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Flipping Statistics Courses in Graduate Education: Integration of Cognitive Psychology and Technology


  • Balota, D. A., Duchek, J. M., and Logan, J. M. (2007), “Is Expanded Retrieval Practice a Superior Form of Spaced Retrieval? A Critical Review of the Extent Literature,” in The Foundations of Remembering: Essay in Honor of Henry L. Roediger III, ed. J. Nairne, London: Psychology Press.
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  • Karpicke, J. D. (2009), “Metacognitive Control and Strategy Selection: Deciding to Practice Retrieval During Learning,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 138, 469–486. DOI: 10.1037/a0017341.
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  • Zieffler, A., Garfield, J., Alt, S., Dupuis, D., Holleque, K., and Chang, B. (2008), “What Does Research Suggest About Teaching and Learning of Introductory Statistics at the College Level? A Review of the Literature,” Journal of Statistics Education, 16. DOI: 10.1080/10691898.2008.11889566.