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Broadening law’s context: materiality in socio-legal research

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  • Monographs
  • Gregory S Alexander and Eduardo M Penalver (2010) Property and Community, Oxford UP.
  • Thomas Aquinas (1975) (translated by Marcus Lefebure) Summa Theologiae, 38.
  • Hannah Arendt (1958) The Human Condition, University of Chicago Press.
  • Aristotle (1981) (translated by T.A. Sinclair, revised and represented by Trevor Saunders) The Politics, Penguin Books.
  • Karen Barad (2007) Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning, Duke University Press.
  • Olivia Barr (2016) A Jurisprudence of Movement: Common Law, Walking, Unsettling Place, Routledge.
  • Debbie Becher (2014) Private Property and Public Power: Eminent Domain in Philadelphia, Oxford University Press.
  • Jane Bennett (2010) Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things, Duke University Press
  • Christine Black, (2011) The Land is the Source of the Law, Routledge.
  • Nicholas Blomley (2011) Rights of Passage: Sidewalks and the Regulation of Public Flow, Routledge.
  • Klaus Bosselmann (2008) The Principle of Sustainability: Transforming Law and Governance, Ashgate.
  • Ben Boer et al (2016) The Mekong: A Socio-Legal Approach to River Basin Management, Routledge.
  • Rosi Braidotti (2013) The Posthuman, Polity Press.
  • Irus Braverman et al (eds) (2014) The Expanding Spaces of Law: A Timely Legal Geography, Standford University Press.
  • Susan Bright and Sarah Blandy (2016) Researching Property Law, Palgrave.
  • Judith Butler (2014) Parting Ways: Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism, University of Columbia Press.
  • Fritjof Capra and Ugo Mattei (2015) The Ecology of Law: Towards a Legal System in tune with Nature and Community, Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
  • Noel Castree (2005) Nature, Routledge.
  • Anthony Connolly (2010) Cultural Difference on Trial: The Nature and Limits of Judicial Understanding, Routledge.
  • Sean Coyle and Karen Morrow (2004) The Philosophical Foundations of Environmental Law: Property, Rights and Nature, Hart Publishing.
  • Ann Curthoys et al (2008) Rights and Redemption: History, Law and Indigenous People, University of New South Wales Press.
  • Margaret Davies (2007) Property: Meanings, Histories, Theories, Routledge.
  • Margaret Davies (2017) Law Unlimited: Materialism, Pluralism, and Legal Theory, Routledge.
  • David Delaney (2010) The Spatial, the Legal and the Pragmatics of World-Making: Nomospheric Investigations, Routledge.
  • Eugen Ehrlich (2002) Fundamental Principles of the Sociology of Law, Transaction Press.
  • Eric Freyfogle (2003) The Land we Share: Private Property and the Public Good, Island Press.
  • Nicole Graham (2011) Lawscape: Property, Environment, Law, Routledge.
  • Donna Haraway (2003) The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Others, Prickly Paradigm Press.
  • Michael E Harkin and David Rich Lewis (2007) Native Americans and the Environment: Perspectives on the Ecological Indian, University of Nebraska Press.
  • Douglas C Harris (2011) Landing Native Fisheries: Indian Reserves and Fishing Rights in British Columbia, 1849-1925, University of British Columbia Press.
  • David Harvey (1973) Social Justice and the City, John Hopkins University Press.
  • David Harvey (2013) Rebel Cities: from the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution, Routledge.
  • N Katherine Hayles (1999) How we Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics, Routledge.
  • GWF Hegel (1967) The Philosophy of Right (trans. Knox), Oxford University Press.
  • Ian Hodder (2012) Entangled: An Archaeology of the Relationships between Humans and Things, Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Sheila Jasanoff (ed) (2012) Science and Public Reason, Routledge.
  • Brad Jessup and Kim Rubenstein (eds) (2012) Environmental Discourses in Public and International Law, Cambridge University Press.
  • Sarah Keenan (2015) Subversive Property: Law and the Production of Spaces of Belonging, Routledge.
  • Hans Kelsen (1991) General Theory of Norms, Oxford University Press.
  • Shepard Krech III (1999) The Ecological Indian, W.W. Norton.
  • Bruno Latour (2005) Reassembling the Social. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Doreen Massey (2005) For Space, Sage Publishing.
  • Chris McGrath (2010) Does Environmental Law Work? How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of an Environmental Legal System, Lambert Academic Publishing.
  • Carolyn Merchant (1980) The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution, Harper and Rowe.
