CrossRef citations to date


  • Andrews, R. and S. Van de Walle. 2012. “New Public Management and Citizens’ Perceptions of Local Service Efficiency, Responsiveness, Equity and Effectiveness.” Public Management Review 15(5):762–783.
  • Andrews, R., G. A. Boyne, J. Law, and E. M. Walker. 2008. “Organizational Strategy, External Regulation and Public Performance.” Public Administration 86(1):185–203.
  • Andrews, R., G. A. Boyne, J. Law, and E. M. Walker. 2009a. “Centralization, Organizational Strategy, and Public Service Performance.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 19(1):57–80.
  • Andrews, R., G. A. Boyne, J. Law, and E. M. Walker. 2009b. “Strategy Formulation, Strategy Content and Performance.” Public Management Review 11(1):1–22.
  • Balogun, J., P. Jarzabkowski, and D. Seidl. 2007. “Strategizing Activity and Practice.” Pp. 196–214 in Advanced Strategic Management, edited by V. Ambrosini, and M. Jenkins. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave.
  • Bevan, G. and C. Hood. 2006. “What’s Measured is What Matters: Targets and Gaming in the English Public Health Care System.” Public Administration 84(3):517–538.
  • Boyone, G. A. and R. M. Walker. 2010. “Strategic Management and Public Service Performance: The Way Ahead.” Public Administration Review 70(1):185–192.
  • Bryson, J. M. 2004. Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement, 3rd ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Bryson, J. M., F. Ackermann, and C. Eden. 2007. “Putting the Resource-Based View of Strategy and Distinctive Competencies to Work in Public Organizations.” Public Administration Review 67(4):702–717.
  • Bryson, J. M., F. S. Berry, and K. Yang. 2010. “The State of Public Strategic Management Research: A Selective Literature Review and Set of Future Directions.” The American Review of Public Administration 40(5):495–521.
  • Bryson, J. M., B. C. Cosby, and J. K. Bryson. 2009. “Understanding Strategic Planning and the Formulation and Implementation of Strategic Plans as a Way of Knowing: The Contributions of Actor-Network Theory.” International Public Management Journal 12(2):172–207.
  • Diefenbach, T. 2009. “New Public Management in Public Sector Organizations: The Dark Sides of Managerialistic ‘Enlightenment.’” Public Administration 87(4):892–909.
  • Drucker, P. 1954. The Principles of Management. New York, NY: Harper & Row.
  • Drumaux, A. and C. Goethals. 2007. “Strategic Management: A Tool for Public Management? An Overview of the Belgian Federal Experience.” International Journal of Public Sector Management 20(7):638–654.
  • Dyer, W. G. and A. L. Wilkins Jr. 1991. “Better Stories, Not Better Constructs, to Generate Better Theory: A Rejoinder to Eisenhardt.” The Academy of Management Review 16(3):613–619.
  • Elbanna, S., A. Rhys, and R. Pollanen. 2016. “Strategic Planning and Implementation Success in Public Service Organizations: Evidence from Canada.” Public Management Review 18(2):1017–1042.
  • Feldman, M. S., K. Sköldberg, R. N. Brown, and D. Horner. 2004. “Making Sense of Stories: A Rhetorical Approach to Narrative Analysis.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 14(2):147–170.
  • Ferlie, E. 2003. “Quasi-Strategy: Strategic Management in Contemporary Public Sector.” Pp. 279–298 in Handbook of Strategy and Management, edited by A. M. Pettigrew, H. Thomas, and R. Whittington. London, England: Sage.
  • Ferlie, E., L. Ashburner, L. FitzGerald, and A. Pettigrew. 1996. The New Public Management in Action. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
  • Ferlie, E. and E. Ongaro. 2015. Strategic Management in the Public Services Organizations: Concepts, Schools and Contemporary Issues. Abingdon, England: Routledge.
  • George, B. and S. Desmidt. 2014. “A State of Research on Strategic Management in the Public Sector: An Analysis of the Empirical Evidence.” Pp. 151–172 in Strategic Management in Public Organizations: European Practices and Perspectives, edited by P. Joyce, and A. Drumaux. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • George, B. and S. Desmidt. 2016. “Strategic-Decision Quality in Public Organizations: An Information Processing Perspective.” Administration & Society 43:1–26.
