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The Ghosts of Pereyaslav: Russo-Ukrainian Historical Debates in the Post-Soviet Era

Pages 489-505 | Published online: 02 Jul 2010


  • Torke , Hans-Joachim . 1992 . “ `The Unloved Alliance: Political Relations between Muscovy and Ukraine in the Seventeenth Century' ” . In Ukraine and Russia in Their Historical Encounter Edited by: Potichnyj , Peter J. , Raeff , Marc , Pelenski , Jaroslaw and Zekulin , Gleb N. 39 – 66 . 42 – 48 . Edmonton The decision to accept the protectorate of the tsar of Muscovy was made by Khmelnytsky and his officers at a Cossack council in the town of Pereyaslav in January 1654, in the presence of the tsar' s envoy, the boyar Vasilii Buturlin. In March of the same year Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich approved the conditions of the agreement brought to Moscow by Khmelnytsky' s envoys. For an account of the events leading up to and following the Pereyaslav Agreement see
  • Sysyn , Frank E. 1998 . `The Changing Image of the Hetman' . Jahrbucher fur Geschichte Osteuropas , 46 ( 4 ) : 531 – 545 . For the audio record of the BBC programme on Bohdan Khmelnytsky see `Nash vybir' at> For the treatment of Khmelnytsky's image in modern historiography see, (Ukrainian version
  • 1998 . `Minlyvyi obraz het' mana' . Krytyka , 2 14 December : 14 4 – 8 .
  • ev , Yurii Afanas' , ed. 1996 . Sovetskaya istoriogtafi ya Moscow For one of the first attempts to reevaluate the legacy of Soviet historiography see
  • Kuzio , Taras . 1998 . Ukraine: State and Nation Building 198 – 229 . London and New York On the interrelation of national identity and historical memory in Ukraine see
  • Wanner , Catherine . 1998 . Burden of Dreams: History and Identity in Post-Soviet Ukraine , University Park : PA .
  • 1999 . Slava ukra ns'koho kozatstva 306 Melbourne and Kyiv See the text of the declaration in
  • Smolii , Valerii . 1995 . “ `Het'man Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi i ioho doba' ” . In Doba Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho (Do 400-richchia vid dnya narodzhennya velykoho het'mana): zbirnyk naukovykh prats' 7 – 25 . 15 Kyiv Among Khmelnytsky's mistakes, Smolii listed the withdrawal of Cossack forces from western Ukraine in late 1648 and the deterioration of Cossack relations with Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania in 1654-55. See
  • Smolii , Valerii . 1998 . “ `Natsional'no-vyzvol'na viina v konteksti ukrains'koho derzhavotvorennya' ” . In Natsional'no-vyzvol'na viina ukrains'koho narodu seredyny XVII stolittya: polityka, ideolohiya, viis'kove mystetstvo 9 – 25 . 18 – 19 . Kyiv Instead, making reference to the writings of a Ukrainian nationalist ideologue, the interwar publicist Dmytro Dontsov, Smolii claims that Ukraine did not unite with Russia into a single state but instead joined a Russo-Ukrainian confederation. See Smolii, `Het'man Bohdan Kinnel'nyts'kyi i ioho doba', pp. 21-22
  • For a portrayal of Khmelnytsky as a state builder first and foremost see, apart from works by Smolii, Stepankov and Mytsyk, the text of the speech delivered by Petro Tolochko at one of the events commemorating the four hundredth anniversary of Khmelnytsky' s birth, `Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi', in Tolochko, Vid Rusi do Ukrainy, pp. 147-150.
  • Smolii . `Natsional'no-vyzvolna viina v konteksti ukrains'koho derzhavotvorennya' . 10
  • The statist approach to the definition of the main goals of the Khmelnytsky Uprising in Ukrainian historiography was criticised by Russian historians at a scholarly conference held in Moscow in January 1995 to commemorate the 340th anniversary of the Pereyaslav Council. See Lev Zaborovsky, `Rossiisko-ukrainskaya konferentsiya, posvyashchennaya 340-letiyu Pereyaslavskoi rady', Otechestvennaya istoriya, 1995, 5, pp. 217.
