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Knowledge and place-based development – towards networks of deep learning



  • Andersson, I., and I. Cook. 2019. “Conferences, Award Ceremonies and the Showcasing of ‘Best Practice’: a Case Study of the Annual European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels.” Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 37 (8): 1361–1379. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/2399654419825656
  • Barca, F. 2009. “An agenda for a Reformed Cohesion Policy: A Place-Based Approach To Meeting European Union Challenges and Expectations”. Independent Report – Prepared at the Request of Danuta Hübner, Commissioner for Regional Policy. https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/archive/policy/future/pdf/report_barca_v0306.pdf
  • Barca, F., P. McCann, and A. Rodríguez-Pose. 2012. “The Case for Regional Development Intervention: Place-Based Versus Place Neutral Approaches.” Journal of Regional Science 52 (1): 134–152. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9787.2011.00756.x
  • Bădiță, C., and E. Vincze. 2019. ‘The Pata Cluj Project. Residential Desegregation of the Landfill Area of Cluj-Napoca, Romania’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 25/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Blondel, C. 2019. ‘Euralens. An Innovative Local Tool to Redevelop Pas-de-Calais Former Mining Basin, France’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 17/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Borén, T. 2019. ‘The Stockholm Commission. Measures for an Equal and Socially Sustainable City, Sweden’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 30/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Borén, T. 2020. “Exploring the Role of Place-Based Knowledge: Insights from Local Governance Practices”. RELOCAL Deliverable D3.3. www.relocal.eu
  • Borén, T., and C. Young. 2020. “Policy Mobilities as Informal Processes: Evidence from ‘Creative City’ Policy-Making in Gdańsk and Stockholm.” Urban Geography. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/02723638.2020.1735197.
  • Brenner, N., and N. Theodore. 2002. “Cities and the Geographies of “Actually Existing Neoliberalism”.” Antipode 34 (3): 349–379. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8330.00246
  • Brooks, E., A. Madanipour, and M. Shucksmith. 2019. Homelessness Project in Lewisham, Borough of London, United Kingdom. RELOCAL Case Study N°32/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Brooks, E., M. Shucksmith, and A. Madanipour. 2019. ‘The Northumberland Uplands Local Action Group (NULAG). LEADER in Sparsely Populated Northern England, United Kingdom. RELOCAL Case Study N° 31/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Cabiddu, F., and D. Pettinao. 2013. “External Knowledge, Territorial Inertia and Local Development: an Exploratory Case Study.” European Planning Studies 21 (8): 1297–1316. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2012.722948
  • Davoudi, S. 2015. “Planning as Practice of Knowing.” Planning Theory 14 (3): 316–331. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/1473095215575919
  • Davoudi, S., and P. Cowie. 2016. “‘Guiding Principles of ‘Good’ Territorial Governance’.” In Territorial Governance Across Europe: Pathways, Practices and Prospects, edited by P. Schmitt, and L. Van Well, 48–59. London: Routledge.
  • Dmochowska-Dudek, K., T. Napierała, P. Tobiasz-Lis, and M. Wójcik. 2019. ‘The Participatory Budget for Lodz, Poland’. RELOCAL Case Study N°21/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Dol, K., J. Hoekstra, and R. Kleinhans. 2019. ‘National Program Rotterdam South. Neighbourhood Development in a Large Deprived Urban Area, Netherlands’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 20/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Dzudzek, I., and P. Lindner. 2015. “Performing the Creative-Economy Script: Contradicting Urban Rationalities at Work.” Regional Studies 49 (3): 388–403. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2013.847272
  • Evrard, E. 2019. ‘The EPA Alzette-Belval. A National Tool to Address Spatial Disparities at the Lorraine-Luxembourg Border’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 18/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Fazey, I., A. Evely, M. Reed, L. Stringer, J. Kruijsen, P. White, … C. Trevitt. 2013. “Knowledge Exchange: A Review and Research Agenda for Environmental Management.” Environmental Conservation 40 (1): 19–36. doi:https://doi.org/10.1017/S037689291200029X
  • Fritsch, M., P. Hämäläinen, P. Kahila, and S. Németh. 2019a. ‘Civil-Action-Based Local Initiative for the Activation of Youth in the City of Kotka, Finland’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 12/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Fritsch, M., P. Hämäläinen, P. Kahila, and S. Németh. 2019b. ‘Lieksa Development Strategy, Finland’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 11/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Gilardi, F., and M. Radaelli. 2012. “Governance and Learning.” In The Oxford Handbook of Governance, edited by D. Levi-Faur. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199560530.013.0011
  • Healey, P. 1997. ‘Collaborative Planning: Shaping Places in Fragmented Societies’. London: Routledge.
