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Transformational Leadership Research in China (2005–2015)


  • Anderson, S. 2008. Comparative perspective on school improvement. In Comparative and international education: Issues for teachers, ed. K. Mundy, K. Brickmore, R. Hayhoe, M. Madden, and K. Madjidi, 7, 161–88. Toronto, Canada: Canadian Scholars Press Inc.
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  • Bai, M. Y. 2013. Transformational leadership, team learning and team performance: Model and mechanism. Master Degree Thesis, China University of Geosciences.
  • Bai, M. Y., L. Zhang, and X. L. Chen. 2012. Research on impact mechanism among transformational leadership, team learning and team efficacy. Science and Technology Management Research 21:131–5.
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  • Cai, Y. H. 2011. Relationship between transformational leadership and creativity - The mediating role of challenging pressure and workload pressure. Master Degree Thesis, Nanjing University.
  • Cao, K. 2007. The relationship between transformational leadership of secondary School principal and teachers’ organizational commitment. Master Degree Thesis, South China Normal University.
  • Cao, K. Y., and G. L. Chen. 2009. Research on relationship among transformational leadership, knowledge sharing behavior and team efficacy. Science and Technology Management Research 11 (8):301–3.
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  • Chen, H. T. 2013. The impact of transformational leadership on the organizational citizenship behavior and turnover intention of kindergarten staff-The mediating role of organizational commitment. Master Degree Thesis, Henan University.
  • Chen, G. L. 2012. The relationship between transformational leadership, team communication, climate for innovation and team creativity. Master Degree Thesis, South China University of Technology.
  • Chen, J. 2008. Organizational citizenship behavior and transformational leadership: The mediating effects of psychological empowerment. Master Degree Thesis, Zhejiang University of Technology.
  • Chen, J. X. 2011. Integrative framework and empirical test of the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational performance. Systems Engineering -Theory & Practice 31 (9):1697–706.
  • Chen, Q. H. 2013. The research on how transformational leadership to impact knowledge sharing - Intermediary role of team psychological safety. Master Degree Thesis, Hunan University of Technology.
  • Chen, Q. L. 2013. The influence of transformational leadership to the doctor’s voice behaviors. Master Degree Thesis, Henan University.
  • Chen, W. Y. 2010. The influence of transformational leadership on enterprise’s innovative capability. Dong Hua University, Doctoral Dissertation
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  • Chen, Z. Z., and D. Zhang. 2010. Empirical study on transformational leadership, organizational commitment and turnover intention in Chinese context. Modern Economic Science 32 (1):9–15.
  • Chin, J. P. 2007. Meta-analysis of transformational school leadership effects on school outcomes in Taiwan and the USA. Asia Pacific Education Review 8 (2):166–77. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03029253
  • Chu, C. F. 2010. Performance mechanism of scientific research team: a model based on the transformational leadership theory. Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences) 40 (3):174–9.
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  • Comrey, A. L., and H. B. Lee. 1992. A first course in factor analysis. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Cui, X. 2007. Research on the relationship between transformation leader behavior and team performance. Dalian University of Technology, Master Dissertation.
  • Dello-Iacovo, B. 2009. Curriculum reform and "quality education" in china: An overview. International Journal of Educational Development 29 (3):241–9. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2008.02.008
  • Den Hartog, D. N., R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, S. A. Ruiz-Quintanilla, P. W. Dorfman, I. A. Abdalla, B. S. Adetoun, R. N. Aditya, H. Agourram, A. Akande., et al. 1999. Culture specific and crossculturally generalizable implicit leadership theories: are attributes of charismatic/transformational leadership universally endorsed? Leadership Quarterly 10 (2):219–56. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/S1048-9843(99)00018-1
  • Deng, R. 2011. A research on the impact of transformational leadership on subordinate resilience and outcomes. South China University of Technology, Master Dissertation.
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  • Ding, J. Y. 2013. The study on the relationship about goal-setting and transformational leadership and employee’s innovation behavior. Master Degree Thesis, Nanjing Normal University.
  • Ding, L., and Y. M. Xi. 2008. The mechanism of transformational leadership’s effect on employee creativity. Journal of Management Sciences 21 (6):40–6.
  • Ding, L., Y. M. Xi, and H. Zhang. 2010. Transformational leadership and employee creativity: the mediating role of supervisor- subordinate relationship. Science Research Management 31 (1):177–84.
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  • Dong, L. Y. 2011. The study on the relationship between transformational leadership and employee’s performance. Master Degree Thesis, Northeast Normal University.
  • Dou, H. Y. 2011. Research on manager psychological capital, transformational leadership and employee organizational identification. Jinan University, Material Dissertation.
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  • Duan, J. Y., and C. Y. Huang. 2014. The impact of transformational leadership on employee voice mechanism: self-determination perspective. Nankai Business Review 17 (4):98–109.
