:EU:C:2022:502
  • ECtHR
  • Fretté v. France, App. No. 36515/97, 26 February 2002
  • Wagner and J.M.W.L. v. Luxembourg, app. no. 76240/01, 28 June 2007
  • E.B. v. France, App. No. 43546/02, 22 January 2008
  • Gas and Dubois v. France, app. no. 25951/07, 15 March 2012
  • X and others v. Austria, App. No. 19010/07, 19 February 2013
  • Negrepontis-Giannisis v. Greece, App. No. 56759/08, 5 December 2013
  • Mennesson v. France, App. No. 65192/11, 26 June 2014
  • Labassee v. France, App. No. 65941/11, 26 June 2014
  • Taddeucci and McCall v. Italy, App. No. 51362/09, 30 June 2016
  • Foulon and Bouvet v. France, App. Nos. 9063/14 and 10410/14, 21 July 2016
  • Paradiso and Campanelli v. Italy [GC], App. No. 25358/12, 24 January 2017
  • Advisory Opinion Concerning the Recognition in Domestic Law of a Legal Parent-Child Relationship Between a Child Born Through a Gestational Surrogacy Arrangement Abroad and the Intended Mother, Request No P16-2018-001 by the French Court of Cassation, 10 April 2019.
  • D V. France, App. No. 11288/18, 16 July 2020
  • Valdís Fjölnisdóttir and others v. Iceland, app. no. 71552/17, 18 May 2021
  • S.-H. v. Poland, App. Nos. 56846/15 and 56849/15, 16 November 2021
  • C and E v. France, App. Nos. 1462/18 and 17348/18, 24 March 2022
  • D. B. and others v. Switzerland, App. No. 58817/15 and 58252/15, 22 November 2022
  • K.K. and others v. Denmark, App. No. 25212/21, 6 December 2022
  • C v. Italy, App. No. 47196/21, 31 August 2023
  • Online Resources
  • State of the Union Address by President von der Leyen at the European Parliament Plenary [online]. 2020. Available from: https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/strategic-planning/state-union-addresses/state-union-2020_en [Accessed 2 August 2023]
  • ICF S.A. Final Report, 2022. Study to Support the Preparation of an Impact Assessment on a Possible Union Legislative Initiative on the Recognition of Parenthood Between Member States [online]. Available from: https://commission.europa.eu/system/files/2023-01/ICF%20Final%20Report%20-%20Recognition%20of%20parenthood%20between%20MSs%20-%20FINAL.pdf [Accessed 2 August 2023]
  • ILGA Europe Rainbow Map, 2023. Available from: https://www.ilga-europe.org/report/rainbow-europe-2023/ [Accessed 2 August 2023]
  • CGAP Decisions and Conclusions, 2023. Available from: https://assets.hcch.net/docs/5f9999b9-09a3-44a7-863d-1dddd4f9c6b8.pdf [Accessed 15 February 2024]
  • EP Press Release, 2024. Available from: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20231208IPR15786/recognition-of-parenthood-meps-want-children-to-have-equal-rights [Accessed 15 February 2024]
  • HCCH Experts’ Group webpage. Available from: https://www.hcch.net/en/projects/legislative-projects/parentage-surrogacy [Accessed 15 February 2024]
  • HCCH website. Available from: https://www.hcch.net/en/projects/legislative-projects/parentage-surrogacy [Accessed 15 February 2024]