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Trust in Educational Settings: Insights and Emerging Research Questions


  • Abdelzadeh, A., & Lundberg, E. (2017). Solid or flexible? Social trust from early adolescence to young adulthood. Scandinavian Political Studies, 40(2), 207–227. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9477.12080
  • Alarcon, G. M., Lyons, J. B., Christensen, J. C., Klosterman, S. L., Bowers, M. A., Ryan, T. J., Jessup, S. A., & Wynne, K. T. (2018). The effect of propensity to trust and perceptions of trustworthiness on trust behaviors in dyads. Behavior Research Methods, 50(5), 1906–1920. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-017-0959-6.
  • Ashraf, N., Bohnet, I., & Piankov, N. (2006). Decomposing trust and trustworthiness. Experimental Economics, 9(3), 193–208. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10683-006-9122-4
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  • Bormann, I., & John, R. (2014). Trust in the education system–thoughts on a fragile bridge into the future. European Journal for Futures Research, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40309-013-0035-0.
  • Bormann, I., & Thies, B. (2019). Trust and trusting practices during transition to higher education: Introducing a framework of habitual trust. Educational Research, 61(2), 161–180. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131881.2019.1596036.
  • Bormann, I., Killus, D., Niedlich, S., & Würbel, I. (2022, in this special issue). Home-school interaction: A vignette study of parents’ views on situations relevant to trust. European Education.
  • Bormann, I., Niedlich, S., & Staats, M. (2019). Entwicklung und Validierung eines Instruments zur Erfassung der Vertrauensrelevanz ausgewählter Interaktionen zwischen Elternhaus und Schule. Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung, 9(2), 177–199. https://doi.org/10.1007/s35834-019-00235-5.
  • Bormann, I., Niedlich, S., & Würbel, I. (2022, in this special issue). Trust in educational settings - what it is and why it matters. European perspectives. European Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/10564934.2022.2080564
  • Burns, T., & Cerna, L. (2016). Enhancing effective education governance. In T. Burns & F. Köster (Eds.), Governing education in a complex world (pp. 221–235). OECD.
  • Colquitt, J. A., Scott, B. A., & LePine, J. A. (2007). Trust, trustworthiness, and trust propensity: A meta-analytic test of their unique relationships with risk taking and job performance. The Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(4), 909–927. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.92.4.909.
  • Daly, A. J., & Finnigan, K. S. (2012). Exploring the space between: Social networks, trust, and urban school district leaders. Journal of School Leadership, 22(3), 493–530. https://doi.org/10.1177/105268461202200304
  • Delhey, J., Newton, K., & Welzel, C. (2014). The radius of trust problem remains resolved. American Sociological Review, 79(6), 1260–1265. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003122414555399
  • Díaz-Gibson, J., Civís Zaragoza, M., Daly, A. J., Longás Mayayo, J., & Riera Romaní, J. (2017). Networked leadership in educational collaborative networks. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 45(6), 1040–1059. https://doi.org/10.1177/1741143216628532
  • Dinesen, P. T., & Sønderskov, K. M. (2018). Cultural persistence or experiential adaptation? A review of studies using immigrants to examine the roots of trust. In E. M. Uslaner (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of social and political trust (Vol. 1). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190274801.013.27
  • Ehren, M., & Baxter, J. (Eds.). (2021). Trust, accountability and capacity in education system reform. Global perspectives in comparative education. Routledge.
  • Ehren, M., Paterson, A., & Baxter, J. (2020). Accountability and trust: Two sides of the same coin? Journal of Educational Change, 21(1), 183–213. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10833-019-09352-4
  • Endreß, M. (2010). Vertrauen - soziologische Perspektiven. In M. Maring (Ed.). Vertrauen - zwischen sozialem Kitt und der Senkung von Transaktionskosten (pp. 91–113). KIT Scientific Publishing.
  • Forsyth, P. B., Adams, C. M., & Hoy, W. K. (2011). Collective trust. Why schools can’t improve without it. Teachers College Press.
  • Frederiksen, M. (2014). Relational trust: Outline of a Bourdieusian theory of interpersonal trust. Journal of Trust Research, 4(2), 167–192. https://doi.org/10.1080/21515581.2014.966829
  • Frederiksen, M., Larsen, C. A., & Lolle, H. L. (2016). Education and trust. Acta Sociologica, 59(4), 293–308. https://doi.org/10.1177/0001699316658936
  • Freitag, M., & Traunmüller, R. (2008). Sozialkapitalwelten in Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 2(2), 221–256. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12286-008-0012-3.
  • Fulmer, C. A., & Ostroff, C. (2021). Trust conceptualizations across levels of analysis. In N. Gillespie, C.A. Fulmer, & R. J. Lewicki (Eds.), Understanding trust in organizations. A multilevel perspective (chapter 2). Routledge.
  • Gray, D., & Weir, D. (2014). Retaining public and political trust: Teacher education in Scotland. Journal of Education for Teaching: International Research and Pedagogy, 40(5), 569–587.
  • Hendriks, F., Kienhues, D., & Bromme, R. (2016). Trust in science and the science of trust. In B. Blöbaum (Ed.), Trust and communication in a digitized world (pp. 143–159). Springer International Publishing.