  • Bronwen Morgan (2011) Water on Tap: Rights and Regulation in the Transnational Governance of Urban Water Services, Cambridge University Press.
  • Jennifer Nedelsky (2012) Law’s Relations: A Relational Theory of Self, Autonomy and Law, Oxford University Press.
  • Robert Nozick (1974) Anarchy, State and Utopia, Basil Blackwell.
  • Elinor Ostrom (1990) Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action, Cambridge University Press.
  • Yoriko Otomo and Edward Mussawir (eds) (2012) Law and the Question of the Animal: A Critical Jurisprudence, Routledge. (Law, Justice and Ecology)
  • John Page (2017) Property Diversity and its Implications, Routledge.
  • Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (2015) Spatial Justice: Body, Lawscape, Atmosphere, Routledge.
  • Val Plumwood (1993) Feminism and the Mastery of Nature, Routledge.
  • Val Plumwood (2002) Environmental Cultures: The Ecological Crisis of Reason, Routledge.
  • Libby Porter (2010) Unlearning the Colonial Cultures of Planning, Ashgate.
  • Alain Pottage and Brad Sherman (2010) Figures of Invention: A History of Modern Patent Law, Oxford University Press.
  • Margaret Jane Radin (1993) Reinterpreting Property, Chicago University Press.
  • Murray Raff (2003) Private Property and Environmental Responsibility: A Comparative Study of German Real Property Law, Kluwer Law International.
  • Nicole Rogers and Michelle Maloney (2017) Law as if Earth Really Mattered: The Wild Law Judgment Project, Routledge.
  • Eloise Scotford (2017) Environmental Principles and the Evolution of Environmental Law, Hart Publishing.
  • Joseph Singer (2000) The Edges of the Field: Lessons on the Obligations of Ownership, Beacon Press.
  • Daniel Stoljar (2010) Physicalism, Routledge.
  • Hans Vaihinger (1925) The Philosophy of ‘As If’: A System of the Theoretical, Practical and Religious Fictions of Mankind, CK Ogden trans, Harcourt, Brace, and Co.
  • Eve Vincent and Timothy Neale (eds) (2016) Unstable Relations: Indigenous People and Environmentalism in Contemporary Australia, UWAP.
  • Jeremy Waldron (2012) The Rule of Law and the Measure of Property, Cambridge.
  • Irene Watson (2015) Aboriginal Peoples, Colonialism and International Law, Routledge.
  • John Weaver (2006) The Great Land Rush and the Making of the Modern World 1650-1900, McGill-Queens University Press.
  • Robert A Williams Jr. (2012) Savage Anxieties: The Invention of Western Civilization, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Articles and Book Chapters
  • Sara Ahmed (2008) ‘Some Preliminary Remarks on the Founding Gestures of the “New Materialisms”’ 15 European Journal of Women’s Studies 23.
  • Stacy Alaimo and Susan Hekman (2008) ‘Emerging Models of Materiality in Feminist Theory’ in S Alaimo and S Hekman (eds) Material Feminisms, Indiana University Press.
  • Samuel Alexander (2011) ‘Property Beyond Growth: Towards a Politics of Voluntary Simplicity’ in David Grinlinton and Prue Taylor (eds) Property Rights and Sustainability: The Evolution of Property Rights to Meet Ecological Challenges, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
  • Craig Anthony Arnold (2002) ‘The Reconstitution of Property: Property a Web of Interests’ 26 Harvard Law Review 281.
  • Olivia Barr (2013) ‘Walking with Empire’ 38 Australian Feminist Law Journal 59.
  • Robyn Bartel et al (2013) ‘Legal Geography: An Australian Perspective’ 51 Geographical Research 339.
  • Robyn Bartel (2017) ‘Place-Thinking: The Hidden Geography of Environmental Law’ in Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulous (ed) Research Methods in Environmental Law, Edward Elgar.
  • Melinda Harm Benson (2012) ‘Mining Sacred Space: Law’s Enactment of Competing Ontologies in the American West’ 44 Environment and Planning A 1443.
  • Jeremy Bentham [1864] ‘A Theory of Legislation’ in CB Macpherson (ed) (1978) Property: Mainstream and Critical Positions, Toronto University Press.
  • Nicholas Blomley (2013) ‘Performing Property: Making the World’ 26 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 23.
  • Nicholas Blomley (2014) ‘Disentangling Law: The Practice of Bracketing’ 10 Annual Review of Law and Social Science 133.
