CrossRef citations to date
Bayesian Cluster

Why Bayesian Ideas Should Be Introduced in the Statistics Curricula and How to Do So


  • Albert, J. (2009), Bayesian Computation with R, New York: Springer.
  • Albert, J., and Hu, J. (2019), Probability and Bayesian Modeling, Boca Raton, London, NY: CRC Press.
  • Albert, J. and Rossman, A. (2009), Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data, a Bayesian Approach. New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • Allenby, G. M. and Rossi, P. E. (2008), “Teaching Bayesian Statistics to Marketing and Business Students,” The American Statistician, 62, 195–198. DOI: 10.1198/000313008X330801.
  • American Statistical Association (2015), “A Peek Into the Largest, Fastest-growing Undergraduate Statistics Departments,” AMSTAT News
  • Baath, R. (2017), Video Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis. Publishable Stuff: Rasmus Baath’s Research Blog.
  • Baglin, J., and Da Costa, C. (2009), “Integrated Statistical Inference: The Amalgamation of Conventional and Bayesian Statistical Inference in Introductory Statistics Courses,” in Third Annual Applied Statistics Education and Research Collaboration Conference (ASEARC), pp. 1–4. Applied Statistics Education and Research Collaboration (ASEARC).
  • Baumer, B. (2015), “A Data Science Course for Undergraduates: Thinking with Data,” The American Statistician, 69, 334–342. DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2015.1081105.
  • Berry, D. A. (1997), “Teaching Elementary Bayesian Statistics With Real Applications in Science,” The American Statistician, 51, 241–246.
  • Bolstad, W. (2002), “Teaching Bayesian Statistics to Undergraduates: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How,” Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Teaching of Statistics, pp. 1–6. Citeseer. Available at https://iase-web.org/Conference_Proceedings.php?p=ICOTS_6_2002
  • Bolstad, W. M., and Curran, J. M. (2016). Introduction to Bayesian statistics. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Breiman, L. (2001), “Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures (with Comments and a Rejoinder by the Author),” Statistical Science, 16, 199–231. DOI: 10.1214/ss/1009213726.
  • Brown, E. N., and Kass, R. E. (2009), “What is Statistics?” The American Statistician, 63, 105–110. DOI: 10.1198/tast.2009.0019.
  • Carpenter, B., Gelman, A., Hoffman, M. D., Lee, D., Goodrich, B., Betancourt, M., Brubaker, M., Guo, J., Li, P., and Riddell, A. (2017), “Stan: A Probabilistic Programming Language,” Journal of Statistical Software, 76, 1–32. DOI: 10.18637/jss.v076.i01.
  • Carver, R., Everson, M., Gabrosek, J., Horton, N., Lock, R., Mocko, M., Rossman, A., Roswell, G. H., Velleman, P., Witmer, J., and Wood, B. (2016), Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE), College Report 2016.
  • Çetinkaya-Rundel, M. and Rundel, C. (2018), “Infrastructure and Tools for Teaching Computing Throughout the Statistical Curriculum,” The American Statistician, 72, 58–65. DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2017.1397549.
  • Chang, W., Cheng, J., Allaire, J., Xie, Y., and McPherson, J. (2019), Shiny: Web Application Framework for R. R package version 1.4.0.
  • Chipman, H. A., George, E. I., and McCulloch, R. E. (1998), “Bayesian CART Model Search,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93, 935–948. DOI: 10.1080/01621459.1998.10473750.
  • Chipman, H. A., George, E. I., and McCulloch, R. E. (2010), “BART: Bayesian Additive Regression Trees,” The Annals of Applied Statistics, 4, 266–298.
  • Christensen, R., Johnson, W., Branscum, A., and Hanson, T. E. (2011), Bayesian Ideas and Data Analysis: An Introduction for Scientists and Statisticians, Boca Raton, London, NY: CRC Press.
  • Clyde, M., Cetinkaya-Rundel, M., Rundel, C., Banks, D., Chai, C., and Huang, L. (2020), An Introduction to Bayesian Thinking. A Companion to the Statistics with R Course. self published.
  • Cobb, G. (2015), Mere Renovation is Too Little Too Late: We Need to Rethink Our Undergraduate Curriculum from the Ground Up,” The American Statistician, 69, 266–282. DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2015.1093029.
  • delMas, R., Garfield, J., and Chance, B. (1998), “Assessing the Effects of a Computer Microworld on Statistical Reasoning,” In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Teaching Statistics, pp. 1083–1089. The Netherlands: International Statistical Institute Voorburg.
  • Downey, A. (2013). Think Bayes: Bayesian statistics in python. “O’Reilly Media, Inc.”.
  • Eadie, G., Huppenkothen, D., Springford, A., and McCormick, T. (2019), “Introducing Bayesian Analysis With m&m’s[textregistered]: An Active-learning Exercise for Undergraduates,” Journal of Statistics Education, 27, 60–67.
  • Franklin, C., Kader, G., Mewborn, D., Moreno, J., Peck, R., Perry, M., and Scheaffer, R. (2007), Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) Report Alexandria: American Statistical Association.
  • Garfield, J. and Ben-Zvi, D. (2007), “How Students Learn Statistics Revisited: A Current Review of Research on Teaching and Learning Statistics,” International Statistical Review, 75, 372–396. DOI: 10.1111/j.1751-5823.2007.00029.x.