  • Solchanyk , Roman . 1983 . “ `Politics and the National Question in the Post-Shelest Period' ” . In Ukraine after Shelest Edited by: Krawchenko , Bohdan . 1 – 29 . 12 Edmonton
  • Basarab . 1654 . Pereiaslav . : 202 – 213 . For a summary and analysis of Braichevsky's views on the `reunification' issue see
  • 1972 . Mykhailo Braichevs'kyi, Pryyednannya chy vozz" yednannya? Toronto For the Ukrainian and English texts of Braichevsky's essay see
  • Braichevsky , Mykhailo . 1974 . Annexation or Reunification: Critical Notes on One Conception Edited by: Kulchycky , George P. Munich
  • Smolii , Valerii and Stepankov , Valerii . 1997 . Ukrains'ka derzhavna ideya: problemy formuvannya, evolyutsii, realizatsii 84 Kyiv For the use of this term in Ukrainian historiography see Mytsyk, `Natsional'no-vyzvol' na viina ukrains'koho narodu 1648-1658 rr.', p. 30. Cf.
  • Makhun , Serhii . 1999 . `Yak rozirvaty kolo vzayemnoho rakhunku obraz?' . Den' , 25 December
  • Apanovych , Olena . 1965 . `Natsional'no-vyzvol'ni viiny v epokhu feodalizmu' . Ukrains'kyi istorychnyi zhurnal , 12 : 29 – 38 . The term was not officially accepted at that time, but clearly remained attractive in the eyes of leading Ukrainian historians. For the 1960s discussion see
  • Boiko , Ivan . 1966 . `Shche raz pro kharakter natsional' no-vyzvol' nykh voyen v epokhu feodalizmu' . Ukrains'kyi istorychnyi zhurnal , 2 : 84 – 87 .
  • Sukhyno-Khomenko . 1930 . Yavorsky in Litopys revolyutsii , 5 : 322 – 323 . For the latest version of Stepankov's argument on issues of terminology and chronology in the `Ukrainian national revolution' see his `Ukrains'ka natsional'na revolyutsiya XVII st.: prychyny, typolohiya, khronolohichni mezhi (dyskusiini notatky)', in Natsional'no-vyzvol' na viina ukrains'koho narodu seredyny XVII stolittya, pp. 26-45. See, remarks in the discussion of 1929 with
  • 1929 . “ `The Great Ukrainian Bourgeois Revolution' ” . In Sukhyno-Khomenko, Odminy i bankrutstvo ukrains'koho natsionalizmu: istoryko-publitsystychni narysy 28 – 51 . Kharkiv the chapter on
  • Mytsyk . `Natsional'no-vyzvol'na viina ukrains'koho narodu 1648-1658 rr.' . 30 – 31 .
  • For the use of the term `war of national liberation' in Tolochko's writings see his `Pid mistechkom Berestechkom' (1991) and `Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi' (1995) in his, Vid Rusi do Ukrainy, pp. 147-150. A prominent historian of Kyivan Rus' and a well-known political figure, Tolochko remains a strong supporter of independent Ukrainian statehood, but was `lost' by the dominant Ukrainian elites at the `nationalisation' stage of the Ukrainian state-building project. Since 1995 he has challenged many aspects of the `nationalisation' of Ukrainian cultural life and historiography, becoming a villain in the eyes of the Ukrainian historical establishment. For his `rebellious' ideas see his articles and interviews of 1995-97, including `Imeet li Ukraina natsional' nuyu ideyu?"Shche raz pro ukrains'ku natsional' nu ideyu' and `Inakomyslyashchii Tolochko', in Vid Rusi do Ukrainy, pp. 334-395.
  • See Valerii Smolii, `Natsional' no-vyzvol' na viina v konteksti ukrains'koho derzhavotvorennya', in Natsional'no-vyzvol'na viina ukrains'koho narodu, p. 10.
  • Rudnytsky . `Pereiaslav: History and Myth' . xvi Apparently, the same logic underlay the views of Ukrainian autonomists in the second half of the 18th century. One of them, the Cossack secretary Semen Divovych, represented the Russo-Ukrainian arrangement as a union of two equal partners, Great and Little Russia, under a common tsar. For a discussion of Divovych's views on the Pereyaslav Agreement see
  • Longworth , Philip . 2000 . `Ukraine: History and Nationality' . Slavonic card East European Review , 78 ( 1 ) January : 115 – 124 . 117 For a critique of the view of the Pereyaslav Agreement as an act of confederation see
  • Ibid.