  • Sanja Bogojoveic (2009) ‘Ending the Honeymoon: Deconstructing Emissions Trading Discourse’ 21 Journal of Environmental Law 458.
  • John Borrows (1997) ‘Living between Water and Rocks: First Nations, Environmental Planning and Democracy’ 47 The University of Toronto Law Journal 417.
  • Kathy Bowrey and Nicole Graham (2018) ‘The Placelessness of Property, Intellectual Property and Cultural Heritage Law in the Australian Legal Landscape: Engaging Cultural Landscapes’ in Christophe Anton and William Logan (eds) Intellectual Property, Cultural Property and Intangible Cultural Heritage, Routledge.
  • William Boyd et al (2012) ‘Law, Environment, and the “Nondismal” Social Sciences’ 8 Annual Review of Law and Social Science 183.
  • Rosi Braidotti (2012) ‘Becoming-World’ in Rosi Braidotti, Patrick Hanafin and Bolette B Blaagaard (eds) After Cosmopolitanism, Routledge.
  • Christopher Bracken (1991) ‘Coercive Spaces and Spatial Coercions: Althusser and Foucault’ 17 Philosophy and Social Criticism 229.
  • Linda K Breggin et al (2016) ‘Trends in Environmental Law Scholarship 2008-2015’ 46 Environmental Law Reporter 10648.
  • Peter Burdon (2012) ‘A Theory of Earth Jurisprudence’ 37 Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 28.
  • Chris Butler (2017) ‘Space, Politics, Justice’ in Chris Butler and Edward Mussawir (eds) Spaces of Justice: Peripheries, Passages, Appropriations.
  • Lauren Butterly (2013) ‘Clear Choices in Murky Waters: Leo Akiba on Behalf of the Torres Strait Regional Seas Claim Group v Commonwealth of Australia’ 35 Sydney Law Review 237.
  • Noel Castree (2015) ‘Geography and Global Change Science: Relationships Necessary, Absent and Possible’ 53 Geographical Research 1.
  • Dipesh Chakrabarty (2009) ‘The Climate of History: Four Theses’ 35 Critical Inquiry 197.
  • Felix Cohen (1927) ‘Property and Sovereignty’ 13 Cornell Law Quarterly 8.
  • Jane F Collier et al (1995) ‘Sanctioned Identities: Legal Constructions of Modern Personhood’ 2 Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 1.
  • Davina Cooper (2007) ‘Opening Up Ownership: Community, Belonging, Belongings, and the Productive Life of Property’ 32 Law and Social Inquiry 625.
  • Roger Cotterrell (1998) ‘Why Must Legal Ideas be Interpreted Sociology?’ 25 Journal of Law and Society 171.
  • Roger Cotterrell (2002) ‘Subverting Orthodoxy, Making Law Central: A View of Sociolegal Studies’ 29 Journal of Law and Society 632.
  • Bawaka Country et al (2015) ‘Working with and Learning from Country: Decentring Human Authority’ 22 Cultural Geographies 269.
  • Donna Craig (2015) ‘Legal Strategies to Expand Indigenous Governance in Climate Change Adaptation’ in The Search for Environmental Justice, Edward Elgar.
  • Eve Darian-Smith (2010) ‘Environmental Law and Native American Law’ 6 Annual Review of Law and Social Science 359.
  • Margaret Davies (2012) ‘Persons and Property’ 2 feminists@law.
  • Margaret Davies (2015) ‘The Consciousness of Trees’ 27 Law and Literature 217.
  • Margaret Davies (2016) ‘Material Subjects and Vital Objects - Prefiguring Property and Rights for an Entangled World’ 22 Australian Journal of Human Rights 37.
  • David Delaney (2015) ‘Legal Geography I: Constitutivities, Complexities and Contingencies’ 39 Progress in Human Geography 96.
  • David Delaney (2017) ‘Legal Geography III: New Worlds, New Convergences’ 41 Progress in Human Geography 667.
  • Patricia Ewick and Susan Silbey (1993) ‘Conformity, Contestation, and Resistance: An Account of Legal Consciousness’ 26 New England Law Review 731.
  • Alex Faulkner et al (2012) ‘Introduction: Material Worlds: Intersections of Law, Science, Technology, and Society’ 39 Journal of Law and Society 1.
  • Elizabeth Fisher et al (2009) ‘Maturity and Methodology: Starting a Debate about Environmental Law Scholarship’ 21 Journal of Environmental Law 213.