  • Gelman, A. (2008), “Teaching Bayes to Graduate Students in Political Science, Sociology, Public Health, Education, Economics,” The American Statistician, 62, 202–205. DOI: 10.1198/000313008X330829.
  • Gelman, A., Carlin, J. B., Stern, H. S., Dunson, D. B., Vehtari, A., and Rubin, D. B. (2013), Bayesian Data Analysis, Boca Raton, FL: Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Gelman, A., Hill, J., and Vehtari, A. (2020), Regression and Other Stories, Cambridge CB2 8BS, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gill, J. (2014), Bayesian Methods: A Social and Behavioral Sciences Approach (Vol. 20), Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • Goodrich, B., Gabry, J., Ali, I., and Brilleman, S. (2020), “rstanarm: Bayesian Applied Regression Modeling Via Stan,” R package version 2.21.1.
  • Hardin, J., Hoerl, R., Horton, N. J., Nolan, D., Baumer, B., Hall-Holt, O., Murrell, P., Peng, R., Roback, P., Lang, D. T., and Ward, M. D. (2015), “Data Science in Statistics Curricula: Preparing Students to ‘Think With Data’,” The American Statistician, 69, 343–353. DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2015.1077729.
  • Hicks, S. C. and Irizarry, R. A. (2018), “A Guide to Teaching Data Science,” The American Statistician, 72, 382–391. DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2017.1356747.
  • Hobbs, N. T. and Hooten, M. B. (2015), Bayesian Models: A Statistical Primer for Ecologists, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
  • Hoff, P. D. (2009), A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods (Vol. 580), Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, NY: Springer.
  • Hu, J. (2020), “A Bayesian Statistics Course for Undergraduates: Bayesian Thinking, Computing, and Research,” Journal of Statistics Education, 1–18, DOI: 10.1080/10691898.2020.1817815.
  • Jackman, S. (2009), Bayesian Analysis for the Social Sciences (Vol. 846), West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Jamie, D. M. (2002), “Using Computer Simulation Methods to Teach Statistics: A Review of the Literature,” Journal of Statistics Education, 10, 1–20. DOI: 10.1080/10691898.2002.11910548.
  • Koop, G. M. (2003). Bayesian Econometrics, West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Kruschke, J. (2014). Doing Bayesian Data Analysis: A Tutorial With R, JAGS, and Stan, Amsterdam, Boston, Heidelberg, London, New York, Oxford, Paris, San Diego, San Francisco, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo: Academic Press.
  • Lambert, B. (2018). A Student’s Guide to Bayesian Statistics, Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington DC, Melbourne: Sage.
  • Lock, R. H., Lock, P. F., Morgan, K. L., Lock, E. F., and Lock, D. F. (2016), Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Marin, J.-M. and Robert, C. P. (2014), Bayesian Essentials With R (Vol.48), New York, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London: Springer.
  • McCarthy, M. A. (2007), Bayesian Methods for Ecology, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  • McElreath, R. (2018), Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course With Examples in R and Stan, Boca Raton, FL: Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Moore, D. S. (1997), “Bayes for Beginners? Some Reasons to Hesitate,” The American Statistician, 51, 254–261.
  • Plummer, M. (2003), “Jags: A Program for Analysis of Bayesian Graphical Models Using Gibbs Sampling,” in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Statistical Computing, vol. 124, p. 10. Vienna, Austria.
  • Pullenayegum, E. M., and Thabane, L. (2009), “Teaching Bayesian Statistics in a Health Research Methodology Program,” Journal of Statistics Education, 17. DOI: 10.1080/10691898.2009.11889537.
  • Reich, B. J., and Ghosh, S. K. (2019), Bayesian Statistical Methods, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • Robert, C. (2007), The Bayesian Choice: From Decision-theoretic Foundations to Computational Implementation. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Rossman, A. J. and Chance, B. L. (2014), “Using Simulation-based Inference for Learning Introductory Statistics,” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, 6, 211–221. DOI: 10.1002/wics.1302.
  • Stangl, D. (1998), “Classical and Bayesian Paradigms: Can We Teach Both? In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Teaching Statistics, eds. L. Pereira-Mendoza, L. S. Kea, T. W. Kee, and W. Wong, International Statistics Institute, vol. 1, pp. 251–258. Citeseer. Available at https://iase-web.org/Conference_Proceedings.php?p=ICOTS_5_1998
  • Steel, E. A., Liermann, M., and Guttorp, P. (2019), “Beyond Calculations: A Course in Statistical Thinking,” The American Statistician, 73, 392–401. DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2018.1505657.
  • Tintle, N. L., Rogers, A., Chance, B., Cobb, G., Rossman, A., Roy, S., Swanson, T., and VanderStoep, J. (2014), Quantitative Evidence for the Use of Simulation and Randomization in the Introductory Statistics Course. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Teaching Statistics, volume ICOTS-9. Available at http://iase-web.org/icots/9/proceedings/pdfs/ICOTS9_8A3_TINTLE.pdf
  • Utts, J., and Johnson, W. (2008), “The Evolution of Teaching Bayesian Statistics to Nonstatisticians: A Partisan View from the Trenches,” The American Statistician, 62, 199–201. DOI: 10.1198/000313008X330810.
  • Wasserstein, R. L., and Lazar, N. A. (2016), “The ASA’s Statement on p-values: Context, Process, and Purpose,” The American Statistician, 70, 129–133. DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2016.1154108.
  • Witmer, J. (2017), “Bayes and MCMC for Undergraduates,” The American Statistician, 71, 259–264. DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2017.1305289.