  • Ibid.
  • Hryb , Olexander . 1999 . `New Ukrainian Cossacks--Revival or Building New Armed Forces?' . Ukrainian Review , 46 ( 1 ) Spring : 44 – 53 . Ibid On the activities of the Ukrainian Cossacks and their links to political parties and the armed forces in Ukraine see
  • Sysyn , Frank E. 1991 . `The Reemergence of the Ukrainian Nation and Cossack Mythology' . Social Research , 58 ( 4 ) Winter : 845 – 864 . For the role of the Cossack heritage in the Ukrainian national revival in the late 1980s and early 1990s see
  • Plokhy , Serhii . 1994 . “ `Historical Debates and Territorial Claims: Cossack Mythology in the Russian-Ukrainian Border Dispute' ” . In The Legacy of History in Russia and the New States of Eurasia 147 – 170 . Armonk , NY and London
  • Basarab , John . 1982 . Pereiaslav 1654: A Historiographical Study Edmonton On the historiographical debates over the significance of the Pereyaslav Agreement see
  • Velychenko , Stephen . 1992 . National History as Cultural Process: A Survey of the Interpretations of Ukraine's Past in Polish, Russian and Ukrainian Historical Writing from the Earliest Times to 1914 Edmonton On differences between Russian and Ukrainian historians in the interpretation of Ukrainian history see
  • Velychenko , Stephen . 1993 . Shaping Identity in Eastern Europe and Russia.' Soviet-Russian and Polish Accounts of Ukrainian History, 1914-1991 New York
  • Arel , Dominique . 1995 . “ 'Ukraine--The Temptation of the Nationalizing State' ” . In Political Culture and Civil Society in Russia and the New States of Eurasia, The International Politics of Eurasia Edited by: Tismaneanu , Vladimir . vol. 7 , 157 – 188 . Armonk , NY On the peculiarities of the nation-building project in Ukraine see, and London
  • Szporluk , Roman . 1995 . “ `Nation-Building in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects' ” . In The Successor States to the USSR Edited by: Blaney , J. W. 173 – 183 . Washington DC
  • Motyl , Alexander J. 1993 . Dilemmas of Independence: Ukraine after Totalitarianism New York and the relevant chapters in
  • and Taras Kuzio, Ukraine: State and Nation Building.
  • See the English translation of the `Theses on the Three-Hundredth Anniversary of the Reunion of the Ukraine with Russia (1654-1954)' in Basarab, Pereiaslav 1654, pp. 270-288 at p. 275.
  • For Sanin's remarks see the recording of the BBC programme on Bohdan Khmelnytsky, `Nash vybir' at>
  • Zaborovsky , Lev . 1997 . “ `Pereyaslavskaya rada i moskovskie soglasheniya 1654 goda: Problemy i issledovaniya' ” . In Rossiya-Ukraina: istoriya vzaimootnoshenii 39 – 49 . 39 Moscow
  • Ibid., pp. 39, 45.
  • Velychenko , Stephen . National History as Cultural Process . 167 – 172 . On Kulish's historical writings see
  • Luckyj , George . 1983 . Panteleimon Kulish: A Sketch of his Life and Times Boulder , CO For his literary biography see
  • Rudnytsky , Ivan L. “ `Peraiaslav: History and Myth' ” . In Pereiaslav 1654 Edited by: Basarab , John . xi – xxiii . xx – xxi . For the reintroduction of the concept of `reunification' into Russian emigre literature on the eve of World War II, in relation to Hitler's Anschluss with Austria, see
  • Samuilov , Sergei . 1997 . `O nekotorykh amerikanskikh stereotipakh v otnoshenii Ukrainy' . SShA: ekonomika, politika, ideologiya , 3 : 84 – 96 .
  • 1997, 4, pp. 81-90; here, 1997, 3, p. 84. For a Ukrainian response to Samuilov's article see Oleksii Haran', `Pro "rasyzm Hrushevs [sup 1]koho" ta "pol's'ku intryhu". Rosiis'ka nauka dolaye "amerykans' ki stereotypy shchodo Ukrainy"', Den', 5 August 1997.
