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Participatory action in the age of green urbanism. How Futurefarmers leapfrogged the culture consumer?

Pages 350-367 | Received 16 Nov 2015, Accepted 18 Apr 2016, Published online: 29 May 2016


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  • Participatory observation, visiting the site with Flatbread Society, 17 March 2013.
  • Participatory observation, joining meetings with Sørenga Utvikling and IKM, 18 March 2013.
  • Participatory observation, Dome Building Workshop, Loallmenningen, 22 May 2013.
  • Site visit, Loallmenningen, 23 May 2013.
  • Participatory observation, Mobile Oven at 31b, Grønland, 24 May 2013.
  • Participatory observation, Tandoori Oven Workshop, Loallmenningen, 28 May 2013.
  • Participatory observation, Mobile Oven Maiden Voyage, 29 May 2013.
  • Participatory observation, Beneath the Pavement: Soil Science, Loallmenningen, 5 June 2013.
  • Participatory observation, Seed Action, Loallmenningen/Herligheten, 6 June 2013.
  • Site visit, Mobile Oven at Oslo Comic Festival, Grünerløkka, 11 June 2013.
  • Participatory observation, Grain Power: Milling Archive, Oslo City Archives, 11 June 2013.
  • Participatory observation, Bakehouse workshops, Loallmenningen, 17 June 2013.
  • Field visit, Bread making workshops, Loallmenningen, 22 June 2013.
  • Participatory observation, Midsummer Celebration, Loallmenningen, 23 June 2013.
  • Participatory observation, Full moon gathering, Loallmenningen, 13 June 2014.
  • Participatory observation, Full moon gathering, Loallmenningen, 3 February 2015.
  • Participatory observation, Brick gathering: Full moon Celebration, 2 June 2015.

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