  • Hopkins, D. (2008). Realising the potential of system leadership. In B. Pont, D. Nusche, & D. Hopkins, (Eds.), Improving school leadership. Volume 2: Case studies on system leadership (pp. 21–35). OECD.
  • Hosking, G. (2019). The Decline of Trust in Government. In M. Sasaki (Eds.), Trust in Contemporary Society (pp. 71–103). Series in Comparative Social Studies, vol. 42. Brill.
  • Hoy, W. K., & Tschannen-Moran, M. (1999). Five faces of trust: An empirical confirmation in urban elementary schools. Journal of School Leadership, 9(3), 184–208. https://doi.org/10.1177/105268469900900301
  • Høyer, H. C., & Mønness, E. (2016). Trust in public institutions – spillover and bandwidth. Journal of Trust Research, 6(2), 151–166. https://doi.org/10.1080/21515581.2016.1156546
  • Høyer, H. C., Paulsen, J. M., Nihlfors, E., Kofod, K. K., Kanervio, P., & Pulkkinen, S. (2014). Control and trust in local school governance. In L. Moos, & J.M. Paulsen (Eds.), School boards in the governance process (pp. 101–117). Springer.
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  • Korsgaard, M. A., Kautz, J., Bliese, P., Samson, K., & Kostyszyn, P. (2018). Conceptualising time as a level of analysis: New directions in the analysis of trust dynamics. Journal of Trust Research, 8(2), 142–165. https://doi.org/10.1080/21515581.2018.1516557
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  • Lumineau, F., & Schilke, O. (2018). Trust development across levels of analysis: An embedded-agency perspective. Journal of Trust Research, 8(2), 238–248. https://doi.org/10.1080/21515581.2018.1531766
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  • Moos, L., & Paulsen, J. M. (2014). School boards in the governance process. Springer.
  • Moos, L., Nihlfors, E., & Paulsen, J. M. (2016). Nordic superintendents: Agents in a broken chain. Springer.
  • Neal, T. M. S., Shockley, E., & Schilke, O. (2016). The “dark side” of institutional trust. In E. Shockley, T. M. S. Neal, L. M. PytlikZillig, & B. H. Bornstein (Eds.), Interdisciplinary perspectives on trust (pp. 177–191). Springer.
  • Niedlich, S. (2022, in this special issue). Cross-national analysis of education and trust – context, comparability and causal mechanisms. European Education.
  • Niedlich, S., Kallfaß, A., Pohle, S., & Bormann, I. (2021). A comprehensive view of trust in education: Conclusions from a systematic literature review. Review of Education, 9(1), 124–158. https://doi.org/10.1002/rev3.3239
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  • Paulsen, J. M., & Høyer, H. C. (2016). External control and professional trust in Norwegian school governing: Synthesis from a nordic research project. Nordic Studies in Education, 35(02), 86–102. https://doi.org/10.18261/issn.1891-5949-2016-02-02
  • Rousseau, S., Sitkin, S. B., Burt, R. S., & Camerer, C. (1998). Not so different after all: A cross-discipline view of trust. Academy of Management Review, 23(3), 393–404. https://doi.org/10.5465/amr.1998.926617
  • Scheunpflug, A., Krogull, S., & Franz, J. (2016). Understanding learning in world society: Qualitative reconstructive research in global learning and learning for sustainability. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 7(3), 6–23. https://doi.org/10.18546/IJDEGL.07.3.02
  • Schilke, O., Reimann, M., & Cook, K. S. (2021). Trust in social relations. Annual Review of Sociology, 47(1), 239–259. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-soc-082120-082850
  • Schleicher, A. (2021). Foreword. In M. Ehren & J. Baxter (Eds.), Trust, accountability and capacity in education system reform. Global perspectives in comparative education (pp. xi–xii). Routledge.
  • Shayo, H. J., Rao, C., & Kakupa, P. (2021). Conceptualization and Measurement of Trust in Home-School Contexts: A Scoping Review. Frontiers in Psychology. Educational Psychology, 12, 742917. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.742917
  • Six, F., & Van Ees, H. (2017). When the going gets tough: Exploring processes of trust building and repair in regulatory relations. In F. Six & K. Verhoerst (Eds.), Trust in regulatory regimes (pp. 60–79). Edward Elgar.
  • Skinner, D., Dietz, G., & Weibel, A. (2014). The dark side of trust: When trust becomes a ‘poisoned chalice. Organization, 21(2), 206–224. https://doi.org/10.1177/1350508412473866
  • Tian, M., & Huber, S. G. (2021). Mapping the international knowledge base of educational leadership, administration and management: A topographical perspective. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 51(1), 4–23. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057925.2019.1585757
  • Van de Walle, S., & Six, F. (2014). Trust and distrust as distinct concepts: Why studying distrust in institutions is important. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 16(2), 158–174. https://doi.org/10.1080/13876988.2013.785146.
  • van Hoorn, A. (2014). Trust radius versus trust level. American Sociological Review, 79(6), 1256–1259. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003122414555398
  • Veerman, G.-J., & Denessen, E. (2021). Social cohesion in schools: A non-systematic review of its conceptualization and instruments. Cogent Education, 8(1), 1940633. https://doi.org/10.1080/2331186X.2021.1940633