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Homeless children in the USSR, 1917–1957

Pages 64-83 | Published online: 06 Nov 2007


  • Belykh , G. and Panteleev , L. 1928 . Respublika ShKID: Povest’ Moscow Novels concerning this subject include
  • Ehrenburg , Ilya . 1932 . A Street in Moscow , Edited by: Volochova , Sonia . New York : Covici‐Friede, Publishers .
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  • Eseev . “ ‘Rabota Permskoi trudovoi kolonii’ ” . Edited by: Shveitser and Shabalov . 20
  • Zenzinov . Deserted , 90
  • Grigor'eva , T. A. 1924 . ‘Literaturnye vkusy besprizornykh’ . Na putyakh k novoi shkole , : 150 – 9 .
  • Juviler . Revolutionary Law and Order 26
  • 1947 . Direktivy VKP(b) 232
  • 1974 . Narodnoe obrazovanie v SSSR. 348
  • Schlesinger , Rudolf . 1949 . Changing Attitudes in Soviet Russia: The Family , London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd. .
  • Danyushevsky , I. 1927 . “ ‘Kak preduprezhdat’ detskuyu besprizornost’ ” . In Gosudarstvo i obshchestvennost’ v bor'bes detskoi besprizornost'yu Edited by: Tizanov , S. S. and Epshtein , M. S. 10 Moscow
  • von Koerber , Lenka . 1935 . Soviet Russia Fights Crime , 84 New York : E. P. Dutton and Company .
  • 1947 . Direktivy VKP(b) 247 – 54 .
  • Madison . Social Welfare 41
  • Madison . Social Welfare 40
  • Drapkina , I. M. 1928 . ‘Ploshchadka dlya beznadzornykh’ . Detskii dom ,
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  • Voinov , Nicholas . 1955 . The Waif , 2 New York : Pantheon Books, Inc. .
  • Duranty , Walter . Duranty Reports Russia 384
  • Fitzpatrick , Sheila , ed. 1978 . Cultural Revolution in Russia, 1928–1931 , Bloomington : Indiana University Press .
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  • Conquest , Robert . 1986 . The Harvest of Sorrow Oxford University Press A detailed presentation can be found in
  • 1973 . Pedagogicheskaya bibliografiya 1931–1935 and 1936–1940 Moscow See the relevant sections in
  • King . Soviet Russia Goes to School 266
  • Hazard , John N. 1940 . ‘Trends in Soviet Treatment of Crime’ . American Sociological Review , August : 575 – 6 .
  • Orlov , Alexander . The Secret History 39 – 40 .
  • Conquest , Robert . 1968 . The Great Terror , New York : Collier Books . repeats the same stories
  • Berman , Nathan . 1943 . ‘The Place of the Child in Present‐Day Russia’ . Social Forces , XXI ( 4 ) May : 448
  • 1974 . Narodnoe obrazovanie v SSSR 350 – 2 .
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  • Makarenko , Anton . 1939 . Children in the Land of Socialism 17 Moscow
  • King . Soviet Russia Goes to School 231
  • Zhukova . “ ‘Deyatel'nost’ Detkomissii’ ” . 66
  • ‘Kravchenko . I Chose Freedom , 318
  • Deineko . Sorok let 205
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  • 1947 . Narodnoe Obrazovanie v SSSR 353 – 4 .
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  • 1948 . Narodnoe obrazovanie 333 – 6 .
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  • 1948 . Narodnoe obrazovanie 336
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  • 1974 . Narodnoe obrazovanie v SSSR 357 – 9 .
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