CrossRef citations to date
Theme Issue: Struggling with Innovations

Introduction: struggling with innovations. Social innovations and conflicts in urban development and planning


  • Bartels, K. (2017). The double bind of social innovation: Relational dynamics of change and resistance in neighbourhood governance. Urban Studies, 54(16), 3789–3805. doi: 10.1177/0042098016682935
  • Bureau of European Policy Advisers. (2011). Empowering people, driving change: Social innovation in the European Union. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  • Christmann, G. B., Ibert, O., Jessen, J., & Walther, U.-J. (2018). How does novelty Enter spatial planning? Conceptualizing innovations in planning and research strategies. In W. Rammert, A. Windeler, H. Knoblauch, & M. Hutter (Eds.), Innovation society today. Perspectives, fields, and cases (pp. 247–272). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Dubiel, H. (1999). Integration durch Konflikt [Integration through conflict]? In J. Friedrichs, & W. Jagodzinski (Eds.), Soziale integration. [Social integration]. Sonderheft 39/1999 der [Special Issue 39/1999 of] Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (pp. 132–143). Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.
  • Florida, R. (2002). The rise of the creative class. New York: Basic Books.
  • Gillwald, K. (2000). Konzepte sozialer innovation [Concepts of social innovation]. WZB Paper, P00-519. Berlin: WZB. Retrieved from http://bibliothek.wzb.eu/pdf/2000/p00-519.pdf
  • Godin, B. (2012). Innovation studies: The invention of speciality. Minerva, 50(4), 397–421. doi: 10.1007/s11024-012-9212-8
  • Gualini, E., & Majoor, S. (2007). Innovative practices in large urban development projects: Conflicting frames in the quest for “new urbanity”. Planning Theory & Practice, 8(3), 297–318. doi: 10.1080/14649350701514637
  • Harris, M., & Albury, D. (2009). The innovation imperative. London: NESTA.
  • Howaldt, J. (2018). The unanswered question: Social innovation and social change. How social practice theories contribute to a better understanding of processes of social change and why we have to focus on the embeddedness of any innovation in a dense network of innovation streams. In J. Howaldt, C. Kaletka, A. Schröder, & M. Zirngiebl (Eds.), Atlas of social innovation. New practices for a better future (pp. 89–91). Dortmund: Sozialforschungsstelle. Retrieved from https://www.socialinnovationatlas.net/
  • Howaldt, J., Kaletka, C., & Schröder, A. (2018). Social innovation on the rise. Results of the first global mapping. In J. Howaldt, C. Kaletka, A. Schröder, & M. Zirngiebl (Eds.), Atlas of social innovation. New practices for a better future (pp. 12–15). Dortmund: Sozialforschungsstelle. Retrieved from https://www.socialinnovationatlas.net /
  • Howaldt, J., Kaletka, C., Schröder, A., & Zirngiebl, M. (Eds.). (2018). Atlas of social innovation. New practices for a better future. Dortmund: Sozialforschungsstelle. Retrieved from https://www.socialinnovationatlas.net /
  • Howaldt, J., Schwarz, M., Hennig, K., & Hees, F. (Eds.). (2010). Social innovation. Concepts, research fields and international trends. (studies for innovation in a modern working environment - international monitoring.) (Vol. 5). Aachen: in-house publisher.
  • Ibert, O. (2003). Innovationsorientierte Planung. Verfahren und Strategien zur Organisation von Innovationen. Opladen: Leske und Budrich.
  • Jenson, J., & Harrison, D. (2013). Social innovation research in the European Union. Approaches, findings and future directions. Luxemburg: Publications Office of the European Union. Retrieved from: https://www.net4society.eu/_media/ social_innovation.pdf
  • Jessen, J., & Walther, U.-J. (2010). Innovationen im Städtebau [Innovations in urban design]. In A. Harth, & G. Scheller (Eds.), Soziologie in der Stadt- und Freiraumplanung [Sociology in urban and open space planning] (pp. 283–296). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Jessop, B., Moulaert, F., Hulgård, L., & Hamdouch, A. (2013). Social innovation research: A new stage in innovation analysis? In F. Moulaert, D. MacCallum, A. Mehmood, & A. Hamdouch (Eds.), The international Handbook on social innovation: Collective action, social learning and transdisciplinary research (pp. 110–130). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Khan, A. Z., Moulaert, F., Schreurs, J., & Miciukiewicz, K. (2014). Integrative spatial quality: A relational epistemology of space and transdisciplinarity in urban design and planning. Journal of Urban Design, 19(4), 393–411. doi:10.1080/13574809.2014. 936142 doi: 10.1080/13574809.2014.936142
  • Landry, C. (2000). The creative city: A toolkit for urban innovators. London: Earthscan.
  • Landry, C. (2006). The art of city making. London: Routledge.
  • Lindhult, E. (2008). Are partnerships innovative? In L. Svensson, & B. Nilsson (Eds.), Partnership – as a strategy for social innovation and sustainable change (pp. 37–54). Stockholm: Satéruns Academic Press.
