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Journal overview

European Planning Studies

provides a forum for ideas and information about spatial development processes and policies in Europe. The journal publishes articles of a theoretical, empirical and policy-relevant nature and is particularly concerned to integrate knowledge of processes with practical policy proposals, implementation and evaluation.

Articles of particular interest to the journal focus upon specific spatial or urban and regional development problems, issues or achievements, as well as emerging explanations of new urban, regional, national or supranational developmental tendencies. Country-specific, region-specific or locality-specific issues are of interest, while theoretically-informed analysis is of especial value. Comparative case studies of successful spatial policies and critiques of policy failure based on in-depth study are also welcomed. The key feature of the journal is to generalize learning about best practice spatial process analysis and policy-formulation in the field of sub-national spatial development planning.

Additionally,  European Planning Studies features articles which focus on the functional dimensions of planning, such as infrastructure, communications, environmental quality, design, cultural, social welfare, recreational, housing, industrial and employment concerns of planning at whatever spatial scale. Articles which are concerned with these questions in an appropriate spatial context, given the scope of the journal, are of special interest.

In summary, reviewers are likely to favour articles that are framed to add value to the European dimension of the journal’s interest. Accordingly, comparative data or qualitative research involving contrasts among; European (including European with non-European), or European, and European intra-national urban or regional settings, contexts, issues, accomplishments or problems are welcomed. Finally, the typical  EPS article will be based on critical social scientific research methods. Such findings will likely involve not promotion or policy apologetics but rigorous scrutiny of policy efficacy at whatever level of governance.

European Planning Studies is published in cooperation with the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP), an independent body of professional planning educators with a membership of over 100 planning schools throughout Western and Eastern Europe.

Peer Review Statement
All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two referees.


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" European Planning Studies is one of my favourite journals. It brings both academics and practitioners up to date about theories, insights and experiences with spatial planning issues all over Europe. It publishes high quality contributions with reliable information."
Hugo Priemus, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

" EPS provides a comprehensive and timely coverage of the most important issues of European spatial development. The journal has a wider scope than its name might suggest: it carries papers which contribute to European regional and urban research in a truly multidisciplinary perspective (economic and social geography, regional science, planning, urban and regional policy etc.). Furthermore, it provides high quality papers of scholars from all European countries, so that the journal has an outstanding international scope of contributions, which comprise cutting edge theoretical and empirical research."
Stefan Krätke, European University Viadrina, Germany

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