CrossRef citations to date
Theme Issue: Struggling with Innovations

Innovations in spatial planning as a social process – phases, actors, conflicts

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  • Albrechts, L. (2006). Shifts in strategic spatial planning? Some evidence from Europe and Australia. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 38(6), 1149–1170. doi: 1068/a37304
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  • Barnes, T. A. (2018). A marginal man and his central contributions: The creative spaces of William (‘Wild Bill’) Bunge and American geography. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 50(8), 1697–1715. doi: 10.1177/0308518X17707524
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  • Christmann, G. B., Ibert, O., Jessen, J., & Walther, U.-J. (2018). How does novelty enter spatial planning? Conceptualizing innovations in planning and research strategies. In W. Rammert, A. Windeler, H. Knoblauch, & M. Hutter (Eds.), Innovation society today. Perspectives, fields, and cases (pp. 247–272). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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  • Füg, F., & Ibert, O. (in this Special Issue). Assembling social innovations in emergent professional communities. The case of learning region policies in Germany. European Planning Studies.
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  • Honeck, T. (2015). Zwischennutzung als soziale Innovation: Von alternativen Lebensentwürfen zu Verfahren der räumlichen Planung [Temporary uses as a social innovation. From alternative lifestyles to procedures of spatial planning]. Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, 3, 219–233.
  • Honeck, T. (2017). From squatters to creatives: An innovation perspective on temporary use in planning. Planning Theory & Practice, 18(2), 268–287. doi: 10.1080/14649357.2017.1303536
  • Honeck, T. (2018). A touch of post-truth: The roles of narratives in urban policy mobilities. Geographica Helvetica, 73(2), 133–145. doi: 10.5194/gh-73-133-2018
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  • Ibert, O., Christmann, G. B., Jessen, J., & Walther, U.-J. (2015). Innovationen in der räumlichen Planung [Innovations in spatial planning]. Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, 3, 171–182.
  • Ibert, O., & Müller, F. C. (2015). Network dynamics in constellations of cultural differences. Relational distance in innovation processes in legal services and biotechnology. Research Policy, 44, 181–194. doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2014.07.016
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  • Jessen, J., & Zupan, D. (2017). Leitbildwechsel. Wie kommt Neues in die Stadtplanung? [Change in the guiding principle. How does novelty enter urban planning?]. Forum Stadt, 1, 59–77.
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  • Koczy, O. (2018). Quartiersmanagement als soziale Innovation. Eine empirische Untersuchung zum Prozess der Entstehung, Verbreitung und Ausstrahlung integrierter und sozialraumorientierter Verfahren der Quartiersentwicklung. [Neighbourhood management as social innovation. Empirical study on the emergence, dissemination and transfer of integrated sociospatial planning procedures in neighbourhood development]. Dissertation an der Universität Stuttgart [PhD-Thesis at the University of Stuttgart].
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