  • George, B., S. Desmidt, and J. De Moyer. 2016a. “Strategic Decision Quality in Flemish Municipalities.” Public Money & Management 36(5):317–324.
  • George, B., S. Desmidt, P. A. Nielsen, and M. Baekgaard. 2016b. “Rational Planning and Politicians’ Preferences for Spending and Reform: Replication an Extension of a Survey Experiment.” Public Management Review 19(9):1–21.
  • Hansen Rosenberg, J. 2011. “Application of Strategic Management Tools after an NPM Inspired Reform: Strategy as Practice in Danish Schools.” Administration and Society 43(7):770–806.
  • Hansen Rosenberg, J. and E. Ferlie. 2016. “Applying Strategic Management Theories in Public Sector Organizations: Developing a Typology.” Public Management Review 18(1):1–19.
  • Höglund, L. 2015. Strategic Entrepreneurship: Organizing Entrepreneurship in Established Organizations. Lund, Sweden: Studentlitteratur.
  • Höglund, L., M. Holmgren, M. Caicedo, and M. Mårtensson 2015. “Managing Paradoxes in Governance: Tensions in the Emergence of a New Board.” Pp. 3–29 in Contingency, Behavioural and Evolutionary Perspectives on Public and Nonprofit Governance, edited by L. Gnan, A. Hinna, and Monteduro. Bingley, England: Emerald Books.
  • Hood, C. and G. Peters. 2004. “The Middle Aging of New Public Management: Into the Age of Paradox?” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 14(3):267–282.
  • Jarzabkowski, P. 2005. Strategy as Practice: An Activity Based Approach. London, England: Sage.
  • Jarzabkowski, P. J. 2008. “Shaping Strategy as a Structuration Process.” Academy of Management Journal 51(4):621–650.
  • Jarzabkowski, P., J. Balogun, and D. Seidl. 2007. “Strategizing: The Challenges of a Practice Perspective.” Human Relations 60(1):5–27.
  • Jarzabkowski, P. and E. Fenton. 2006. “Strategizing and Organizing in Pluralistic Contexts.” Long Range Planning 39(1):631–648.
  • Jarzabkowski, P. and S. Kaplan. 2015. “Strategy Tools-in-use: A Framework for Understanding ‘Technologies of Rationality’ in Practice.” Strategic Management Journal 36(4):537–558.
  • Jarzabkowski, P., J. K. Lê, and A. H. Van de Ven. 2013. “Responding to Competing Strategic Demands: How Organizing, Belonging, and Performing Paradoxes Coevolve.” Strategic Organization 11(3):245–280.
  • Jarzabkowski, P. and D. Seidl. 2008. “The role of meetings in the social practice of strategy.” Organization Studies 29(11):1391–1426.
  • Jarzabkowski, P. and A. P. Spee. 2009. “Strategy-as-Practice: A Review and Future Directions for the Field.” International Journal of Management Reviews 11(1):69–95.
  • Jarzabkowski, P. and D. Seidl. 2008. “The Role of Meetings in the Social Practice of Strategy.” Organization Studies 29(11):1391–1426.
  • Jarzabkowski, P. and J. Sillince. 2007. “A Rhetoric-in-Context Approach to Building Commitment to Multiple Strategic Goals.” Organization Studies 28(11):1639–1665.
  • Johansson, J.-E. 2009. “Strategy Formation in Public Agencies.” Public Administration 87(4):872–891.
  • Johnsen, Å. 2016. “Strategic Planning and Management in Local Government in Norway: Status after Three Decades.” Scandinavian Political Studies 39(4):333–365.
  • Johnson, G. 1987. Strategic Change and the Management Process. Oxford, England: Basil Blackwell.
  • Johnson, G. and K. Scholes. 2001. Exploring Public Sector Strategy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Johnson, G., A. Langley, L. Melin, and R. Whittington. 2007. Strategy as Practice: Research Directions and Resources. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
  • Johnson, G., L. Melin, and R. Whittington. 2003. “Guest Editors’ Introduction: Micro Strategy and Strategizing: Towards an Activity-Based View.” Journal of Management Studies 40(19):3–22.