  • Martens, H. (2010). Beteiligung als soziale Innovation [Participation as social innovation]. In J. Howaldt, & H. Jacobsen (Eds.), Soziale Innovation. Auf dem Weg zu einem postindustriellen Innovationsparadigma [Social innovation. Towards a post-industrial innovation paradigm] (pp. 371–390). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
  • Moulaert, F. (2010). Social innovation and community development. Concepts, theories and challenges. In F. Moulaert, F. Martinelli, E. Swyngedouw, & S. González (Eds.), Can Neighbourhoods save the city? Community development and social innovation (pp. 4–16). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Moulaert, F., Jessop, B., Hulgard, L., & Hamdouch, A. (2013). Social innovation research: A new stage in innovation analysis? In F. Moulaert, D. MacCallum, A. Mehmood, & A. Hamdouch (Eds.), The international handbook on social innovation: Collective action, social learning and transdisciplinary research (pp. 110–130). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Moulaert, F., & MacCallum, D. (2019). Advanced introduction to social innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Moulaert, F., MacCallum, D., Hamdouch, A., & Mehmood, A., (Eds.). (2010). KATARSIS. Social innovation: Collective action, social learning and transdisciplinary research. Retrieved from: http://cordis.europa.eu/documents/documentlibrary/ 124376771EN6.pdf
  • Moulaert, F., MacCallum, D., Mehmood, A., & Hamdouch, A. (Eds.). (2013). The international handbook on social innovation: Collective action, social learning and transdisciplinary research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Moulaert, F., Martinelli, F., Swyngedouw, E., & González, S. (2005). Towards alternative model(s) of local innovation. Urban Studies, 42(11), 1969–1990. doi: 10.1080/00420980500279893
  • Moulaert, F., Mehmood, A., MacCallum, D., & Leubolt, B., (Eds.). 2017). Social innovation as a trigger for transformations - the role of research (RTD Policy Paper). Brussels: European Commission. Retrieved from: https://ec.europa.eu/research/social-sciences/pdf/policy_reviews/social_ innovation_trigger_for_transformations.pdf
  • Moulaert, F., & Nussbaumer, J. (2005). The social region. European Urban and Regional Studies, 12(1), 45–64. doi: 10.1177/0969776405048500
  • Neuloh, O. (Ed.). (1977). Soziale Innovation und sozialer Konflikt [Social innovation and social conflict]. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
  • Nussbaumer, J., & Moulaert, F. (2007). L’innovation sociale au coeur des débats publics et scientifiques [Social innovation at the heart of public and scientific debates]. In J.-L. Klein, & D. Harrisson (Eds.), L’innovation sociale [Social innovation] (pp. 71–88). Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec.
  • Nyseth, T., & Hamdouch, A., (Eds.). 2019). The transformative power of social innovation in urban planning and local development. Urban Planning, 4(1), 1–6. doi: 10.17645/up.v4i1.1950
  • Nyseth, T., Ringholm, T., & Agger, A. (2019). Innovative forms of citizen participation at the fringe of the formal planning system. Urban Planning, 4(1), 7–18. doi:10.17645/ up.v4i1.1680 doi: 10.17645/up.v4i1.1680
  • Osborne, S. P., & Brown, L. (2011). Innovation in public services: Engaging with risk. Public Money & Management, 31(1), 31–47. doi: 10.1080/09540962.2011.545532
  • Rammert, W., Windeler, A., Knoblauch, H., & Hutter, M. (Eds.). (2018). Innovation society Today: Perspectives, fields, and cases. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Salom-Carrasco, J., Pitarch-Garrido, M. D., & Sales-Ten, A. (2017). Innovación social: Estrategias urbanas en un contexto de cambio. El caso de la ciudad de Valencia. Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 91(2), 31–58. doi: 10.7203/CIRIEC-E.91.10451
  • Schumpeter, J. A. (1911). The theory of economic development. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Schumpeter, J. A. (1975). Capitalism, socialism and democracy. New York: Harper.
  • Schwarz, M., Birke, M., & Beerheide, E. (2010). Die Bedeutung sozialer Innovationen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung [The importance of social innovation for sustainable development]. In J. Howaldt, & H. Jacobsen (Eds.), Soziale Innovation. Auf dem Weg zu einem postindustriellen Innovationsparadigma [Social innovation. Towards a post-industrial innovation paradigm] (pp. 165–180). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
  • Selle, K. (2004). Innovationen: Fragezeichen. Klärungsbedarf bei der Diskussion um und der Erzeugung von Neuerungen in der Planung [Innovations: Question marks. Need for clarification in the discussion about and the generation of innovations in planning]. In U. Altrock, S. Güntner, S. Huning, & D. Peters (Eds.), Innovationen und Planung [Innovations and planning] (Vol. 9, pp. 44–59). Cottbus: Planungsrundschau.
  • Swyngedouw, E. (2005). Governance innovation and the citizen: The janus face of governance-beyond-the-state. Urban Studies, 42(11), 1991–2006. doi: 10.1080/00420980500279869
  • Swyngedouw, E., & Moulaert, F. (2010). Socially innovative projects, governance dynamics and urban change: Between state and self-organisation. In F. Moulaert, F. Martinelli, E. Swyngedouw, & S. González (Eds.), Can neighbourhoods save the city? Community development and social innovation (pp. 219–235). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Zapf, W. (1989). Über soziale Innovationen [About social innovations]. Soziale Welt, 40(1/2), 170–183.