  • Prymak , Thomas M. 1996 . Mykola Kostomarov: A Biography , Toronto : Buffalo and London . Ironically, Kostomarov's views on Khmelnytsky and the Pereyaslav Agreement were considered anti-Russian by 19th-century Russian historians. For Kostomarov's treatment of the Pereyaslav Agreement and a critique of Kostomarov by Gennadii Karpov, a student of Sergei Solov'ev, see John Basarab, Pereiaslav 1654, pp. 103-109. On Kostomarov's life see
  • See Yurii Mytsyk, `Natsional' no-vyzvol' na viina ukrains'koho narodu 1648-1658 rr. (Pidsumky, problemy i perspektyvy doslidzhennya)', in Bytva pid Korsunem i natsional' no-vyzvol' na viina seredyny XVII stolittya (Korsun'-Shevchenkivs' kyi, 1998), pp. 27-59 at pp. 34-35. Mytsyk also mentions the case of `Kornilovshchina', but one could add to this fist the official names given to all sorts of `nationalist' deviations in the ranks of the Ukrainian Communist Party, such as Volobuevshchyna, Skrypnykivshchyna, Yavorshchyna and Shelestivshchyna. In contemporary Ukraine all these terms have a strong negative connotation.
  • See the records of the discussion among Ukrainian Marxist historians on Matvii Yavorsky's conception of Ukrainian history in Litopys revolyutsii, 1930, 3-4, pp. 213-218; 1930, 5, 295-297, 317-319, 322-323, and Volodymyr Sukhyno-Khomenko, `Na marksysts'komu istorychnomu fronti', Bil'shovyk Ukrainy, 1929, 17-18, pp. 47-51.
  • See the English translation of the `Theses' in Basarab, Pereiaslav 1654, p. 273.
  • Prymak , Thomas M. 1987 . Mykhailo Hrushevsky: The Politics of National Culture Toronto For a political biography of Mykhailo Hrushevsky see
  • Sysyn , Frank E. 1997 . “ `Introduction to the History of Ukraine-Rus" ” . In Mykhailo Hrushevsky, History of Ukraine-Rus', vol. 1: From Prehistory to the Eleventh Century vol. 1 , xxi – xlii . Edmonton and Toronto On his historiographical views see
  • For Hrushevsky's views on the history of the Ukrainian Cossacks see Serhii Plokhy, `Revisiting the Golden Age: Mykhailo Hrushevsky and the Early History of the Ukrainian Cossacks', introduction to Mykhailo Hrushevsky, History of Ukraine-Rus', vol. 7: The Cossack Age to 1625 Edmonton and Toronto 1999, pp. xxvii-lii.
  • Samuilov, `O nekotorykh amerikanskikh stereotipakh v otnoshenii Ukrainy', SShA: ekonomika, politika, ideologiya, 1997, 3, p. 93.
  • Ibid., 1997, 4, p. 93.
  • Ibid., 1997, 3, p. 95.
  • See the English translation of the `Theses' in Basarab, Pereiaslav 1654, pp. 270-288 at p. 275.
  • Samuilov, `O nekotorykh amerikanskikh stereotipakh v otnoshenii Ukrainy', 1997, 4, p. 90.
  • See Viktor Zamyatin, `Pereyaslavs'ka rada 2: Yakymy povynni buty ukrains'ko-rosiis'ki vzayemyny?' Den', 19 January 1999.
  • According to Horobets, at the time of Pereyaslav Muscovy' s boyar regime could not overcome the desire to dictate its will to Ukraine. He expressed his hope that democratic Moscow would prove more far-sighted in this regard. See Viktor Horobets', `Ukrains'ko-rosiis'kyi dohovir: vid ratyfikatsii do denonsatsii, Den', 27 March 1999.
  • Mohyla , Valentyn . 1999 . `Istoriya ne povynna staty "korolivstvom kryvykh dzerkal"' . Den' , 24 April
  • Lieven , Anatol . 1999 . “ Ukraine and Russia.' ” . In A Fraternal Rivalry 89 – 90 . Washington DC

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