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Panel discussion: language awareness vs. folk linguistics vs. applied linguistics


  • Antos, G. (1996). Laien-Linguistik: Studien zu Sprach- und Kommunikationsproblemen im Alltag. Am Beispiel von Sprachratgebern und Kommunikationstrainings [Lay linguistics: Studies of everyday language and communication problems on the basis of style guides and communication training]. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
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  • Finkbeiner, C., Knierim, M., Smasal, M., & Ludwig, P. H. (2012). Self-regulated cooperative EFL reading tasks: Students’ strategy use and teachers’ support actions. Language Awareness, 21(1–2), 57–83.
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  • Niedzielski, N. A., & Preston, D. R. (2000). Folk linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Niedzielski, N., & Preston, D. R. (2003). Folk linguistics (rev. pbk ed.). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Paveau, M.-A. (2011). Do non-linguists practice linguistics? In A. Wilton & M. Stegu (Eds.), Applied folk linguistics (pp. 40–54). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Pliska, E. (2016). Einstellungen zu Muttersprachen und Fremdsprachen. Eine empirische Studie mit Schülerinnen und Schülern in Bosnien-Herzegowina [Attitudes to native and foreign languages. An empirical study of pupils in Bosna-Herzegovina] ( LaCuLi. Language Culture Literacy, Vol. 5). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
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  • Preston, D. R. (2018). Folk linguistics and language awareness. In P. Garrett & J. M. Cots (Eds.). The Routledge handbook of language awareness. London: Routledge.
  • Ruggiano Schmidt, P. (1999). Focus on research. Know thyself and understand others. Language Arts, 76(4), 332–340.
  • Schluer, J. (2017). Lexical and conceptual awareness in L2 reading: An exploratory study ( LaCuLi. Language Culture Literacy, Vol. 7). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
  • Svalberg, A. M.-L. (2007). Language awareness and language learning. Language Teaching, 40(4), 287–308.
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  • Wilton, A., & Stegu, M. (2011). Applied folk linguistics (= AILA Review 24). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.