  • Malcolm Feeley (1976) ‘The Concept of Laws in Social Science: A Critique and Notes on an Expanded View’ 10 Law and Society Review 501.
  • Gerald Frug (2001) ‘A Legal History of Cities’ in Nicholas Blomley, David Delaney and Richard T Ford (eds) The Legal Geographies Reader, Blackwell.
  • Josephine Gillespie (2016) ‘Catch 22: Wetlands Protection and Fishing for Survival’ 54 Geographical Research 336.
  • Lee Godden (2011) ‘Communal Governance of Land and Resources as a Sustainable Property Institution’ in David Grinlinton and Prue Taylor (eds) Property Rights and Sustainability: The Evolution of Property Rights to Meet Ecological Challenges, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
  • Lee Godden (2012) ‘Native Title and Ecology: Agreement-Making in an Era of Market Environmentalism’ in Jessica Weir (ed) Country, Native Title and Ecology, ANU Press.
  • Lee Godden (2015) ‘Law and the Practices of ‘Damming’: Tasmanian Dams Case as a Turning Point’ 24 Griffith Law Review 127.
  • Nicole Graham (2014) ‘This is not a Thing: Land, Sustainability and Legal Education’ 26 Journal of Environmental Law 395.
  • Nicole Graham and Robyn Bartel (2017) ‘Farmscapes: Property, Ecological Restoration and the Reconciliation of Human and Nature in Australian Agriculture’ 26 Griffith Law Review 221.
  • Judith Grbich (1992) ‘The Body in Legal Theory’ 11 University of Tasmania Law Review 26.
  • Anna Grear (2011) ‘The Vulnerable Living Order: Human Rights and the Environment in a Critical and Philosophical Perspective’ 2 Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 23.
  • Anna Grear (2015) ‘Deconstructing Anthropos: A Critical Legal Reflection on ‘Anthropocentric’ Law and Anthopocene ‘Humanity’ 26 Law and Critique 225.
  • David Grinlinton (2011) ‘Evolution, Adaptation, and Invention: Property Rights in Natural Resources in a Changing World’ in David Grinlinton and Prue Taylor (eds) Property Rights and Sustainability: The Evolution of Property Rights to Meet Ecological Challenges, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
  • Yifat Hachamovitch (1994) ‘Of a Mouth to a Flesh: A Semiotic of Moveable Bodies’ in Roberta Kevelson (ed) Law and Semiotics, vol 3, Plenum Press.
  • Donna Haraway (1991) ‘A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century’ in DJ Haraway (ed) Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature, Routledge.
  • Cheryl Harris (1992) ‘Whiteness as Property’ 106 Harvard Law Review 1707.
  • David Harvey (2011) Lecture at Spatial Justice Conference, University of Westminster.
  • Lesley Head and Jennifer Atchison (2008) ‘Cultural Ecology: Emerging Human-Plant Geographies’ 33 Progress in Human Geography 236.
  • Wesley Hohfeld (1913) ‘Some Fundamental Legal Conceptions as Applied to Judicial Reasoning’ 23 The Yale Law Journal 16.
  • Cameron Holley and Darren Sinclair (2016) ‘Governing Water Markets: Achievements, Limitations and the Need for Regulatory Reform’ 33 Environment and Planning Law Journal 301.
  • Terry Hutchinson (2013) ‘Doctrinal Research: Researching the Jury’ in Dawn Watkins and Mandy Burton (eds) Research Methods in Law, Routledge.
  • Shelia Jasanoff (2016) ‘Subjects of Reason: Goods, Markets and Competing Imaginaries of Global Governance’ 4 London Review of International Law 361.
  • Brad Jessup (2013) ‘Environmental Justice as Spatial and Scalar Justice: A Regional Waste Facility or a Local Rubbish Dump out of Place?’ 9 McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy 69.
  • Rebecca La Forgia, (2015) ‘Limitlessness in Australian Constitutional Legal Narrative: The Memory of Black’s Address in the Tasmanian Dam Case’ 24 Griffith Law Review 41.
  • Nicola Lacey (1996) ‘Normative Reconstruction in Socio-Legal Theory’ 5 Social & Legal Studies 131.
  • David Lametti (2003) ‘The Concept of Property: Relations Through Objects of Social Wealth’ 53 University of Toronto Law Journal 325.
  • Bettina Lange (2017) ‘How to Think about Nature-Society’ Interactions in Environmental Law ‘in Action’?’ in Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos and Victoria Brooks (eds) Handbook of Research Methods in Environmental Law, Edward Elgar.
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