  • Healey, P. 2010. Making Better Places. The Planning Project in the Twenty-First Century. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Innes, J. 2004. “Consensus Building: Clarifications for the Critics.” Planning Theory 3 (1): 5–20. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/1473095204042315
  • Innes, J., and D. Booher. 2003. “Collaborative Policymaking: Governance Through Dialogue.” In Deliberative Policy Analysis. Understanding Governance in the Network Society, edited by M. Hajer, and H. Wagenaar, 33–59. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Jelinek, C., and T. Virág. 2019. ‘György-telep. Ten Years of Urban Regeneration in a Poor Neighbourhood, Hungary’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 14/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Kamuf, V., F. Matzke, and S. Weck. 2019. ‘Local Youth as Urban Development Actors. The Establishment of a Centre for Youth and Socioculture in Görlitz, Germany’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 2/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Keller, J., and T. Virág. 2019. ‘Give Kids a Chance: Spatial Injustice of Child Welfare at the Peripheries. The Case of Encs, Hungary’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 13/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Kooiman, J. 1993. “‘Social-Political Governance: Introduction’.” In Modern Governance: New Government-Society Interaction, edited by J. Kooiman, 1–8. London: Sage.
  • Kovács, K., and G. Nemes. 2019. ‘The Balaton Uplands. LEADER Local Action Group, Hungary’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 16/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Lennon, M. 2017. “‘On “the Subject” of Planning’s Public Interest’.” Planning Theory 16 (2): 150–168. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/1473095215621773
  • Lowe, P., J. Phillipson, A. Proctor, and M. Gkartzios. 2019. “Expertise in Rural Development: A Conceptual and Empirical Analysis.” World Development 116: 28–37. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2018.12.005
  • Matzke, F., V. Kamuf, and S. Weck. 2019. ‘Smart Country Side Ostwestfalen-Lippe. Digitalisation as a Tool to Promote Civic Engagement in Rural Villages, Germany’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 1/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • McCann, E. 2011. “Urban Policy Mobilities and Global Circuits of Knowledge: Toward a Research Agenda.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 101 (1): 107–130. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/00045608.2010.520219
  • McCann, E., and K. Ward, eds. 2011. ‘Mobile Urbanism: Cities and Policymaking in the Global Age’. Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota University Press.
  • McFarlane, C. 2006. “Knowledge, Learning and Development: A Post-Rationalist Approach.” Progress in Development Studies 6 (4): 287–305. doi:https://doi.org/10.1191/1464993406ps144oa
  • McLean, B., and T. Borén. 2015. “Barriers to Implementing Sustainability Locally: a Case Study of Policy Immobilities.” Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability 20 (12): 1489–1506.