  • Joyce, P. 2000. Strategy in the Public Sector: A Guide to Effective Change Management. West Sussex, England: Wiley.
  • Joyce, P. 2004. “Guest Editorial: Public Sector Strategic Management: The Changes Required.” Strategic Change 13(3):107–110.
  • Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 1992. “The Balanced Scorecard: Measures that Drive Performance.” Harvard Business Review 70:71–79.
  • Koteen, J. 1997. Strategic Management in Public and Nonprofit Organizations: Managing Public Concerns in an Era of Limits. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
  • Lane, J.-E. 2008. “Strategic Management for Public Services Delivery.” The International Journal of Leadership in Public Services 4(3):15–23.
  • Lane, J.-E., and J. Wallis. 2009. “Strategic Management and Public Leadership.” Public Management Review 11(1):101–120.
  • Lapsley, I. 2008. “The NPM Agenda: Back to the Future.” Financial Accountability and Management 24(1):77–93.
  • Lê, J. K. and P. A. Jarzabkowski 2015. “The Role of Task and Process Conflict in Strategizing.” British Journal of Management 26(3):439–462.
  • Miles R. E. and C. C. Snow. 1978. Organizational Strategy, Structure, and Process. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Mintzberg, H. 1994. The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning. New York, NY: The Free Press.
  • Mintzberg, H. and J. A. Waters. 1985. “Of Strategies, Deliberate and Emergent.” Strategic Management Journal 6(1):257–272.
  • Mintzberg, M., B. Ahlstrand, and J. Lampel. 1998. Strategy Safari: A Guided Tour through the Wilds of Strategic Management. New York, NY: The Free Press.
  • Olve, N.-G., J. Roy, and M. Wetter. 1998. Performance Drivers: A Practical Guide to Using the Balanced Scorecard. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Pettigrew, A. M. 1985. The Awakening Giant. Oxford, England: Basil Blackwell.
  • Plant, T. 2009. “Holistic Strategic Planning in the Public Sector.” Performance Improvement 48(2):38–43.
  • Poister, T. H. 2010. “The Future of Strategic Planning in the Public Sector: Linking Strategic Management and Performance.” Public Administration Review 70(1):246–254.
  • Porter, M. E. 1980. Competitive Strategy Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. New York, NY: Free Press.
  • Porter, M. E. 1985. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York, NY: Free Press.
  • Schindehutte, M. and M. H. Morris. 2009. “Advancing Strategic Entrepreneurship Research: The Role of Complexity Science in Shifting the Paradigm.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 33(1):241–276.
  • Siggelkow, N. 2007. “Persuasion with Case Studies.” Academy of Management Journal 50(1):20–24.
  • Smith, P. 1995. “On the Unintended Consequences of Publishing Performance Data in the Public Sector.” International Journal of Public Administration 18(2–3):277–310.
  • Spee, A. P. and P. Jarzabkowski. 2011. “Strategic Planning as Communicative Process.” Organization Studies 32(9):1217–1245.
  • Stake, R. E. 1995. The Art of Case Study Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Van de Ven, A. 2007. Engaged Scholarship: A Guide for Organizational and Social Research. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
  • Walker, R. M., R. Andrews, G. A. Boyne, K. J. Meier, and L. J. O’Toole Jr. 2010. “Wakeup Call: Strategic Management, Network Alarms, and Performance.” Public Administration Review 70(5):731–741.
  • Weiss J. 2016. “Trust as a Key for Strategic Management? The Relevance of Council-Administration Relations for NPM-Related Reforms in German Local Governments.” Public Management Review 19(10):1–16.
  • Whittington, R. 2006. “Completing the Practice Turn in Strategy Research.” Organization Studies 27(5):613–634.
  • Whittington, R. 2007. “Strategy Practice and Strategy Process: Family Differences and the Sociological Eye.” Organization Studies 28(10):1575–1586.
  • Van Wessel, M., R. van Buuren, and C. van Woerkum. 2011. “Changing Planning by Changing Practice: How Water Managers Innovate through Action.” International Public Management Journal 14(3):262–283.
  • Williams, W. and D. Lewis 2008. “Strategic Management Tools and Public Sector Management.” Public Management Review 10(5):653–671.