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The ASCCR Frame for Learning Essential Collaboration Skills

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  • Stallings, J., Vance, E., Yang, J., Vannier, M. W., Liang, J., Pang, L., Dai, L., Ye, I., and Wang, G. (2013), “Determining Scientific Impact Using a Collaboration Index,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, 9680–9685. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1220184110.
  • Vance, E. A. (2015), “Recent Developments and Their Implications for the Future of Academic Statistical Consulting Centers,” The American Statistician, 69, 127–137. DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2015.1033990.
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  • Vance, E. A., and Smith, H. (2018), “Collaboration Essentials: Asking Great Questions,” available at http://community.amstat.org/cas/new-item/new-item7.
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  • Yu, B., and Kumbier, K. (2019), “Three Principles of Data Science: Predictability, Computability, and Stability (PCS),” arXiv no. 1901.08152.
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