  • Fan, H. 2008. An empirical research on the relationship between the middle-level managers’ perception of transformational leadership and turnover intention. Master Degree Thesis, Nanjing Normal University.
  • Fang, L. M. 2010. The study on relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction of knowledge worker. Master’s Thesis, Shandong University.
  • Fen, Q. L. 2012. Research on the impact of transformational leadership on employees’ task performance. Yanshan University, Master Dissertation.
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  • Fu, F. H. 2007. The analysis of the entrepreneur’s transformational leadership and patristic leadership on firm performance. Zhejiang University, Doctoral Dissertation.
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  • Gao, W. M., Q. R. Cao, and Z. Q. Xu. 2015. Differences of safety behavior between the new generation workers and traditional old employee. Safety and Environmental Engineering 52 (3):56.
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  • Gao, Y. Y. 2013. The impact research of transformational leadership on turnover intention of the private enterprises’ middle managers. Master Degree Thesis, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics.
  • Geijsel, F., P. Sleegers, K. Leithwood, and D. Jantzi. 2003. Transformational leadership effects on teacher commitment and effort toward school reform. Journal of Educational Administration 41 (3):228–56. doi:https://doi.org/10.1108/09578230310474403
  • Geng, X., J. Shi, and W. Zhang. 2009. The effects of transformational leadership and team climate on organizational citizenship behavior: a cross-level model. Journal of Science and Management of Scientific Technology 9:53–4.
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  • Gu, W., and D. Y. Thomas. 2010. Working with parents and family: Factors that influence Chinese teachers’ attitudes toward parent involvement. Journal of Instructional Psychology 37 (2):146–52.
  • Guan, Q., and W. Meng. 2007. China’s new national curriculum reform: innovation, challenges, and strategies. Frontiers of Education in China 2 (4):579–604. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11516-007-0043-6
  • Guo, Y., L. M. Justice, B. Sawyer, and V. Tompkins. 2011. Exploring factors related to preschool teachers’ self-efficacy. Teaching and Teacher Education 27 (5):961–8. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2011.03.008 doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2011.03.008
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  • Hallinger, P. 2003. Leading educational change: reflections on the practice of instructional and transformational leadership. Cambridge Journal of Education 33 (3):329–51. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/0305764032000122005
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  • Han, C. Y. 2008. The researches on competency structure model of transformational leaders and relevant variables. Master Degree Thesis, Jinan University.
  • Han, M. F. 2010. The research on how transformational leadership, team psychological safety to impact knowledge sharing. Master Degree Thesis, Dalian University of Technology.
  • Han, Y., H. Y. Song, and F. F. Zhu. 2008. The influence of contextual factors of task structure on the relation between transformational leadership and employees’ organizational commitment. Soft Science 22 (2):66–9.
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  • Hoy, W. K., and D. J. Sabo. 1998. Quality Middle schools: Open and healthy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.
  • Hua, Y., J. Wu, and P. P. Lv. 2015. Transformational leadership in improving the team effectiveness. Marketing Management Review 3:53–5.
  • Hua, Z. X. 2007. The effect of transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behavior-Ordos meteorological bureau research. Tianjin University, Master’s Dissertation.
  • Huang, J., L. Z. Wu, and L. Zhu. 2012. The impact of CEO transformational leadership behavior on Middle managers’ job performance and job satisfaction: the roles of organizational support perception and values. Journal of Psychological Science 35 (6):1445–52.
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  • Leithwood, K., C. Day, P. Sammons, A. Harris, and D. Hopkins. 2006. Successful school leadership: What it is and how it influences pupil learning (chapter 2: the nature of successful leadership practices). London: Department for Education and Skills, Research Report 800.
  • Leithwood, K., and D. Duke. 1998. Mapping the conceptual terrain of leadership: a critical point of departure for cross-cultural studies. Peabody Journal of Education 73 (2):31–125.
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  • Leithwood, K., and D. Jantzi. 1997. Explaining variation in teachers’ perceptions of principals’ leadership: a replication. Journal of Educational Administration 35 (4):312–31. doi:https://doi.org/10.1108/09578239710171910
  • Leithwood, K., and D. Jantzi. 2000. The effects of transformational leadership on organizational conditions and student engagement with school. Journal of Educational Administration 38 (2):112–129.
  • Leithwood, K., and D. Jantzi. 2005. A review of transformational school leadership research 1996-2005. Leadership and Policy in Schools 4 (3):177–99.
  • Leithwood, K., and D. Jantzi. 2006. Transformational school leadership for large-scale reform: Effects on students, teachers, and their classroom practices. School Effectiveness and School Improvement 17 (2):201–27. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/09243450600565829
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  • Li, R., and W. Q. Ling. 2007. A review of the research on transformational leadership. Scientific Management Research 22 (2):70–8.
  • Li, W., W. C. Duan, and X. M. Zheng. 2010. The influence of transformational leadership and emotional intelligence on team effectiveness. Explore of Economic Issues 9:87–93.
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