  • Petrakos, G., L. Topaloglou, A. Anagnostou, V. Cupcea, and V. Papadaniil. 2019. ‘Overcoming Fragmentation in Territorial Governance. The Case of Volos, Greece’. RELOCAL Case Study N°5/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Robinson, J. 2015. ““Arriving at” Urban Policies: the Topological Spaces of Urban Policy Mobility.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 39 (4): 831–834. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2427.12255
  • Rydin, Y. 2007. “Re-examining the Role of Knowledge Within Planning Theory.” Planning Theory 6 (1): 52–68. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/1473095207075161
  • Schmitt, P. 2020. “‘Learning from Elsewhere? A Critical Account on the Mobilization of Metropolitan Policies’.” In Metropolitan Regions, Planning and Governance, edited by K. Zimmermann, D. Galland, and J. Harrison, 79–95. Berlin: Springer.
  • Schmitt, P., and L. Van Well. 2016. “‘Revisiting Territorial Governance: Twenty Empirically Informed Components’.” In Territorial Governance Across Europe: Pathways, Practices and Prospects, edited by P. Schmitt, and L. Van Well, 221–237. London: Routledge.
  • Stein, C., M. Boris, G. Glasze, and R. Pütz. 2017. “Learning from Failed Policy Mobilities: Contradictions, Resistances and Unintended Outcomes in the Transfer of “Business Improvement Districts” to Germany.” European Urban and Regional Studies 24 (1): 35–49. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/0969776415596797
  • Temenos, C., and E. McCann. 2012. “The Local Politics of Policy Mobility: Learning, Persuasion, and the Production of a Municipal Sustainability fix.” Environment and Planning A 44 (6): 1389–1406. doi:https://doi.org/10.1068/a44314
  • Temenos, C., and E. McCann. 2013. “Geographies of Policy Mobilities.” Geography Compass 7 (5): 344–357. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/gec3.12063
  • Tobiasz-Lis, P., K. Dmochowska-Dudek, M. Wójcik, P. Jeziorska-Biel, T. Napierała, and A. Janiszewska. 2019. ‘Goth Village. A Thematic Village in Maslomecz as an Anchor for New Local Identity and Multifunctional Development of Rural Areas, Poland’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 23/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Trip, J., and A. Romein. 2019. ‘Northeast Groningen. Confronting the Impact of Induced Earthquakes, Netherlands’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 19/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Ulied, A., O. Biosca, M. Guevara, and L. Noguera. 2019. ‘Monistrol 2020. Local Strategic Plan in a Small-Scale Municipality, Spain’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 7/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • UN-Habitat – Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development. 2017. “New Urban Agenda. Habitat III.” http://habitat3.org/wp-content/uploads/NUA-English.pdf
  • UN-Habitat – United Nations Human Settlements Programme. 2009. ‘Best Practices and Local Leadership Programme’. Nairobi: UN-Habitat.
  • von Schönfeld, K., W. Tan, C. Wiekens, and L. Janssen-Jansen. 2019. “Unpacking Social Learning in Planning: who Learns What from Whom?” Urban Research & Practice, doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/17535069.2019.1576216.
  • Vrăbiescu, I. 2019. ‘Plumbuita PIDU. Regenerating a Micro-Urban Area in Bucharest, Romania’. RELOCAL Case Study N° 28/33. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Weck, S., and V. Kamuf. 2020. “Comparative Case Study Research in RELOCAL: An Overview on the Methodology.” Part of RELOCAL Deliverable 6.4. Dortmund: ILS – Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development/Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
  • Weck, S., V. Kamuf, A. Krehl, P. Schmitt, T. Borén, K. Kovacs, T. Virag, et al. 2018. “Methodological Framework for Case Study Research: The Case Study Manual”. Deliverable 6.1. Resituating the Local in Cohesion and Territorial Development (RELOCAL).
  • Wenger, Etienne. 1998. Communities of Practice: Learning as a Social System. The Systems Thinker (June 1998). https://thesystemsthinker.com/communities-of-practice-learning-as-a-social-system/
  • Young, Iris. 2016. “Inclusion and Democracy.” In Readings in Planning Theory (4th Ed.), edited by Fainstein Susan, and DeFilipis James, 389–406. New York: Wiley Blackwell.